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Everything posted by il88pp

  1. set realtek to the basic setting of use two front speakers and to audio enhancements off. also try with a different user plane. one wooshing sound that comes to mind is driving and parked fuel trucks. To test if thats it set "airport vehicles" to 0 (zero) in fsx settings.
  2. whole list of airports duplicated by mistake? ( Copy - Paste error. ) Each AC# number allowed to be in list only once. Use "Search" in Notepad to look for duplicetes.
  3. to open the front door the default command is: "Shift+E" (pressed at the same time) To open door 3 the command is "Shift+E" (pressed at the same time), then relese and quickly press "3"
  4. the disk does not have to be in the drive. not with fsx. (that was only for an older version. ) a reason some love the disk edition of fsx is that it comes with the SDK (Software Development Kit) included. installing the FSX-SDK makes it possible to edit airports, create gauges, and even object and aircraft models. All for free. Great fun that!:D:cool:
  5. come in below GS flying level altitude. 3000 ft above ground. 30Nm out. Straight in. Do so with AP and AP on. Also ALT-hld HDG-hld and SPD-hld on. Plus AP and AT on of course. Then press APP mode. If that does not work in your aircraft, try a different aircraft at the same runway, a default aircraft.
  6. without the 10 there you would send 1 to the k:tilt does that make it tilt? why is the 10 there. trying to make it tilt 10 degrees? (just thinking along. never used that k variable myself and did not look it up before replying.)
  7. the freeware ifly 747 is different. The info in that forum is of no use with the freeware version.
  8. malcott, what you say is not correct. fsxwx and fsrealwx do not require editing anything. (and even if they did, so what.) with fsxwx some edits are possible, but nothing is required. with FSRealWX there simply are no edits. none possible and not needed.
  9. if you have fsx gold make sure to also install your acceleration disk. If you have only fsx deluxe download and install service pack 1 (fsx-sp1), and fsx-sp2. (only needed for disk version of fsx. for fsxSteam its not needed.)
  10. Modeen age? dont take this stuff so seriously. Just try and see if it helps on your pc. It's free after all so nothings holding you back. You even said you liked fiddling with it. Just do so again.:D
  11. + another from me for MrZippy!:D I forgot all about the required stuff in the TDS title= lines. Well spotted.:D:cool:
  12. ok. Restore the original texture.cfg file. Put the title back.
  13. open the texture folder for it and compare the contents of the texture.cfg flie in it with a teture.cfg file in a texture folder for that 727 that does work. If there is a difference, rename the non-working texture.cfg file to texture-file-orig.cfg Then copy the working texture.cfg file to the non-working texture folder. (If there is no texture.cfg file at all in the non-working folder then copy the working texture.cfg file to the non-working texture folder as well of course.) ----- If that does not work, check if that texture is perhaps for a different version of the aircraft. a fs2004 instead of fsx version for example.
  14. hete's the advertisment for it. Says a pc is included and gives specs. May be best to use the set it comes with and not something else. Call them to ask if using a different desktop is an option or if the device they supply is required. your laptop (any laptop) is definitely not up to the task. they say compatiblle with fsx aircraft and addons so its not p3d 64 bit (p3d v5 and above). Must be v4 or lower. questions you should really ask Redbird. they will advise you best. call or email. https://simulators.redbirdflight.com/products/jay
  15. Sorry, I see now you link works just fine.:D Anyway, great work. Will download and use your addon soon. (have FFX already.) Happy Flights.:cool:
  16. Looks Wonderfull!! Beautifull work.:D:cool: unfortunately links posted in that way don't work. There's a sticky in the FSX forum on how to post links. Using: FirefighterX as search term I managed to dind the file in the File Library easily though. I'll try posting a working link for you. I'm posting from my phone, so I'm not certain, but I think this link should work: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&fname=pelicandrome4ffx_v1_0.zip FSX - FSX Misc. FSX/P3D Pelicandrome4FFX [ Download | View ] Name: pelicandrome4ffx_v1_0.zip Size: 14,786,084 Date: 01-20-2021 Downloads: 42 FSX/P3D Pelicandrome4FFX. The package provides a set of 3D models and XML gauges that enhance the experience of the virtual firefighting pilot that relies on the must-have FireFighterX module by Lorby-SI (to be purchased separately). New 3D models are provided to be selected as FFX refill station model. The animated and interactive marshaller gives visual instructions to the pilot for the advanced refill process (as per the French Securite Civile procedures). The refill hose is handled by its ground crew as required by the refill sequence. This allows for a immersive airtanker experience that does not rely on the "green band texts" for a successful refill process. Compatible with FSX, FSX:SE, P3D v1 to v5. By Remi "Kekelekou" Hugouvieux.
