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Posts posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. I just want to add my quick two worthless "copper" pennies here.


    Kaspersky has been under the radar by the United States government. Specifically the intelligence community since way back when it was allegedly discovered an NSA employee had classified Info. stolen from their computer. On the other hand, I don't think you're even allowed to work on any classified material at home. Though, that doesn't change the fact the company is based in Moscow and is headed by a former KGB guy, and anti-virus products do maintain a constant connection and do intercept your encrypted traffic such as encrypted browser traffic for malware prevention purposes.



    For me personally, I don't use active anti-virus, over bloated crap that can interfere with my power PC user everyday computing and what have you. Especially since I control what leaves my computer at the network layer. I can tell you damn near every piece of software you have running on your computer communicates to one or more servers. Especially Windows 10 and 11! They use at least 20 freaking ASNs! Absolutely insane.


    What is my anti-virus solution? Scanning every single cotton picking download at VirusTotal by way of the file's SHA256 hash, reading the relations and behaviors and determining myself if it's infected. The general consensus is four hits and you toss, but it largely depends on what you go there that you're scanning. I also use the free and open source program Sandboxie for ALL of my browsers. There are other things as well. By far the biggest are periodic full HDD clones. So if disaster does strike I can clone back like hardly anything ever changed except the gap in time between clones. I also backup certain data more regularly as well. I'm a huge backup freak. I use optical media, HDDs, several cloud providers and two FTP servers at home. The physical backup media is all stored in three fireproof safes. These can be had for around $35 a piece. They're for fire and water mitigation. Anyone with a flathead screwdriver can bypass the lock. Pity for them because I encrypt EVERYTHING! And have many very clever tactics involved to catch who did it. (your literal presence is freaking metadata). Add to that I use a very long and complicated password stored in my nonvolatile? memory, er brain (actually several). God forbid I ever forget it because all is gone. Just the way I roll because I'm not stupid... Of course, how does one quantify that? Well, based on lots of what I have read in the past by stupid people all across the Internet. LOL I learn from other people's mistakes and my own...


    Now, having said all this crap, I still roll "virus plagued" "hacker prone" Windows 7 and have NEVER been infected since I ran Windows 98. And that was running AVG for god sakes. Which brings me to another point. Definition based anti-virus like Kaspersky et al will NOT catch polymorphic malware. They will try to use something called heuristics to look for malware-like behavior and stop it, but will fail. Malware can be in the UEFI (it has a network stack), GPU, etc. Also, a hack could come from a browser XSS take over. Very easy to deploy with some crafty JS. And there's even this.



    On the subject of constant updates. I could write a freaking thesis on this encompassing all forms of software like programs, Apps, SoC, firmware, etc. My freaking cable box updates at around 3AM everyday! What are they "updating!?" In a nutshell, I'm of the belief that software, particularly games now delivered via stream providers like Steam, Battle.net and Epic games, are part play and part update due to half-baked releases as evident with the constant barrage of updates. The Call Of Duty franchise is very guilty of this. A well polished product won't have so many needed updates. Only those required to fix minor errors found along the way and security issues. And they shouldn't need to be ~15GB a piece! I can tell you right now with an almost clairvoyance that one day your toaster will get an "update" thereby causing the refrigerator to spit ice like a slot machine and the dryer to go into a "

    " mode. Lets not forget Steam has maintenance.


    In conclusion, updates and anti-virus products are like Newtonian physics: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For the good or for the bad. I've seen it hundreds of times. "The system is down!" "Must have been an update." Lets release an update for the update."



    Interesting reading material:










  2. In the footer of the website is a contact link. Two that I can see. You'll want to use this one: members@x-plane.org (Google is the provider of the email services here. Not gmail, but the business tier of email solutions from Google).


    He/she is hiding behind the reverse proxy Cloudflare, but that doesn't mean jack to someone like me. He/she is hosting from a fiber connection (most likely a home brew server) using fiber in Colorado Springs. https://stratusiq.com/ He/she is also using two other hosters. But it's highly likely they live in Colorado Springs where stratusiq provides fiber Internet. He/she is probably using shift4shop for the store which answers one of his/her subdomain redirects. Shift4shop is an ecommerce website builder. https://www.shift4shop.com/ecommerce-software/website-builder.html


    (Good god! That sounds better than Spotify's lossy crap! LOL)
  3. More interesting nerd trivia.


    The website was using what is called a "shared account". This is just a virtual server space using something called CageFS to separate more than one domain from one another on the same server using the same IP address. Well, this hoster might be overselling the allotted server space because there are 500+ domains for this one IP address that was used by deltasimstudio. That's a lot of I/O, yo!


