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Everything posted by jgf

  1. As an insatiable reader I've noticed this trend in more and more history/reference books over the past forty years. The problem is usually hack authors. These are freelance people who accept contract work from publishers, often on topics for which they have no prior experience; they do minimal research, enough to sound authoritative, and meet a deadline.
  2. I thought I would have to abort the flight when I reached Siberia. Was planning the flight one leg at a time using Destination Finder to select the next airport and a conservative range of 750 miles, got to the first stop in Siberia and there was nothing within 750 miles unless I turned back. I knew the plane was good for 850 miles at normal cruise, so tried 800 miles, nothing; 850 miles, still nothing; 900 miles, not even a little farm strip; then using a 950 mile range there was an airport roughly 920 miles away. Fuel consumption at minimal cruise settings (155kt instead of 180, low rpm, mixture as lean as practical) showed she just might make 950 miles; I landed with about 20 minutes of fuel remaining.
  3. There are quite a few available for FS2004, don't know about other sims. From vintage models to the modern Goodyear blimp. There's a well detailed Hindenburg, you appear in the passenger lounge (with the big view windows) and must traverse halls and stairways to get to the gondola. Flying one is a learning experience, no ailerons thus no banking, and everything (except crashes) occurs in slow motion. Modern blimps do not even have a control yoke, just rudder pedals and a large trim wheel beside the pilot.
  4. Well, she's on her way home. After running the race route and the eastern route, then continuing from Cairns westward around the coast back to Jandakot, we will remove and crate the wings and let her ride home in comfort as a passenger. Adding her trip around the Pacific to get here with the circumnavigation of Australia, she's flown approximately 20,000 miles, average altitude of 8000ft and average cruise of 180kts, since leaving Columbus. No desire to repeat this in reverse
  5. Now the registration number is backwards
  6. One of Jordan Moore's best - the 412PE.
  7. All the more satisfying when you're done.
  8. Currently working on a truly unlimited event. Two unique airports some distance apart (though the distance is less than my US caps tour), both on coastlines. Start from either and fly to the other, use any aircraft you like - prop, jet, commercial, military, GA, water based or land based, even airships (if you have the patience), and any route that works for you. Only restriction is you must make at least three stops along the way, anywhere you like; for water based aircraft the stops must be somewhere you would expect to find fuel and lodging.
  9. Unfortunately the texture mapping on some FS aircraft will not allow that; put registration on the upper right wing and it will be mirrored on the upper left (even encountered this on some payware aircraft).
  10. I don't know if this holds in the real world but in the FS world there are areas of few to no navaids so a direct GPS route is the only option in the flight planner; though you could always use dead reckoning in these cases.
  11. Many planes I fly will give me a constant warning beep if I throttle back "too much" with the gear up.
  12. From what I can see online (FlightTracker, etc.) routing is still preferred to straight line GPS.
  13. Quite often this doesn't work anyway, probably the main reason so many parameters have a scalar adjustment - you plug in all the real values then adjust the scalar for the expected end result. (A real world application of the old engineering term "Finagle's Finagling Constant" - that number which when divided by, multiplied by, add to, or subtracted from, the number you got gives you the number you want.)
  14. If the installers do not make registry entries you might get them to install to a dummy FS9 folder then copy everything over.
  15. Are you running the installers as admin?
  16. But you still need the correct values to enter. I have Aired, AAM, and Airwrench, all of which easily edit these parameters; but there is so much interaction between them and also with the fuselage angle, and editing any one usually entails editing at least one other that it often seems like trial-and-error in hopes of getting something "close enough for government work", much less finding the truly correct values. Airwrench implies it can recompute the gear data, but either that is an optimistic claim or I'm not using it correctly.
  17. Plenty of time. We'll all wait for you.
  18. Thanks, I'll give that a shot. I have an old Fs2002 airplane that I'm trying to tweak for FS2004, abandoned the project a couple of times, eventually ran it through Airwrench, which helped ...but i still cannot get the gear adjusted properly (which is how I found the above pdf). It either: bounces all the time it's on the ground, or bounces all the time it's taxiing, or bounces whenever above 40kts, or doesn't bounce but the nose gear buries in the runway as soon as you touch the brakes, or all works well but the main gear are a foot off the ground. Not sure which is the current state, haven't cursed it since last summer.
  19. I didn't even wait, just removed the race placards from the fuselage and continued ....all the way around to Jandakot.
  20. Call ahead for an aircraft carrier to be halfway along that leg.
  21. jgf

    Banning FSX

    Lol, I saw the title of this and thought "why would someone ban FSX?"
  22. Lol, it has been eight years since I flew the XB-70 and had forgotten how powerful it is. Trying to fly by regs - keep it below 250kt til over 10k ft (does that rule hold in Australia?) - I got a jolt when I saw 500kt before she'd even reached 2k ft. No doubt residents were burning up the phone lines with complaints. (Mental note - use autothrottle once you've cleared the runway.)
  23. Lol, my routes don't cross themselves.
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