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Everything posted by il88pp

  1. just install the disks. will work fine.
  2. most likely the d3d9.dll file from enb or sweetfx see here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?283692-FSX-Unable-to-load-program-files-after-installing-SweetFX
  3. Not sure if the assignment exists in p3d (I use Fsx) but if it does, use assignment for: "Look Forward (3D Cockpit)" See my post here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?318997-Hat-Switch-Panning
  4. make a backup copy of the original aircraft.cfg file before you start. (and if not done yet, make a backup copy of the complete fsx folder. (the whole 15Gb I mean). You'll be glad you did, because the day will come that you accidentally delete a default file.) (It is not possible to copy original files from the Fsx Disks. And using the repair option will often 'fix' more files then just the one you wanted back. So a backup is needed.)
  5. without the context it's umpozsible to say if course. I'm sure that would have made more clear what's meant. (The title of the article. The whole text. etc. (For one, sentences don't start with "Hence".)
  6. I only find one "FS Launcher" but that program has nothing to do with fsx. (this is not for fsx I think: https://fs-uae.net/launcher ) What is your program called exactly? Where did you download it? Give a link to the website/webpage you got it from.
  7. which sim? and find the file the settings are stored in, then from time to time make a backup copy of that file.
  8. Try pressing the VOR/LOC button with GPS mode selected. (While flying!! (And don't forget to have Autothrottle engaged as well.)) il.
  9. What he said. Are the two ports you mentioned on an add-in-card? Also, be aware the mainboard seems to have only only one PCI-Ex 3.0 port. A x16 port for the grsphics card. The others are PCI-Ex 2.0, not sure how much speed difference that makes when using those ports for a disk.
  10. They are SIDs. Predetermined departures. Look them up on a chart of bristol. Online.
  11. Take less fuel with you. Make sure you have no more then 20-25% fuel remaining when starting descent. Don't use flaps on descent. (and definitely no flaps at 280kt)
  12. I do not have XPlane. (used fsx for years though.) I think this may give a good impression. Vid. Default XPlane. Already looks very good out of the box like that. His computer is not the highest spec (listed below vid.) This is Xplane 11. (Make sure your pc matches requirements for xplane version you are interested in.) Video is on the youtube. Video starts in English but then switches to Portuguese. Still plenty for impression of default scenery. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DZvEKIvf1oTU&ved=2ahUKEwi1mNeHz4bvAhVLwKQKHTW1C5UQo7QBMAV6BAgJEAE&usg=AOvVaw0Aq_cs-06b9HQNa7wZXjmN Default airport scenery complexity seems about the same as Fsx I think. Though looks like better quality textures. Very impressed with scenery between airports. detailed "mesh" resolution. detailed crisp "textures". and mote detailed "landclass" then fsx it looks like. Less of a repeating pattern feel. I'm especially very impressed with the roads and rivers. Airports are usually easy to improve in sims. Airport addons are I think available. (freeware too). All in all I think it looks very good. --------- ps: words "mesh", "textures", "landclass" in quotes because I'm not sure if Xplane uses that system/structure.
  13. 0. ? can't you just delete? And what info are you trying to enter instead? FMS is in what plane? Payware? Feeware? Found at what site? Is fmc default for that plane? Or separate installed addon? If separate then Fmc bought where. is this about Fsx ? If so, what fsx version? deluxe? gold? steam? If not, which other flight simulator game is it about?
