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FSX won't open--notifies me of script error (please see image below)


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CaptureErrorMsg copy.jpgAny constructive ideas would be greatly appreciated. (I went to the URL shown in the error notice, and it gave me pages of information that I cannot understand.)




"Fly Southern, Y'all"



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This is a long shot, yet takes little effort.


Find the [sTARTUP] section in your FSX.cfg.


Whatever value that is in...




add 1 to it and save.


Then test.


The problem, I believe, is in the website that shows on that screen.


If we can get your FSX to load on another screen, I think you will be OK.



the Bean

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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My shot in the dark is that perhaps IE needs to be updated or there's an Internet Options setting of the computer's control panel that needs to be messed with. Not sure. Never saw that before. Is this Win 10?


This brings up a question: Since FS uses IE, how does that fair with Edge seen as how IE is now out of the picture in 10?

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Bush - I, too, was having these Script Error messages, but, I was also having issues with IE 11 also, slow to respond, I found myself using Google Chrome as a backup just to be able to get the computer to run. At the urging of others on this website, I made the move to Google Chrome, had someone help me, as I didn't want to lose any of the "favorites" that not only I had accumulated, but also my wife's "favorites!" Since making the move, I have not seen one Script error, and my response time on being able to move around on the computer has been greatly improved! No looking back on this move, good ridence IE!!


Your problem does have something to do with IE. What that is, I couldn't tell you. Got to be careful though, some resets will result in you losing some "favorites". Maybe someone can come up with a fix, seeing this is the only issue with IE you are having. If other issues arise, and you want to make a change, consider Google Chrome or another browser.


Bush - just found this video on YouTube, worth a try!


Another thing, you might want to try...............If you know when this all started, could you restore your computer to a previous time, maybe that might fix the issue?


Good luck, those script errors were driving me crazy! - Rick :cool:

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I had the same issue shortly after I dl'd and installed FSX-SE right after I dl'd and installed my first addon scenery. I removed the scenery and the problem went away. Don't know if the two are related but it was my experience. Also, as others suggested to me, make sure your game is NOT installed to Program Files (86x). Hope you get it resolved. I know it was annoying for me but I could still click the other buttons, (free flight, missions) and still play the game.
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First, a big thanks to all the FIRST RESPONDERS, who are my heroes of help!!!

If you'll bear with me just a little bit, I'm going through the list of suggestions, first to last, if that's ok.


I should point out that I've never used IE of any version. All of my years of simming have been using Firefox, with no problems. Also, I am an old holdout for the more stable versions of Windows, so I'm using Win 7 Pro 64-bit, here.


Wife's calling me to lunch at this moment, so I'll get started with String Bean's right after.

Again, thank every one of you.


"Fly Southern, Y'all"



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First, a big thanks to all the FIRST RESPONDERS, who are my heroes of help!!!

If you'll bear with me just a little bit, I'm going through the list of suggestions, first to last, if that's ok.


I should point out that I've never used IE of any version. All of my years of simming have been using Firefox, with no problems. Also, I am an old holdout for the more stable versions of Windows, so I'm using Win 7 Pro 64-bit, here.


Wife's calling me to lunch at this moment, so I'll get started with String Bean's right after.

Again, thank every one of you.


Probably all good suggestions. Bean's will have you start on the free flight screen instead of the "Home" page. My Sim starts that way. My fix will fix the FSInsider page if you really want to see it. This fix is for FSX-SE and not for the boxed version.


As you can see, fairly useless for me!



Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Well fellers,

Back from lunch, sat down to the opening screen I was whining about in Original Post, grabbed the mouse and accidentally pushed it off the Home link and clicked Free Flight instead. Viola! (or is it Voila? - I believe I had an Aunt named Viola). Anyway, everything works perfectly now! The only link with a script error is the Home link.


FSX seems to be functioning correctly otherwise. (Unless, of course, that script error is secretly winding its way throughout my registry and/or system files. But that's a nightmare for another day.)


Right now, unless someone stops me out of caution, I'm going to go ahead and test the suggestions y'all were kind enough to provide in this thread.


Thanks to my Buds, :)


I'll post back my findings.


"Fly Southern, Y'all"



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The Home page in FSX:SE links to the FSX Steam server and is full of Ads anyway. You can safely ignore it and any error appearing because of it.

Tim Wright "The older I get, the better I was..."

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Well, mates, back to the PC and the script issue. I will address the responses in order of first-to-last, if that's O.K.


1. Beginning with String Bean's suggestion, I already had a value of 1 in the Windowsload= in FSX.cfg [sTARTUP] section, however, having read the entire thread two or three times now, I think I see that you were leading me to the right answer. (Please see mrzippy's #9 & Tim Wright's responses in this thread. #11)


2. On CRJ_simpilot's, zswobbie1's, Downwind66's and Prostock's suggestions re: Internet Explorer, I'm sorry but I can't comment on those because I do not use IE or Chrome.


3. mrzippy's you seem to have hit the proverbial nail on the head, as you usually do!!


4. Tim (tiger1962), you got the Home page right, just like mrzippy. (Note: I don't use Steam, though)


Many thanks to all of you.


If ever the time comes, I hope I get to help you.


bushp04 :)


"Fly Southern, Y'all"



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IE is interfaced with FS. Whether that be FS2004 or FSX. The script error has to do with IE's settings I suppose. I didn't watch that video posted here, but may be the answer. You don't need to launch IE to change the IE settings. Go into your control panel on the computer and in there will be an icon called Internet options. There you can adjust IE's settings. You can actually disable IE entirely from the add/remove program features, but since IE is interfaced with FS and other things like Skype it's not advisable.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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.........This brings up a question: Since FS uses IE, how does that fair with Edge seen as how IE is now out of the picture in 10?


FTR you can use IE11 with Win 10....and it is actually included with it. However, MS pushes Edge and, therefore, it is selected as the default web browser when you install Win 10, either as an upgrade or a new vanilla install.


There are number of ways in which you can set IE11 as your default browser if you wish - google a suitable phrase (such as Does win 10 come with IE11) and you will find details on all of the ways in which you can do so.




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You stumbled on the solution I was going to suggest. Stop viewing the HOME tab.

Fortunately the HTML READER built into the in-flight specifications and checklist kneepad feature still works within basic limitations.


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