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Everything posted by il88pp

  1. Other basic question. Are you sure the joystick is plugged in? (we've all been there:))
  2. Then you need to start fsx, go to Settings---Scenery Library and add that folder. (and to add any other folders from "addon scenery" you want to use in fsx.) That ads them to the scenery.cfg file. Only then will the objects show up in flight in FSX. Make sure you are looking at the right scenery.cfg file. The 'active' file is found in: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Fsx (Attention, there is a scenery.cfg file in the fsx folder too, but that is a clean default file you should not change. It is there to so fsx can restore your active scenery file if it gets lost.)
  3. I don't know why if way-points would also cause trouble with the ATC menu. Something that will cause no ATC menu options is when there is no taxi network connected to the runway. Had that once when I made an error editing an airport. Had to taxi towards the Runway, and only then would ATC options appear. (Not sure if GSX errors could cause that.) Try a different airport.
  4. I saw quite a few threads of people unable to use the flightplanner with those waypoints. However I don't know the exactly which effects they cause. I don't use those aero.sors waypoints myself. I decided not to when I saw the waypoints cause problems with default flight planner. Read the arao.sors FAQ. Note paragraph 5) https://aerosors.freeforums.net/thread/5/faq-answers-related-navaid-updates
  5. is the game paused perhaps?
  6. Relax, all I said is, instead of downloading you could do better things right now. Yes, of course I know about the water shortage. If you can download, you can also boil water for people who have no electricity. You can probably do a million other things. If for some reason you are not able to help, sure. It's only a suggestion. PS: Regarding milk. I have some cans of powdered milk stocked up. I live some 6.000 Nm away or so, outside of the US. If I lived closer I would be handing it out over there right now. Wish you the best.
  7. That post was no joke. I would not joke about a disaster or about people dying. I hear many are driven from their houses because of leaks from cracked pipes. Many have no food or water. And no power, or gas. And another freezing night was to come. In those conditions a hot bowl of soup before bed can be the difference between surviving the night or not. I assume that with Covid making shopping uncertain, most will have some extra food stored. Especially tinned food. (I know I do.) The OP seems to be OK. He says he has power, and is waiting around for something to download. So why not instead use that available electricity to boil up a pot of soup and save some lives. I know I would. Some tins of beans in tomato sauce, some tins of vegetables, dunk in a packet of rice, simmer for 30 minutes, done. Especially in the first nights helping each other is essential. (It always takes a while for help from the Federal Government to arrive.) (I can't help from here, don't live in the US myself.)
  8. if you install the aero.sors navdata the gps will no longer work. Is that what you did perhaps?
  9. You can look that up in ADE(X) - Airport Design Editor (X) . Right click anywhere on an airport. In the drop-down box click "Add" then click "Library Object" Then in the "Add" Library Object"-Widow, on the left, enter the GUID in the box, then click the "Find GUID" button. In your example of GUID: 7be19b74-4442-6a6b-70af-eaadb4c22442 The result from ADE is: ez-helicopters-and-pads.bgl 011 Looking in my FSX folder I find file "ez-helicopters-and-pads.bgl" in: ....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\EZ Scenery Library\scenery (But in your install you may have placed it somewhere else of course.)
  10. FSRealWx-lite is freeware. https://www.fsrealwx.de/index.php/downloads/archive/fsrealwx-lite
  11. FSRealWx-lite Live weather, Free, good. Options you can set. Be aware heavy cloud, rain, lightning storm, snowstorm, are heavy work for the processor. Always. Using default weather it's the same. Options in FSRealWx-lite allow setting fewer cloud layers. (more layers would be more work forCPU).