  14. Welcome back! Some of my favourites: * Radar gauge - file: gauge.zip - Can be put in any aircraft. * callout gauge - file: callv1.zip By Stefan Liebe. Altitude callouts while decending below 2500 ft AGL. Can be put in any aircraft. * airports and gauges and other stuff by Stefan Liebe. * Airports by AIG, Alpha India Group. * Airline textures for default aircraft. Default 737, 747 and other planes. Make those look much better. * Boeing F/A-18A Combat. More fun then the default F/A-18. * Cessna Cardinal White, Green. Nice fast Cessna aircraft with retractable gear. All free in the library here on Flightsim.com. And easy to install. Make sure you read the included readme.txt files. Free on outside sites: FSWC - FS Water Configurator. For better looking water. Sun Mod. Free enhanced sun textures. Fswc and sun textures both at http://www.strikingsoftware.com Free ground textures and more. Look for "Aime Leclercq Creations". (all free also) enjoy! il88pp
  15. see this post below I think. about exe.xml
  16. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?290729-Installing-FSXSave-1-05-issues
  17. yes. from your question I think you were looking at the old FMX 1.0 Instructions. Glad to see you found FMX 2.0 on FlyAwaySimulation.com ------------ Btw, Mesh is not Landclass. Mesh is "terrain elevation" only. (high/low, mountain/valley) Landclass is "what type of terrain is where". (city, town, rural, water/land)
  18. I thought the GUID you gave a97baed5-47c6-ddd6-5f04-a7a7d9b24dac would be in that list in AB_Misc.txt file, but it is not.... It took me a while to find out why that is. It turns out there is a difference between FS2004 GUID's and FSX GUID's. I found a converter program on FSDeveloper.net (I'll give a link below) Method of running is only described briefly there. I played around with the program a bit and found this way of running it: To use Guidconverter.exe 0---Download GuidConverter.zip from the link and unzip the folder. 1--Create a textfile with all the all GUIDs in it. GUID's Only!!! No othere symbols, text, or extra spaces. 2--Place textfile in same folder as GuidConverter.exe (I copied "AB_Misc.txt" to D:\GuidConverter0-9\ Then made a copy of the file. Then stripped out everything except the GUID's Closed and saved The filename I chose was: AB_Misc_ALL OBJECTS_GUID_ONLY.txt 3-Then dragged that file on top of "GuidConverter.exe" ((In the instructions it says to use CommandPrompt to run it instead of drag-and-drop. If you want to run from CommandPrompt, make sure your textfile with the GUID has no spaces in the filename. (Or put the filename between quotes "" )) 4--The result of the conversion is then in the file "Output.txt" (I'll post that list below) 5--And yes, your GUID is in that list. The names are not with the GUID's, but the order has stayed the same. The fifth one on the original list matches with the fifth one on the converted list. (6)---I tested if fifth matched fifth by trying if it was possible to run a conversion in reverse. From FSX-guid to FS2004-guid (that worked!!) a--renamed file Output.txt, so it would not be overwritten. b--created a new .txt file with only the GUID you gave: a97baed5-47c6-ddd6-5f04-a7a7d9b24dac Dropped that on GuidConverter. The result was: Output.txt: And if you read that without the dash signs ( - ) you see yours matches with the fifth GUID from file AB_Misc.txt A97BAED5DDD647C6A7A7045FAC4DB2D9 AB_9_JLClutter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As promised result of first Output.txt file: Output of conversion of all GUID's in AB_Misc.txt (Converting file: AB_Misc_ALL OBJECTS_GUID_ONLY.txt) (Your GUID is the fifth result.) Output.txt: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to GuidConverter.exe on FSDeveloper: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/guid-converter-tool-v0-9-16feb2013.424988/
  19. AC# numbers? You do realise that with 3 frafficplan files installed in one trafficfile AC#1 may be a boeing 737 while AC#1 is a a321 in a different trafficplan and AC#1 may be a cessna in a third trafficplan file right? You can start numbering at AC#1 in each file you make. The files can then all be installed and will work and show traffic. Maybe just explain what the goal is. Are you trying to find missing aircraft? I think all you need to do fo that is load a trafficplan in aifp and use some search function. "find missing aircraft" or "check trafficplan" or something. It will spit out the missing "title=" lines.
  20. Using ADEX Library Object Manager for GUID: a97baed5-47c6-ddd6-5f04-a7a7d9b24dac I find: AB Misc.bgl 005 Searching in my: ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery for: AB Misc.bgl I find that file as: ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\objlib FSX_SOL 1\AB Misc.bgl I also find next to it a file AB Misc.txt (Created by the designer, not by me.) With in it the text:
  21. Looks great!! Happy flying:D:cool:
  22. just remembered. you may need to dlfirst add the objects/libraries to the ADEX Object library. https://scruffyduck.screenstepslive.com/s/help_docs/m/20268/l/199783-adding-library-object-information-to-ade
  23. the vortacs in fsx are called vor's. look at the symbol on the map. A vor with distance is a square with a sort of cross in it. tune in Nav2.
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