    Also, this IP address has metadata associated to it via infected Windows executables (.exe), archival files and what not. Several phone Apps are also calling this IP address belonging to this host. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/ip-address/


    In synopsis, the deltasimstudio website owner used a crap hoster. A hoster that doesn't seem to care about its clients and what they are doing with their server resources.


    Although, Amazon AWS, Azure, Google cloud and many others have this crap, too. I see it get blocked on my website all the time.


    What is VirusTotal? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VirusTotal


    I've contributed to that article, but it needs cleaning up. I use VirusTotal as my first line of defense for ALL download data. I do not run an over bloated anti-virus spy program except to scan a few files here and there with ClamWin. I use other scanners most people don't know of like looking for ring 3 hooks (need to find other ring layer scanners), alternative data streams, hidden processes and what not.

  4. A quick WHOIS on the domain yields this:






    If this status is not combined with the redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore status, the pendingDelete status code indicates that your domain has been in redemptionPeriod status for 30 days and you have not restored it within that 30-day period. Your domain will remain in this status for several days, after which time your domain will be purged and dropped from the registry database.


    Once deletion occurs, the domain is available for re-registration in accordance with the registry's policies.



    What it means is that the owner of the website didn't renew the domain name. This is a yearly fee to own a domain name, a virtual bit of Internet real estate for a website or what have you. I say "what have you" because you can CNAME an AWS S3 bucket. LOL! (I'm a nerd)!


  5. That if you go to the adsbexchange website to view air traffic they have ADS-C capability? What is ADS-C? Only the coolest damn thing ever. It's squawk delivered via satellites and thus anyone in the world can deploy a SDR (Software Defined Radio) and a ~10' wide Sat dish to receive the signals in their hemisphere. What's really cool is now you can literally see the north Atlantic tracks and across the pacific in real time. I just discovered this feature recently and don't ever recall seeing it before. And I do use their website from time to time. Especially when I wanna know why I'm hearing a dual prop plane overhead at 2AM way up above the clouds on a cold night in February while having a smoke. LOL! (Usually it's a life flight of sorts).


    More Info. on ADS-C. Inmarsat at Wikipedia.


    Track 'em. https://www.n2yo.com/database/?q=inmarsat#results


    There are of course other competing aircraft tracking products on the Internet, but did anyone see this? https://opensky-network.org/network/alerts Opensky also has data for all aircraft traffic during the pandemic.


    Quick reference:


    7500: Hijack


    7600: Radio failure


    7700: Emergency.


    The squawk code is PCM (Pulse Coded Modulation). More Info. on this and more here. I inquired about it some eight years ago now!

  6. Otherwise we might as well de-planet. I hear Alpha Centauri is nice, this time of year....


    I hear the planets that orbit Alpha Centauri want us to learn from our mistakes... and sometimes it is painful. But you can't progress from this school to the next and expect you won't repeat the same mistakes. If life has to recycle back again then it shall. It's done it now five times.


    In a nutshell, let technology flourish...

  7. Sorry but I think we all are too late to stop, more less reverse, global polution and it's consquences. By 2050 half of the population on earth, and half of the species (of all kinds) will be GONE. TOO BAD - TOO LATE! You will get warnings: 'you have 10 yrs to...' at 2030, 2040,and 2050 but can do nothing. NADA!

    Chuck B




    Says the professor that knows the science beyond what the media (owned by no more than around four mega companies) tells them... I can type three pages on what I think is the real problem, but I'll just state this. There are lies and there are damn lies. There is a lot of money in Eco this and that for marketing and political control. There is bad science in and bad science out. The data is being manipulated all the time all the while the real issue to climate change is not what you'd think it is... Just go to the Field museum in Chicago and stare at a Woolly mammoth.


    If the recent plague has taught people anything it's that A)companies and people made a TON of money and B) politicians want control. This, combined with a massive amount of hyperbole and conjecture fools the sheep. This is a perfect analogy to the whole climate crises/climate change/global warming word du jour going around. Never mind the fact humans think they're so creative. Perfect example is Bill Gates wanting to spray a freaking aerosol in the air to block the sun. Can't imagine what the negatives would be from that. You think hunger is a problem now just wait till these idiots get their way. Never mind the fact the sun is why your house exists, what powers your furnace (fossil fuels), your car, your body and a billion other things. It's why life exists and it's no wonder the ancients worshiped the sun.


    In the end, arm chair warriors and elected kings won't solve a problem that's not a problem when we humans have just started thinking about this stuff and thinking it's due to this or that from humans when the inherit nature of states of matter right down to the firing off of neurons withen the whole of the universe has a polarity to everything.