  12. Oops. erroor in that. Regarding Gluten. (sorry to harp on) Theres gluten in the tomato sauce that's in cans of beans with sauce. (Perhapz there are thickners in cans of "pure" tomato puree as well.) There is also some flour in most spice mixes. So use only fresh ground pepper and salt if you want to make something gluten free. I never cook gluten free myself. I know a little, but people with gluten allergy tell me that things you would never expect to, still have some in. If you never cooked gluten free it's best to not hand it out as gluten free. People with that allergy will have serious issues and may need medical attention if they eat gluten. again, sorry I had to harp on. Hang in there.:pilot:
  13. what game or program are we talking about? Also, leave the pc, make some tomato sauce and a boil huge pot of maceroni. Mix up. Then go distribute to starving and freezing people in the near you. Or better yet as it requires less water: place large pot on stove and fill with cans of beans in tomato sauce, add potatoes peeled and diced small so they cook quickly. Add jars of peas and carrots, or other veggies like frozen spinach. With the potatoes in that makes a great hearty soup. Full of protein (beans) starch (potatoes) and veg. You could ad saugages, but some may be vegetarians or unable to eat them. The soup may be the best choice. It is made without thickening agents that contain flour. That means it can be eaten by people allergic to gluten. (lots of kids have gluten allergy these days and can't eat macaroni or bread because it's made from flour.) For that reason clean the kitchen and cookwear well. With gluten a microscopic amount can cause issues. ) When you go distributing remember to bring spoons, and wet wipes to clean the spoons with. Also wash out the cans to use them as something for people to eat out of. Maybe use buckets with plastic bags tied over them, or a coolbox to transport the soup in car. If you have water, bring that to pass out as well. Maybe old clothes you were throwing out. And milk poeder for babies if you have some. Cost is almost zero, but will save lives. Well worth the effort!:D:pilot: Hang in there. Some have spotty power again I see. (CNN) But many are still starving and freezing. (and without water of course.) Hang in there.:D I'm a few thousend miles away, but thoughts are with the people there.
  14. if you move the seat up in 2D you see a different view of the runway and outside world. But the 2D panel is just an image overlaid on top of your view. What you see of the panel does not change. Look closely and you will see the panel looks exactly the same in both images. (Look at the 0 Knots indication. Both 0 numbers are cut off at the same height.). (And the gauge that you pointed to also shows the same as it did in the previous image.). To move a panel like this. A panel that goes to the top of the screen. You will have to first make it smaller. Grab the bottom of the panel with the mouse, click, hold, and drag up. (or grab the top edge and drag down.). Then you can move it. ------------------ PS: Some planes come with more then one panel. A VFR panel like this one, and an IFR panel that shows the full gauges. - To find the IFR panel try shift+1, shift+2, etc. Or press "A" or "S" to 'cycle views'.
  15. try what I explained here for the Cessna: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?316640-Stuck-on-Tutorial-6
  16. yes. -------- thought: are you looking at spoilers in a recorded flight perhaps? Because in recordings those kind of things do not show.
  17. For example by pressing F3 by mistake. Or touching your throttle during the stress off landing. Or by not having a steady throttle signal (need to calibrate).
  18. in flight: (for menu bar) then: Aircraft--Realism Settings there: Switch off "automixture"
  19. maybe you are not reducing thrust. autospoilers retract again when you increase yhrust. To make it easyer to go around. That's in case you need to need to go around after touching down. (Not enough runway remaining for example.)
  20. I read your question more closely. You have the default scenery. And what you see is just the way default fsx looks. Fsx is not a sightseeing program. It's a flight simulator. (the first version of fsx did not have any scenery I think. Just solid black where ground was, solid blue where sky was, and solid green where water was. (oh yes, brown airports I think.)) You can buy addon software to enhance the world. Usually sold per area. For example landclass products FSX scenery (the default as well) concists of several things: Mesh -- Just determines the elevation of the ground everywhere. Where are mountains, hills, valleys. Mesh has nothing to do with how those areas look. How the area looks is determined by: Textures -- determine where the colours and textures are available. Landclass -- determines what terrain and area is. Is it rural terrain, semi urban, urban, forrest, etc. Vectors -- determine "lines in the landscape" -roads, waterways, railways, and coastlines. A simple landclass product might be something for you. For example SceneryTech. (SceneryTechEurope, SceneryTechUSA, etc.) Affordable. And instead of the same repeating scenery impression you have now you will see clear differences. For example a large forrested area, with rural land around, and city's a bit further away still. It's nowhere near GoogleEarth or anything, but you can at least halfway recognise you're in your own country while flying. There are many more scenery addons available for this type of stuff. Btw, there is a free addon Mesh available. FreeMeshX. Nice details in mountains a such. However, be aware that changing the elevation of the ground everywhere means the area's around airports also sink or rise. (leaving some airports on a little plateau, and some in a shallow depression.) Still worth it I think. I do have FreeMeshX installed and like the crisper mountains. Look FreeMeshX up on Google. The creator now has his own site. ---- You can adjust the Mesh detail that is shown in FSX by using the slider in: While Flying: Press Tab for menu bar Then: Options -- Settings -- Display And then the third (fouth?) tab in the popup Window I think.