  17. hi Jim maybe the PartMgr trick will help? PartMgr instead of partmgr I mean . (case sensitive). Would be a quick fix if that's all it is.:D:cool: I'll leave it to Zippy to explain the details. see here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?310382-FSX-Acceleration-disk-problem
  18. Try this. Real weather, some options you can set, works great. https://www.fsrealwx.de/index.php/downloads/archive/fsrealwx-lite :D
  19. also with other (default) aircraft??
  20. not sure earth simulatons scenery installed that way will also need activating. If it does you're out of luck: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?286414-Earth-Simulations-ceased-trading/
  21. probably because of a corrupt startup flight. get back the original ultralight Friday Harbour flight. Close fsx first. then open fsx.cfg file find: situation= blah blah line and change to: situation= only. close and save file. start fsx. (leave that as startup flight for a while so you can be sure it's fixed.) having a different startup flight often causes problems. best leave the original and simply open a saved flight if you want by electing from 'saved flights' list each time. Takes only a second and prevents weird issues.
  22. A while back you could stil find the models on the "Wayback Machine" site. When looking for a download here, when you find a plane you like click it and click "view files". Then in the files list check if the model names start with OS or OSX. That will be Open Sky models. That can also be usefull to find more paints for a model you already have.
  23. Regarding flaps. The more flaps the more wing surface, and more wing sueface means more lift. Meaning with more flap you will already have enough lift to take off at a lower speed. Keeping speed low has many advantages. Easier to abort on case off emergency for one. Some think full flaps mean you need more runway to get to takeoff speed but that is wrong. Flaps add a lot of drag making it harder to accellerate. With less flaps you accellerate faster, but, as you need to accellerate to higer speed for Vr the distance required for accelerating to Vr is still the same as when using full flaps. Imagine the result. In both flap situations the takeoff happens at nearly the same point down the runway. With the same amount remaining. With full flaps however you will be going at much lower speed. Easyer to stop if needed, easier to control, and much less stress in the cocpit as things aren't happening so fast. (btw, in fsx the drag effect of flaps on the ground is not modeled well and is lower then it should be, so there's no reason not to extend them and grab some extra lift.) Reading online about the real world 737. (boeing's own website, takeoff guidance, flaps) I read that flap setting for takeoff should always be either 35 or 40. Never less then 35. I don't warch fsx facebk videos but flaps 10 on a 737 seems madness. Not tried it, at least not recently, but looking at max flap speeds and such I'd say you'd need to be going around 200kt+ (360 kmh) before you have enough lift to get to rotating. With full flaps that would have been a much safer 135kt (243 kmh). Regarding weight. My observation with more weight on board is: accelleration needs to be done gradually and carefully, is slower and takes longer/more distance. (duh, large weight is harder to shift). More trim is also needed. I would also takeoff with full flaps for sure to have as much lift as possible to lift that weight. (but i do that always anyway, even without full fuel an aircraft is heavy). And as acelleration takes longer/more distance I would make sure to get assigned the longest runway. (by first taxiing to a spot near that runway's start position and only then contacting atc ). Imagine running a race with a heavy bakpack on your back. It takes longer to accellerate. And takes more distance. By the time you are finally at speed all the other runners (without backpacks) will be far ahead of you. One more thing regardin flaps. Setting more/full flaps means the "point of lift" moves backwards. (as flaps extend far behind the wing). That means the point of lift moves closer yo the "centre of mass". Same effect as when you for example want to lift a heavy beam off the ground. To do that you want to grab it in the middle, where the centre of mass is. If you pick it up closer to one end the other end will keep resting on the ground. (...tailstrike...:D)
  24. I don't use fs2020 (yet?:)) but I googled fs2020 upgrade for you and found some info. I hope it helps.:cool: Happy flights!🐣🐣 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/xba_gapp/microsoft-flight-simulator-2020-upgrade-the/8143dd85-ab4e-4959-903f-593bc75ad282
  25. I was thinking something similar. If the rotation reaction to pulling the yoke is too strong you may simply be rotating at too high speed. In your other thread you mentioned a Vspeeds gauge. (you posted an image of a gauge and were looking for the creator of it.) Those gauges are almost always made for one specific plane. (Very specific. So for example only the default fsx 737-800 and not other 737's) So try rotating at some lower speed. Also dont forget setting full flaps for takoff. Taking off without full flaps would be at higher speed and would be more erratic at rotation. You dont want either of those things. By taking off with full flaps (and enough trim) every time you will quickly find the sweet spot for rotation in that plane. Flying all sort of different aircraft every flight will prvent building consistency. All aircraft behave differently. Even different 737 addons. Stick to one aircraft untill you know it inside out. (Same as with real aircraft really. Very few pilots are qualified to fly more then on airliner type. Almost all fly one type only. And transitioning to another type requires a lot of trsining and numerous supervised qualification flights under supervision of a training pilot.)
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