    In conclusion, there are and always have been climatic cycles, humans may never be able to know when a tornado will form or where it will go let alone know why the Arctic is melting and the Antarctic is a massive ice issue. We need quality data free from CARNEYS pumping the money into its research to somehow say it's this or that. It's like the massive AstroTurf campaign out there as it pertains to pharmaceuticals over any real world grassroots campaign. And that's been a major psyche onslaught since circa 1994. After all, it's what fuels the companies that own the media...



    I just now ran that cricket audio though a sound analyzer and discovered buried in the sub carrier audio was a bunch of whining and sniveling... Its metadata revels FS2020 epithets.






    Protip: If you're out at night and really quite and notice the crickets stop chirping, something is near by...


    I used to listen to them and watch my cat's ears at night while on the patio at night having a smoke... Anyway. LOL

  9. I'm thinking that particular FMC is pretty mundane in its mimicking of a real full fledged FMC. Thus no holding pattern ability let alone inputting a time and what have you.


    Where did you get it? Is there anything in the manual? I can look it over and if it does offer that ability perhaps I can figure it out.


    I believe that FMC is more about vertical and lateral navigation.

  10. I'm too lazy right now and lack the motivation to look, but I'm sure somewhere online are old approach plates for VHHX. Maybe in the Wayback Machine for a website that had them at one time.


    I don't use such a gauge when I fly. Just the default, but modified for TCAS GPS 500 in the Sim. It has the same code that gauge does I'm sure, just operates differently. For me, the magnetic heading is important because that's what I adjust the HSI to flying an ILS approach. Even doing that, sometimes the runway is waaay off which makes me mad when I'm flying blind. I do use Little Navmap to augment my situational awareness.


    There's another gauge I use called a WAAS gauge. It's pretty much an over exaggerated default GPS, but has the perk of seeing how many miles from the runway you are so I can set up the TOD (and I'm pretty good with that) and gives you a type of poorman's ILS LOC and GS based on runway center position and its location. I use that all the time to augment an ILS approach or when flying onto a runway with no ILS. I just have this gauge installed in my F22 though. It's not a very intuitive gauge to use, but once you get the hang of it and know how the code works it's not so bad. I'm just one of those people that can figure out electronic stuff pretty quickly without a manual. Actually did that for the FMC in the PMDG 737 LOL!

  11. Yeah, I know about the minor improvements which to me isn't much of a selling point since I did that all to my Sim plus some right after install. I also don't recall having to install anything for Simconnect functionality. It's been awhile, but as I recall, when I fired up Little Navmap for the first time it made a connection to Simconnect straight away...
  12. Am I to understand Steam doesn't include Simconnect in that particular incarnation of FSX? If so, that's BS.


    Just another reason while I'll never use Steam for a complex cog that is FSX or FS2004. Too many inner working modules and what have you for Steam to turn the Sim into a steaming pile of you know what.


    Don't get me wrong, I use Steam and battle.net and epic games, but not for the Sim, not ever. I'm glad I bought FSX deluxe back in the day on eBay when I was able to. I'm actually thinking about going Prepar3d one day though. All of the glory of FSX with sprinkles!


    Just an added note here. If you go to your FSX.cfg home of C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX there are two xml files. One is called dll.xml and the other is exe.xml. These XML files deal with modules. If a module doesn't work right then you'll want to open the exe.xml or dll.xml file in Notepad ++ and tailor. I had to do precisely that when I installed the FSXSave module (absolute life saver). The FSXSave installer never created its needed exe.xml entries.

  13. Also, are 73 and 72 magnetic headings for runway O7L?



    That would probably be correct, however keep in mind that the magnetic declination in the Sim is NOT what it is in the current real world anymore, but can be messed around with using BGL files that add in that data. Something I really don't want to mess with myself unless I'm flying as real as it gets and need that data to be exact. For that I'd probably be better off having two separate installs of the Sim...


    Actually, 72 might refer to a VOR. Is 111.10 the frequency to a VOR near there?


    Never mind. It's probably the runway ILS Freq. And the 12467 part might be runway length.



    According to NOAA, the magnetic declination is changing by nine one hundredths per year to the West.



    About the same for Tokyo.


    This is a mean average difference of 4.8 arcminutes between the two locations with a distance of ~1,780 SM/2,800 KM between the two points. LOL!





  14. Now that's a pretty handy tool there! Complete with visual representation before deployment! I used to hand edit the files in the past and fire up the Sim, watch the effect and redo. Rinse and repeat. I really should have just employed Cheech and Chong though...