  21. one suggestion about "removing by renaming". It's a good idea to do it that way, because you'll have a backup, and that backup will be in a location where you can easily find. (the file stays in the same folder it was in already.:)) However, 1--You have to close fsx before renaming. 2-- rename instead to: scenery -1- 20210215.cfg (today's date) Or something like: scenery -1- 20210215 fsx would not start.cfg (so number, today's date, and a description of the issue the file was removed for.) The next time you have to do this you can rename that one to: scenery -2- 20210220 copy for safety before adding new airport.cfg (for example) The files will then when you list by filename automatically be in order of date as well. (When listed alphabetically the first different letter in their filenames is the number -1- -2- etc. And 1 comes before 2 Alphabetically.) You'll see them listed like so: scenery -1- 20210215 fsx would not start.cfg scenery -2- 20210220 copy for safety before adding new airport.cfg scenery.cfg Nicely grouped together away from very different filenames. Nicely in the order you want them to be. And all other files in the folder still there alphabetically as well. Comes in handy that. Makes finding any file a doddle. And the descriptions also help immensely later. The file does not need to be changed to a .bak file. you can simply leave it as a .cfg file. A new scenery.cfg file (with only the default scenery in the scenery library list.) will still be created when fsx is started. ---- (Same for fsx.cfg file.) ------------------------------------------ PS: I did not look into your original question too much. So I'm not sure whether the solution you were offered is correct or not. Was just adding some tricks that I thought you may like to know.
  22. it's just what button is used to enter the numer 1 I use the '1' key on my keyboard for that......!:D Never thought of assigning a different key to enter 1. Seems confusing to have t press 'u' or "Shift + R" for example. lol. you can use 1,2,3,4 etc to select options fron the ATC menu instead if clicking with mouse. als used for assignments like then quickly to open door 3 or release then quickly to select engine 2 only. (changes in throttle with joystick then only affect engine 2.) or release then quickly release then quickly to select engine 3 and 4 only. (changes in throttle with joystick then only affect engine 3 and 4.) Of course 1,2,3,4 also are used when entering info in an FMC. Perhaps also usable in the default GPS.
  23. ok. also, yes, the same number can be used in a different airport.txt file. e.g. AC#1 in airports_klm.txt aircraft_klm.txt and flightplans_klm.txt can be one aircraft AC#1 in airports_aero_peru.txt aircraft_aero_peru.txt and flightplans_aero_peru.txt can be a different aircraft. the AC#1 seems to be only neeeded for correctly compiling into a .bgl file. Makes sense. Afterwards the three files are combined int one file. The .bgl then probably just loads the correct plane using the title= you entered. (but although the AC#1 number would then not be needed it is still in the .bgl file somewhere. as when you decompile the .bgl the AC# numbers re-appear in the .txt files...) Another thing you may want yo know. If the title= line you put in your aircraft.txt is incorrect the file still compiles just fine. If you make a typo you get a .bgl just fine. Just that plane won't appear in the sim. (At least that is the case with TTools. --- AIFP will probably show a warning like "Aircraft title=******** not in aircraft list, Are you sure you want to continue, Yes---No. ")
  24. FsWaterConfigurator Freeware You can adjust settings seperately or select one of many presets. https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/18898/fsx-flight-simulator-water-configurator-v315/
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