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Everything posted by loki

  1. This very much depends on the person as many can very well tell the difference between 30, 60 and higher FPS. And comparing it to TV and movie frame rates is not a good comparison as they use other tricks to make things look smooth.
  2. In this case, I think the cynicism is misplaced. There would be no benefit to Microsoft to drop the home entertainment version of the sim if/when a commercial version is released. It would make far more sense to go with the plan they had with FSX and ESP. Microsoft in general has plenty of products where there are separate home and professional/enterprise level editions.
  3. Do you have links to those articles? Are you sure they weren't simply talking about the possibility of there being a commercial version in the future, rather than this being some underhanded ploy to finance it? So far from everything I have read, I highly doubt this is what Microsoft is up to. Every interview, presentation and article I have seen or read seem to be pretty clear on this being a home entertainment focused sim. I do think it's highly likely they will go for a commercial version at some point, especially if the demand is there (and it likely will be), but MSFS itself is very much a sim for the home entertainment user. If/when they do release a professional version, I would expect it to be setup the same way they did before with having FSX for the entertainment crowd and ESP for the commercial side.
  4. You can set the MS Store to automatically update applications it directly manages, such as the Xbox app, Xbox Gaming Services and core MSFS app. Combining this with leaving my PC on most of the time, I don't usually need to explicitly look for updates for any of these, and just need to run through the package updates MSFS does when it launches and then the Content Manager updates.
  5. Theoretically, yes, it is possible to come up with something better, and I really doubt Asobo thought this was the ideal solution. I suspect there are some technical limitations somewhere in the chain (MS Store, Xbox app, Steam, streaming scenery and/or being built for PC and Xbox in combination with everything else). Most likely there's some functionality missing in the MS Store and/or limitation in the UWP application model that is causing issues. I'm not sure there are many other UWP games in the MS Store that need to support both a built-in marketplace, as well as external third party add-ons, for example. On the other hand, the Windows update process has been around since Windows XP and has to be solid, or MS's enterprise customers would be very unhappy.
  6. It allows you to buy a game on one PC, maybe your laptop, and download it to your gaming PC later.
  7. You can buy it from the Big Radials site. https://bigradials.com
  8. PMDG has a good guide on OOMs and other things to look for to help manage FSX VAS usage. https://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a108/vas-management-stopping-out-of-memory-oom-errors.aspx
  9. Red Bull continues to push the limits. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/42263/this-video-of-a-red-bull-stunt-pilot-flying-through-two-tunnels-is-absolutely-bonkers
  10. Ran into it myself over the last day or two as well. Cloudflare provides a lot of underlying infrastructure and services for the internet, including protection against denial of service and other attacks. Would need Nels or Rick to chime in.
  11. As was noted above, this is due to the aerial or satellite imagery for this area. While the imagery is good for some areas, in others you get cases like this where there is a mismatch between the base images. One could have been taken by aircraft and the other by satellite, or both by aircraft on different dates or seasons etc. It's the downside of using real world imagery as the quality can vary quite significantly. You can try pulling up that location in Bing Maps to get a better idea of what it going on. https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=a5232a95-e815-4080-b3ea-e0057e9cae67&cp=29.918543~31.360548&lvl=16&style=h&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027 Logging it with Asobo through their Zendesk is a good way to let them know, however, this is likely something that the Bing Maps team needs to sort out, not Asobo.
  12. Windows versions from 7 on will run the Trim command automatically, unless you have manually disabled it. It also won't affect the amount of free space shown on the drive as Windows will already be tracking what has been deleted. However, the SSD isn't aware of what has been deleted, so won't automatically remove the data, and future writes to those areas will slow down. Running the Trim command tells just tells the SSD what can be removed the next time it runs its own garbage collection routine. https://www.crucial.com/articles/about-ssd/what-is-trim The Windows Disk Cleanup tool can also help, especially with clearing out files from old system updates. https://neosmart.net/wiki/disk-cleanup/
  13. For North America the only two officially supported options to purchase the sim are through the Microsoft or Steam online stores. When buying through the Microsoft Store, you get both the PC and Xbox versions as they are basically the same program (the Xbox itself is really just a specialized PC). Part of what makes it confusing is that a couple years ago Microsoft decided to move all of their gaming properties under the Xbox brand, including the PC side. On top of the above, there is also Microsoft's Game Pass subscription service. This is a similar type service to Netflix, but for games. While the subscription only makes sense if you play a lot of games, you can use the $1 trial for the first month to try out the sim and see how it runs on your PC.
  14. Or OpenStreetMaps. https://www.openstreetmap.org
  15. Have you tried copying the SDK installer to your SSD or hard drive and running from there?
  16. A proper replay feature is one of the top features on the development road map and is slated for release later this year.
  17. Nels has made it clear what is accepted. None of those posts are violating any rules. If you don't like the posts, ignore them. No one is forcing you to read or respond to them. A little ironic complaining about being told what to do when requesting that others not be allowed to post their views.
  18. No, the updates in the Content Manager under Profile are for existing content. As this was a Sim Update it does not include the country updates, which are released in World Updates. The World Update with Germany, Austria and Switzerland comes out next month. You can see the release schedule at the link below. https://www.flightsimulator.com/development-roadmap/
  19. For me it was 620MB for the MS Store portion, then a bit over 40 GB when opening the program and, finally, an additional 20+ GB in the content manager.
  20. It gave me the same no internet connection message at first too, but after a minute or two it sorted itself out.
  21. Note that Windows itself can open zip files these days, so no need for WinZip. https://www.howtogeek.com/668409/how-to-zip-and-unzip-files-on-windows-10/ And if you do need something a little more powerful, the free 7-Zip is a good, and popular, option. https://www.7-zip.org/
  22. And some of those questions are about product recommendations, and some answers and discussions are about products people like using and want to recommend to others. I don't see an issue with an enthusiastic user recommending something. If you really don't think a post is appropriate, hit the report button so Nels and mods can take a look.
  23. As long as the post is on topic for the forum you are free to share stories, ask questions etc., and others are free to skip it and move on to the next post. On the other hand, this is a family friendly site and swearing isn't permitted per the forum rules.
  24. Replay functionality is still under development and is planned for release sometime this year. Keep an eye on the weekly development updates from Asobo for any further updates. You can also record your flight using third party tools, however, these aren't quite the same as what previous sims offered.
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