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Posts posted by loki

  1. Reminder for people upgrading, there are three steps to get all possible updates.



    1. Download the base sim update from either the Microsoft Store or Steam
    2. Once that is installed, run the sim and let it download any package updates it finds
    3. Finally, go the Content Manager in the sim to get updates for any of the content managed there

  2. No I have not but may consider that. Did you go to the link I posted which is the link I have to the site which indeed works however clicking on register or sign in gives the error as posted. Could you please confirm if you tried the address I gave to see if you have the same issue since I don't know what address you used. Again, I get to the page but clicking on sign in returns the error. If you could confirm as requested, much thanks.


    Yes, I went to the link you provided as that is the link to the official site. Just tried again on my phone and logged in without any trouble. If you’re having trouble logging into a website, clearing your browser cache and any cookies related to the site should be one of the first things to try.

  3. You're running into a mismatch between the 2D panel and monitor's aspect ratios. Many 2D panels were developed for a 4:3 aspect ratio, and are fixed due to the way they work, while modern monitors are typically 16:9, though there are a few others around too. 3D panels, on the other hand are rendered on the fly based on the monitor's resolution.


    A couple options are to either switch to 3D panels, manually resize the 2D panel or look for a widescreen panel in the file library here to replace the ones you're currently using. The thread below has an example of someone manually adjusting the 2D panel and using the radio stack to fill the extra space.



  4. Major: Asobo and MS have provided almost no info about the program, especially the aircraft -- not one word about their controls and where to find stuff.


    That is certainly one of the biggest failings with the sim, and is unfortunately far too common with software these days. The publishers and/or developers almost seem to expect that either users will understand everything out of the box (not very realistic for something as complex as MSFS), or that third parties such as SoFly (realistically, they will always be behind the curve) or communities like this one will make up the difference.

  5. @ Cobalt who asked "What exactly are the expectations you had that are unmet? Please be precise -- "


    My reply would be:


    That there would be usable ATC

    That there would be usable Traffic

    That older planes from FSX and P3d would be usable in the sim

    That users would be able to record and replay flights

    That the weather engine would be stable and reliable

    That it would look remotely similar to the videos used to hype it.


    There was, to my recollection, no mention that this would be far from complete almost two years after release and that it was in fact a "ten year project"


    While some may have had an expectation that they could simply drop in add-ons for previous sims, Asobo and Microsoft never advertised or claimed this as a feature. On the other hand they did say that they viewed this as a 10 year project multiple times in various interviews and updates.

  6. If they are growing the hobby and pushing one sim it should be stated. I don't like MSFS. I like FSX and I think it's better. I can't say this. I could say I like MSFS and I think it's better than FSX and that would be an appropriate post. They've got rid of members for doing this? I don't believe in such control in 2022 and it was wrong in any time period past. They can ban me as well.


    Nobody was banned because they didn't like a particular sim or tow some line, however, some members have had restrictions put on their accounts due to their behaviour.

  7. Am I to understand Steam doesn't include Simconnect in that particular incarnation of FSX? If so, that's BS.


    No, Simconnect is included as described in the post previous to yours. You just need to run the installers manually after FSX is installed. The Steam edition of the sim works quite well, and has some minor improvements over the disc based version.

  8. Even some of the flight sim online stores put your download in a place you can download again if you get a new PC or mess up along the way, so again what if your PC crashes and you buy a new one, do you have to purchase FS again?




    No, you don't need to purchase the sim again if you need/want to reinstall, at least when purchased through the MS or Steam stores.

  9. Could you provide a bit more detail on what exactly you downloaded and from where? The last time this came up I took a quick look the issue seems to be on the Best Buy side, but not having bought any software from them, I am not 100% certain.


    Regarding MSFS, most people either buy it direct from MS through the MS Store app in Windows, or through the Steam store. In both cases you are able to download the sim as many times as you like, and even install it on multiple computers at the same time (only one install can be used at a given time, however). I suspect the Best Buy process was meant to get you a product key to redeem on the MS Store, but as I said above, I'm not 100% clear on their process.

  10. You said earlier, quote, "I thought it was going to be usable off-line as well." Pardon my misunderstanding, but it is hard to see how someone familiar with MSFS could think this. As for it being "temporary", it is no more so than FSX, P3D, FS9, MS98, or any other sim. What makes you think that FSX and P3D will escape the obsolescence you are predicting? By 2030, with no further development, they are likely to be be but a distant memory!


    There is an offline mode and the ability to locally cache the streamed scenery, so not hard to see where the idea comes from.


    The difference in the long term life of MSFS compared to other sims comes down to how they work. Provided you can keep the right computer, and possibly a VM, running, those other sims can run just the same as they do today or did in the past with no outside input well into the future (see the people still running FS2004 20 years after it was released, for example). With MSFS there is the very real possibility that at some point down the road that the servers providing the scenery will be shut down and/or the sim itself could be removed from the MS and Steam stores entirely. Similar situations have happened already elsewhere in the gaming world with games losing content or being removed from stores entirely. Whether this is an issue or not is up to the individual and how they value their investment and control over what they run.

  11. They're too worried about Xbox and gamers now. It's never going to be fixed. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.


    There's plenty of upcoming fixes and enhancements that say otherwise. Maybe they won't get to the ones that bother you the most right away, but they are putting a lot more effort into the sim than what a so called gamer would care for.



  12. Don't see that bridge, but there is an add-on for the Dames Point bridge at Flightsim.to. Someone may make a mod for this one too.




    You can also file a bug report over at the official site too, which is where the developers are guaranteed to see the issue. Pretty sure they're well aware of the issues with how their AI based scenery process handles bridges.

  13. No, there aren't nearly as many options for aircraft add-ons for MSFS right now compared to previous sims, but more and more are coming all the time. For an A320, check out the FlyByWire A32NX, which is free and open source, and is constantly being improved.




    On the scenery side there are a lot more options. There are a few free options in the File Library here, and lots more at the flightsim.to site.




    Orbx, Drzewiecki Design and other developers also have plenty of scenery options for sale too.

  14. To get a better GPU you would at a minimum need to look at a RTX 2080, but preferably a RTX 3070 or, even better, something in the RTX 3080 family. You can find used RTX 2080s on eBay for $400, but many are well over that price thanks to all of the supply and price issues of the past couple years. For multiple 4k monitors, an RTX 3080 with more than 8GB of VRAM would be preferable, but the price is going to be around $1,000 right now, not $400.


    You're probably better off holding onto your $400 and wait a little longer.

  15. But be aware that the off-line scenery is vastly inferior to the normal (online) scenery. It is like going back 10 years or more -- maybe better than nothing, but not very enjoyable.


    No it isn't as good as the streamed scenery, however, it is still better than the default that came with FSX, especially for areas outside of the US. It also takes up more space than the default FSX scenery did.

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