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Everything posted by loki

  1. There are no official Microsoft support people here (at least not in any official capacity). If you want official support, you need to head over to the official MSFS site and submit a request there. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  2. I took a quick look at the Best Buy site, and it looks like you basically get a code to redeem through the Microsoft Store/Xbox app. So for future installs, it one should just need to go to the Microsoft Store on their PC.
  3. Where exactly did you use the code and download the sim from? How did you delete it?
  4. You're welcome! Have a look through the FSX forum here as well, as many questions about FSX Steam Edition have been discussed previously.
  5. Yes, you can purchase and download FSX through Steam. You first want to install the Steam client and create an account. From there you can buy FSX and install it. By default the sim will be installed inside Steam's own directory structure, but this can be changed through the Steam settings under the Downloads section. For the offline mode see the guide below. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/0E18-319B-E34B-B2C8
  6. Are you sure it didn't take you to the Microsoft Store? Currently for me it shows ads for Netflix and other applications. Try opening the Microsoft Store from the Start menu, and then click the Library icon at the bottom left. From there you should be able to click Get Updates at the top right. Once the base sim application has been updated, re-open the sim and let it download the next batch of updates. Finally, after the sim is finished updating, go to Profile, then Content Manager in the sim, and download any content updates you see.
  7. If you think you might ever want to run the sim on an Xbox, the only option is directly from Microsoft.
  8. They did have a partially completed second AN-225 as well, though it would be hard to know if that was also damaged or destroyed too. The idea of completing it has been floated a couple times over the past few years.
  9. Asus and LG are usually good ones to look for. This link has a couple options to check out. https://www.imore.com/best-cddvd-drives-mac
  10. The Apple rep may have been confused and thought you were trying to install a copy of the Windows version. Running MSFS 2020 would require using Parallels, but on top of that you have to get the insider preview version of Windows 11 for ARM. As for the SuperDrive, if you haven't bought it yet, I would look around. There are cheaper options that work just fine with Macs. Note that while the new M1 based Macs are powerful, the caveat is that they're powerful for the amount of power they use. A high end gaming PC is still going to perform better than an M1 Mac Mini. Something else to note is that the RAM on M1 Macs is shared between the CPU and GPU, unlike traditional PCs which have separate system and video RAM. If you have an 8GB M1 Mac Mini, you could find yourself limited.
  11. At the moment add-ons for the Xbox must go through the MSFS Marketplace.
  12. This sounds similar to the Asus Sonic Radar application that Asus includes with their motherboard audio software.
  13. They did note that these aerodynamics updates are coming in multiple updates, not SU8 exclusively. As for what bugs they are focusing on, it comes down to a mix of which ones impact the most people, as well as the effort required to fix them. This can mean that what matters to you may not either affect as many people as other issues, or that fixing it will take longer to do and will come later.
  14. Asobo has a new video out showcasing the upcoming updates to the aerodynamics in the sim, including a new CFD option.
  15. You can try out MSFS through Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass for PC for $1 for the first month. If you don't like it, you can cancel before the and of the month. And if you do like it, you still buy the sim outright without having to pay for the monthly subscription. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass#join
  16. No one said the problem was caused by the sim update modifying the files in the Community folder. When it happened, however, some people did think something in the core sim was broken until the problem was narrowed down to the add-on. Hence Asobo recommending that the Community folder be cleared out. No one is forcing you to do it though, especially if you're comfortable with troubleshooting the problem on your own.
  17. The recommendation to clear out the Community folder is a bit of a CYA recommendation for Asobo (updates shouldn't touch the folder, but Murphy likes to cause problems), but is more about add-ons being broken by the new update, or an add-on breaking something in the sim. One example was where an older version of the FBW A32NX add-on caused problems with the default A320. To some users it isn't always clear what broke, the sim or the add-on, so clearing out the Community folder can help clear up exactly where the problem is. Of course, this all depends on what add-ons you have, and you may not have any issues at all leaving your add-ons alone. Just be aware that if you have a problem after an update, one of the first steps should be clearing out the Community folder to eliminate one potential source cause for the break. Note that this isn't really a new idea either, as ACES only officially supported installation of FSX updates on a clean install of the sim.
  18. You need to manually acquire the Australia World Update, even though it is free. Follow the guide below. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405214680860-How-to-download-the-free-World-Update-VII-Australia
  19. Did you acquire the Australia World Update add-on in the Marketplace?
  20. Trains currently at #27 on the wish list, however, it looks like it will be 2023 before they get to it. https://www.flightsimulator.com/feedback-snapshot/
  21. I’ve had to go to the Marketplace first to acquire each for at least the last few. Here’s the instructions for WU 3 from last year, as an example. https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019657180-How-to-download-the-Free-World-Update-III-United-Kingdom-Ireland-
  22. Sorry, I meant to write that new World Updates require going to the Marketplace to purchase them, for free, first. The last few WUs have required doing this.
  23. Did you download the Australia World Update from the Marketplace? It isn't automatically added to your account.
  24. MSFS updates just about always involve three steps. The first being through the MS or Steam stores, second being the base updates the sim itself looks for when it first launches, and finally content updates through the internal Content Manager. For new World Updates you need to go into the Content Manager to grab them yourself, as well as any updates to previous World Update regions.
  25. Not sure it's practical to expect them to be able to tell you what to do with specific add-ons that they have little control over, especially the many, many freeware ones out there. They do provide a pretty detailed list of what cities, airports and points of interest have been updated though, so presumably any of your add-ons that overlap may conflict with them. https://www.flightsimulator.com/release-notes-1-22-2-0-world-update-vii-australia-now-available/
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