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Everything posted by il88pp

  1. You can change the line TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 to TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 in the GRAPHICS section of your fsx.cfg file. It will allow fsx to load large size texture files. Extra details on how and why that works: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/texture_max_load.434733/
  2. before we go further describe more ckearly. Its all a bit mirky now. Which addon airport exactly. (plus link maybe) And describe ILS issue. Ils freq. and heading default airport... Ils f&h addon airport... ( is different or not??) And what Ils do you want? and why? for AI? for user aircraft?
  3. Some nice addons listed here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?329828-returning and here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?282867-Your-recommendations
  4. deleting a default airport is a big no-no. A default airport file contains several airports. Not just one. Deleting the file would delete them all and cause big issues.
  5. Uninstall the whole lot. You will need to uninstall fsx using Add-Remove programs menu in Windows. Two times. (accel, then deluxe.) run kb928080 if needed. Then install to the correct drive first time. Create a folder for it there first to point the installer to.
  6. read around in the fs2020 forum right here on Flightsim.com https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/forumdisplay.php?103-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-2020 to know if your system can run it at minimum settings you can fill out your exact system here: https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/input/microsoft-flight-simulator
  7. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?21235-Finding-The-MSFS-2020-Community-Folder
  8. seems simple: -download. -download is a .zip file. -unzip the .zip file. -place unzipped folder in correct folder. Which folder? See here: https://flightsim.to/file/8970/airbus-h135-helicopter-project Simple. (If still not clear, Youtube instruction link on that page as well.)
  9. Hi Joop, you can buy fsx online, from "Steam". Google: Fsx Steam Edition You may also need help with your PC. Start your own thread, instead of posting in this one.
  10. Hi, looked on google for: Flysky FS i6X and found this on the first page: https://www.instructables.com/FlySky-FS-i6X-Setup-With-a-RC-Simulator/ Hope it helps.
  11. il88pp

    Matching GPU

    How many monitors are you using? And what is the resolution of those monitors? Also run GPU-Z and HWMonitor while P3D is running, and look at Max GPU use to see how heavily your GPU was used while playing.
  12. restore the default startup flight. see here how to: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?291283-Engine-starts-switches-not-working-in-default-AC
  13. hang on... make sure to install: Fsx Acceleration disk? or, if you do not have Fsx Acceleration disk, make sure to install: Fsx SP1 and SP2 (Service Pack 1 and 2). (Can download the service packs free online.)
  14. I think a reinstall is not needed at all. I think the following is happening to you. (It happens to me, and I think to everyone elses, sometimes too.) You are in contact with tower A, at freq #1 You are told, by tower A, to contact "Approach B", at freq #2 You switch to freq #2 but have not contacted "Approach B" yet Unexpectedly tower A now tells you (still on freq #1 of couse) to contact "Approach C" on freq #3 (or "Approach B" on freq #3) Because you already switched freq to #2 you do not hear that message as it is sent on freq #1... (and on freq #2 you don't get any contact either.) ---------------------------- Sometimes you haven't swithced freq yet and easily notice this happens, : You are in contact with tower A, at freq #1 You are told, by tower A, to contact "Approach B", at freq #2 You are busy, so you don't switch freqency yet. Unexpectedly tower A now tells you (still on freq #1 of couse) to contact "Approach C" on freq #3 (or "Approach B" on freq #3) Because you were busy you are still on freq 1, hear the message, and switch to freq #3 correctly. ------------------------------------- In your case in the first posts I think if you had switched back to the original frequency you would have heard "tower A" saying "contact "Approach B at freq #3" I your case "contact Perpignan Approach on ###.##" (So still Perpignan most likely, but with a frequency ###.## that is a different frequency then the one you recieved earlier) -=-----========== Two times I said: "will tell you to contact "Approach C" on freq #3 (or "Approach B" on freq #3) To explain: You were in contact with tower A on freq #1 after "contact Perpignan Approach on "120.75" (freq #2 ) You acknowledged the freq, and that changes your radio freq to 120.75 (freq #2 ). --But you did not contact perpignan.-- Tower A could then say (on freq #1): "contact Toulouse Approach on ###.##" (freq #3 ) but it could also be: "contact Perpignan Approach on ###.##" (freq #3 ) That's why I said is can be either: "contact "Approach C" on freq #3 (or "Approach B" on freq #3)" -------------- Nothing wrong with FSX I'd say. Simple ATC miscommunication.
  15. The installer taking a long time is normal. All you need to do is wait for the installer to finish. (Or better yet, instead of waiting go and do something else. Eat something, watch tv, etc.)
  16. luverly, ha! word of the day:cool: have a luverly day!:D il.
  17. Did you know that with EditVoicePack you can create any callsign from scratch? (well, from scratch, you combine parts of existing callsigns to form a new callsign.) Very easy to do. All done inside EditVoicePack itself.
  18. see hre. fill out your system info: https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/input/microsoft-flight-simulator?_gl=1*2tuts7*_ga*RW5yWGhodUZ6TDFoZnhOd0dodjd2VWN2QUxza0N5Mk1wcmtmVHQ4dlBzalhiUXNHYzdCT1E2Rm1falViTFJhcQ..
  19. --- run a scan with system file checker. click the Windows Start button, and type: cmd you will see cmd.exe listed at the top. right click on it and in the drop-down click on "run as administrator" then type: scf /scannow (there is a space between sfc and /scannow) then press enter. sfc (system file checker) will run a scan and try to repair the system files. After the scan it will say either: "no errors found" or "errors found and repaired" both are ok. third option is it says: "errors found but unable to repair all errors". If that happens, run it again. Sometimes it first needs to fix some files before it can use those fixed files on a second run to fix other files as well. Running several times may be needed. If after two or three times still errors after sfc /scannow, ten reboot and try again. (And unfortunately even sfc can't always fix everything.) after you have fixed as much as you reasonably can, start fsx and try again. -----
  20. if you don't follow instruction fast enough they will eventually give up on you. Maybe your altimeter was not set correct. You will then not be at the given altitude-->and get dropped from atc after a while.
  21. About fsx, just install what you have. Only then will you know. Installing only takes a bit over an hour. You could have been playing it for two days now... (in case you don't like it, uninstall process is even faster then installing.) DanielT, maybe a question for a different thread. I expect the answer will be: you don't have to, you can if you want. Fsx hasn't changed. Easy to try, easy to undo if you don't like it.
  22. did you read the whole thread I linked? In that thread I posted a link to a solution. (A solution that does not involve removing.... )
  23. Week done! Good on you! Happy Flights, il.:cool:
  24. = "eyepoint Reset" that does two things: It resets the view to 'forward' but it also resets the eyepoint (seat position) and zoom level. So if you had moved the eyepoint and changed zoom level in flight then using "" those things will now be reset, and you will have to adjust your eyepoint and zoom level again. A better command to use is: "Look Forward (3D Cockpit)" With that command the eyepoint or zoom level stay as they are. It only resets the view to "Forward". I have "Look Forward (3D Cockpit)" assigned to a joystick button, and use it all the time. I still have "eyepoint Reset" assigned to . Comes in handy as well but I don't use it nearly as much. 
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