    When I made my own personal Area-51 I had shooting stars fire off upon landing that made for a spectacular view mimicking that of the old TV show Under The Dome. It was actually during this TV show's airing that I was making my Area-51 project.

  15. Just had the issue crop up today when trying a flight from LAX to Vegas. Any news on a recent fix? FSUIPC no longer seems to want to fix it anymore. Before the FSUIPC I got(the free unregistered version) fixed it like a charm. Now nothing.




    What feature or option in FSUIPC fixed this? :confused:



    This is 5 years old?



    No. ~1768 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes, and 0 seconds UTC.

  16. The greed heads are capitalizing on Bitcoin miners... And in turn the government collects taxes on this open ledger, non privacy crap.


    In other news, that MSN website is coded in NOTHING but JS, and that's an abomination.



    HA! It'll take ~400 days! to pay off! ~331 days for a non TI version at the current price of $1,500 per GPU versus the former of $2,000 per GPU for the TI at Best Buy.


    You're probably better off with the non TI version to pay it off quicker since the Bitcoin "difficulty" goes up over time.




    Return on investment is about right.






    The whole list. https://www.hashrate.no/





    And suddenly that GPU and all the rest are, well, crap. LOL https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2022/04/06/2-trillion-crypto-crash-warning-sudden-shock-tanks-the-price-of-bitcoin-ethereum-bnb-luna-xrp-solana-cardano-avalanche-and-dogecoin/?sh=25904e8a7926


    I'd rather invent a Crypto. coin... They made Dogecoin as a joke anyway and it's mined and traded which is unreal. HAHA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin#Elon_Musk_and_Dogecoin

  17. When I read the title the music of Queen ran through my head like the shadowy flight of Knight Rider or something... :D





    (I am contemplating giving up on FS9 (2004).


    Any suggestions on the best new Flight Simulator Program?6


    Check out Lockheed's Prepar3d...

  18. I would even dream about my FS9 flights.




    I had the same thing with three different games: Resident Evil (called Bio Hazard in Japan I guess), Mario, and the latest would be Ark.


    With Resident Evil I was dreaming of a world of zombies. While I won most battles, I often found myself heading downstairs to a bunker, unlocking the large metal "vault-like door" and then waking up. With Mario, I was literally hitting large blocks with my head... you don't wanna know. LOL! And in Ark, well, I was riding a pterodactyl around mountainous cliff areas around the ocean. Much like



    Since I'm a Terminator and Matrix fan, I've had dreams of that too. The Terminator dreams were all of me and crew on the battlefield sneaking around and infiltrating Skynet headquarters. It was pretty damn cool, let me tell you. With the Matrix, that was like being a damn

    with super human abilities to walk up walls and what not. I played the Matrix video game circa 2003 so perhaps that helped foster that dream.


    And for the record. The Matrix is a hybrid of the Terminator.



    And yeah, I've often had dreams taking off in a 737 down a road somewhere out in the country or having to take over the controls. When I was kid living among the meadow larks and fields of wheat in no man's land North Dakota, I dreamed my Radio Flyer wagon could fly and I'd fly all around the country side and above the rivers. This was at night with the moon glow of some clouds.




    Cafe Bustelo, my favorite k-cup coffee


    Pretty good stuff. Gevalia is pretty decent, too. About to have a cup now. :D

  19. Africa: 16


    Americas excluding the U.S.: 17


    (For the sake of simplicity, I'll round up Asia to be more South East Asia which I consider to be to be China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Japan, Nepal, Tibet, etc. Leaving out Sri Lanka and India for Oceania instead).


    South East Asia: 110


    (The rest of Asia which I'll call the Middle East comprising of Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc).


    Middle East: 21


    (For Oceania I've included Sri Lanka and India).



    Oceania: 10 (Poor Oz only has 2 POIs and New Zealand has just 1.


    Sidenote: Interesting the U.S. doesn't include my monument from back in 1999 after prom night... Gesh.

  20. Since September 7, 2021, there are 97 POIs for the U.S. And 616 for all of Europe.


    Break down:


    Austria: 11


    Belgium: 14


    Bosnia and Herzegovina: 1


    Denmark: 21


    England: 87


    Finland: 14


    France: 104


    Germany: 182


    Greece: 2


    Hungary: 1


    Iceland: 3


    Ireland: 3


    Italy: 10


    Luxembourg: 7


    Netherlands: 14


    Norway: 47 (Very impressive)!


    Poland: 3


    Romania: 1


    Scotland: 30


    Sweden: 26


    Switzerland: 32


    Wales: 5


    Source: https://xboxera.com/2021/08/07/list-of-points-of-interest-in-microsoft-flight-simulator/



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