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Posts posted by kingnorris

  1. All I can say is, the FlyByWire A320, a FREE mod, doesn't feel like a toy to me. In fact, I'm still learning how to properly fly this plane. Definitely NOT a Ctrl + E engine start.


    And the FMC is much more complicated than I'm used to, but I'm getting there...


    Combined with (in my opinion) THE BEST world scenery, and man, I'm in Flight Sim Heaven!

  2. Echoing what others have said, graphics are YEARS ahead of FS 2004. However, as others have pointed out, there is a LOT of differences.


    That being said, there is a way to get it for $1 for a month to "test drive/fly" it to see if it is something you would like to plunge into :) I do not have the specifics at this time on how to do that, however, I do know it is an option. Others on the forum can assist you in that direction :)


    By signing up for a temporary Gamepass account. That's what I did and once I saw my new PC could handle it, I bought it and cancelled my gamepass.

  3. I just recently broke out my old MSFS2004 that I put quite a bit of time on it 10+ years ago. I loaded it up to get my Grandkids into it. My question is…How much Better is the MSFS2020 than the MSFS2004 ? Sometime changes aren’t better just different. If it’s better I’d buy it right now. Just curious at this point. Thanks for any info you might consider sending me.


    How old are your grandkids? If they're really young, chances are real world graphics aren't important to them. Upgrading to FSX might be enough.


    FS9 and FSX offer an array of planes, scenery, etc that pales in comparison to MSFS thus far. Personally I'm glad I took the plunge and bought MSFS, but again, previous versions hold their own just fine.

  4. Mowgli22,


    My point is, people use MSFS because of the graphics and all in reality, nothing else. If the graphics looked the same as FS9/FSX all those MSFS fans would dump it in a flash and be right back here.


    It comes down to this, if you want a flight sim, you choose FS9/FSX. If you want a plane game with pretty graphics, you choose MSFS.


    Yes, absolutely MSFS is the future but it is not the future of flight simming because a flight sim it is not and never will be. It's a modern day gaming cash grab like so many other games out there.


    I’m enjoying MSFS so far, and the free a320 fly by wire is fantastic.


    Would I ever use this to obtain a real world license? Of course not. Does that bother me? Not in the least.


    I’m enjoying it like those who are enjoying past sims. That’s all that counts isn’t it?

  5. Of course it exists. So does FS9. Both still have many addons to choose from, free and payware. As a recent convert to MSFS myself, there are things I do miss about FSX, and always will.


    It's another example of "to each his own". Just look at the forums here; still plenty of new posts in even the FS2002 thread!

  6. I tried the trial version but it wasnt for me, all the actions isolsted to one aircraft instead of the airport environment which i was hoping it would populate. Glad i didnt buy first!!! Thanks for taking an interest tho guys.

    And trying to open exits in FSX!!! What a PITA!!


    Well true, yes, the jetways and such won't operate with AI aircraft. Sorry I forgot to add that.

  7. Thats good to know - i remain undecided at mo tho still collating info


    I can say it really improved my FSX airport environment ten fold. I was primarily an airline pilot guy, and watching the jetways connect, and seeing passengers for the first time ever boarding and de boarding, made it worth every penny!

  8. Hi guys looking at buying GSX & GSX Level2 for my FSX, all the videos and reviews ive seen all show passenger jets but does it work with ANY aircraft? Im thinking Justflight HS748, Aerosoft Twin Otter, Justflight DH Dove etc.....?


    Any advice welcome



    Yes, although on some aircraft, you won’t see physical passengers, but you’ll get the little van that drops them off, and the luggage van will also make an appearance but again, you won’t see the luggage being loaded.

  9. A little confused by "...moving the folders to the community/packages"


    The Community folder is the root folder for add-ons. There is no Community/Packages folder. I have the Microsoft version. Maybe Steam is different?


    Also be sure when you say the FlyTampa Las Vegas scenery is active that the AI settings are the Aerosoft recommended settings for Simple Traffic.


    EDIT: there is a shortcut in my Community folder for Simple Traffic...




    You should have a similar indication in the Community folder for FlyTampa if you bought directly from them or possibly a folder in the Official folder if you bought it from the Marketplace.


    Must be Steam. The community/packages is where mods go according to several YouTube videos I watched. Originally when I installed the FlyTampa, it didn’t show in game.


    Now the same thing is happening with Simple Traffic, unless I launch MSFS through Aerosoft and not the desktop icon.


    Weird as heck.

  10. I cannot for the life of me figure out this whole “adding addons” procedure…


    This is long so my apologies.




    This past weekend I bought Fly Tampa Vegas scenery. Had a heck of a time getting it to show in game, but finally figured out moving the folders to the community/packages was the answer.


    Ok, so, yesterday I bought Aerosoft’s Simple Traffic. Through Aerosoft One (the included library) when I launch MSFS through that, the AI planes are real airlines. Great!


    But! I lost the Fly Tampa scenery!!


    So, when I launch MSFS through the desktop shortcut, or through Steam, I get Fly Tampa back, but now lose the AI simple traffic!


    It’s either one of the other. WTF Chuck!!!


    Can anybody help?

  11. Well done!������

    The install can take a long time. It can sometines seem to stall.


    Don't press 'cancel'!!

    Just let it run and watch some tv and go snack and sip coffee.


    After some time the installer will ask for disk 2. put it in, press ok, get back to the coffee.


    the installer may take a while but it should be ok.


    only once did I get a message 'connot file such-and-such', 'skip, cancel, or try again'?

    I got around that by leaving the installer Window alone, then opening a window and going to "my computer-cd drive-" and locating the file manually. I clicked on the file, thinking "that should tell you where it is" .

    In the fsx installer window clicked "try again" and it ran fine from there.:)


    Anyway, well done,

    happy flights, and welcome to the forum:)


    Just to chime in, my new gaming rig doesn’t have a disc drive, so I knew I’d have to go the Steam route, which I haven’t done yet.




    I’ll miss FSX and all my addons. She provided me numerous hours of enjoyment since 2006.

  12. I am with you 100%! When I flew with FX I was mostly playing airline pilot, using AP was straightforward and convenient. With MSFS I have become a GA pilot - no more long or intercontinental flights because of the problems you describe. Hope ASOBO will wake up and hire the competent designers they need.


    I haven’t done a long haul yet, took me some time just to figure out the Cessna Citation AP.


    And since there’s no way to speed up the sim that I’ve found, I don’t have hours to spend at my computer. Lol

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