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Everything posted by kevinfolsom

  1. I've never been able to. I always get out of VR mode, then open the tool bar.
  2. For the life of me I cannot understand why you have sooooo many problems while a whole bunch of us don't? Is it bad karma or what?
  3. Just updated and HOLY COW it is silky smooth. I don't even get the stutters any more for the first 20 or 30 seconds after entering VR mode as it did before. I am extremely pleased with the results.
  4. Actually it's no different than when FSX came out. You had to upgrade your computer to get it to run somewhat ok.
  5. Not disturbed at all. I upgrade computers about every couple of years to stay current with technology. I spend those couple years using my updated computer while saving money for the next new generation computer. Nothing worse than outdated equipment trying to run today's sophisticated software. I'm not wealthy by any means but it is easy to save $10 or $20 every month for my next computer system so I stay current with technology. It's no different to me than getting a new cell phone every couple of years (albeit twice the cost).
  6. Thanks Steve. That same thing happens with my Rift S for 20 seconds up to a minute. I just look around a little while until it pans smoothly. I like your suggestion so I will give it a try.
  7. Yes new G2's are going for $774. I took the plunge and ordered it this morning for $599 brand new. Should be here in a week. I can't wait!!!
  8. Thank you for your reply, Steve. I have found that several online stores are selling it for close to $800. And used ones are going for $650. I have found the headset for $600 brand new. I plan on ordering it tomorrow.
  9. Hi Steve, I have a question for you. You are using an HP Reverb G2 VR headset and I have an Oculus Rift S. I am considering purchasing that HP headset but some of the reviews say that it has problems with tracking. Have you experienced any problems with your headset?
  10. Welcome to the best Flight Simulator site on the internet. And welcome to the most addicting hobby we all enjoy (well, most of us anyway).
  11. Had that happen to me yesterday. I restarted MSFS and it did not ask for "Disk 1" again and the simulator loaded normally.
  12. Is there a particular aircraft you are having problems with? If so, then maybe one of us can help with starting the plane.
  13. I flew from KMIA (Miami International in Miami Florida, USA) to MYNN (Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau, the Bahamas) in the C172 today. Not much to see other than ocean and the occasional island but as I was about halfway to Nassau the autopilot went crazy sending me towards the Gulf of Mexico instead. I was way off course before I noticed it and corrected it but fuel was getting low. Luckily I made it. It did the same thing on the return trip and I didn't notice anything until my plane was way off course again. That is the first time the autopilot has acted up. I know I was flying through the Bermuda Triangle but that shouldn't have anything to do with it? Right?
  14. I updated MSFS yesterday. Took about 25 minutes to download and install, including updates in the Content Manager. Shut MSFS down and restarted my computer. Tried a flight in VR and was shocked at how jerky it was. It was unplayable and making me sick. I was ready to get on this forum and complain loudly as others seem to do a lot of. But, instead, I turned off MSFS and restarted my computer again. I fired up MSFS again and tried the same flight. What a difference. Now it's as smooth in VR as it was before updating and I have had no CTD's (fingers crossed). I don't know why it worked out like that but I won't complain. And it's still working fine today.
  15. Since day after Christmas I have just used the C172 (with analogue instruments) just to learn how to fly and control this aircraft. I have flown between several different airports learning how to navigate and use the autopilot. And practice take offs and landings. All this was done with a clear skies or, recently, light clouds and wind. Today I decided to try different weather, pouring rain and poor visibility. ATC wouldn't let me taxi to take off do to IFR requirements. I persisted and the let me take off. The rain droplets look fantastic on the windshield and the pockets of heavy rain or fog are scary to fly though. It looked so realistic flying through the columns of fog and rain. I could not see anything out of the windows and had to use the instruments to fly so I wouldn't crash into the ground. Lucky I practiced so much. I got lost and had to call ATC to give me directions back to the airport, but I made it and landed fine.
  16. Me too. I was trying to figure out all the things people were saying about how to update with this "Hotfix". I finally went to the Microsoft Store, clicked on the 3-dots and selected "Downloads and updates" at the top of the list. I received a list of apps on my computer including MSFS. It also stated everything is up to date, including MSFS. I started up MSFS and checked the version number and it it is the new current version. I'm so glad things weren't too difficult to update, this time, for me anyway.
  17. I know 2 ladies that love flying in DCS Combat World. They think what I do in MSFS 2020 is boring!
  18. I had the same yoke. I could not get it to work in P3D V4.5 at all. I purchased a Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and have not been disappointed. It works exceptionally well in MSFS 2020. I disassembled my old CH Flight Yoke and discovered 2 wires were broken at the base of the unit. If I had disassembled my old yoke first and repaired the wires, would it still work in P3d and MSFS 2020? Who knows. But I am glad I updated my flight yoke. Maybe, some day, I will get the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant. As for the problem with your spouse. I have no recommendations in that department. All I can say is that my wife loves my passion for flight simming because I am at home flight simming, instead of being at the bar doing "who knows what and who are you doing it with?".
  19. Please point out exactly where I said So you're saying that "all i7 9700s will run fine at 4.7 gigs?"
  20. Or a 3rd party development company will come out with a reasonable replacement for the original push-back in the stock MSFS 2020. And I would pay money for a reasonable one.
  21. I have the same processor O\C to the same speed and I don't have any problems. The sim runs fine.
  22. What VR headset do you have? Anything change since you used VR the last time? That sort of happened to me last week. I have an Oculus Rift S and it works fine. Then One day I turned on VR in the sim and it went to Oculus main screen instead of in the cockpit. Apparently there was a warning message waiting. I pressed the CTRL TAB key twice and I got back into the cockpit. After I quit MSFS I checked the warning message. It was a warning the batteries in the hand Oculus hand controllers were dead and the software couldn't detect them. Fresh batteries fixed it. I don't know if your problem is similar but that was my experience.
  23. I updated about 4 hours ago. It took 1 hour and 16 minutes to download and install the 1GB plus the 23GB update. Took off from London City Airport and flew around London for 1/2 hour taking in the sights before I downloaded the World Update 3 for comparison. It took another 20 minutes to download and install World Update 3 then I recreated the same flight. It is quite different and way better than it was before. It looks fantastic in VR although I don't like the steep approach into London City Airport. The download seemed to be a little slow as it took 4 hours to download the original sim which was about 4 times larger than World Update 3.
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