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Posts posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. That was very well edited and written. The video does echo my sentiments and experiences as well. My "gift" was FS2004 from my brother who just didn't have an interest in the game, but I sure did! Each and every single day I'd fly with my homemade cafe Bustelo Latte near by. It was around circa 2006 and I happened to be 26. It's absolutely amazing how time has flown by. I'm now 41 and still feel 30!



    I remember when I first took off out of Seattle in the Lear 45. Went right over the Cascades and nearly scraped the belly of the plane with some tress. Over time I started to learn like a flipping Terminator. When I discovered the PMDG 737 I was REALLY impressed. I pretty much learned everything by myself, and did some reading online along the way.


    Then, like the narrator of the video said, I started to delve into the guts of the Sim modifying gauges, creating custom panels, scenery design and adding AI by hand editing time tables to be compiled. To this day I still prefer to hand edit time tables.


    I'm sure like my family, Chris' family new exactly what might be up his alley thus bought FSX for him on Christmas. When I was his age my grandma bought me my first ever scientific calculator and I played with that thing for hours just figuring stuff out that I wanted to - figure out. LOL! Latter on I got a generic graphing calculator that used its own code and I would literally sit in class hand writing little "programs" for my calculator. Back then in 1999 I made a program for my calculator that was a password safe and a random password generator. I used this for my first ever email account with a company called ZipLip.


    In conclusion, It's pretty much the "nerd" ethos to do all this I reckon. The technology out there now-a-days, Github and beyond is absolutely unbelievable in every sense of the word, let me tell you. I'm glad I didn't know back then what I know now. I wasn't mature enough to have some of the skills I now possess. Like Peter Parker's dad said to Peter Parker, "with great power comes great responsibility."

  2. In all fairness, can you at least list what's missing? No? Going by eyesight geolocation versus that of massive north America or the U.S.? Well, I can tell you many of those European counties are no bigger than New Jersey or Delaware. So your eyes may be deceiving you.


    I'd need to see a list of both parties and their points of interest and compare and contrast those with what's missing to obtain a percentage for both disputed parties.


    Also, Asobo is a French company so it wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to include more points of interest in their neck of the woods than ours. Personally, that doesn't bother me, but I would hope if need be that they bring the game up to date sooner or latter seen as how this is a world-wide used game.

  3. There are some alternatives to the Wayback Machine as well, but some are paid for and some are just screen grabs. YMMV. https://digitaltrawler.com/10-wayback-machine-alternatives/


    About the certificate. Bizland is the hoster he's using for the website. It looks like the hoster needs to fix the certificate error, or the website owner should just install a Lets Encrypt Cert. and call it a day. Also, Bizland's server has a ton of CVEs. I wouldn't use them as a hoster...


    Anyone contact the website owner? There's an email address there.


    Ah, they are the ones with all these crap hosters... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfold_Digital



    Wow! Now here's a REAL blast from the past: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_Technologies



    I used them circa 1999 for my first website.


    Homestead is owned by Endurance International... Like Bizland, Bluehost, Hostgator and all the rest.

  4. I'm thinking FSX's code does this with your primary instruments. So if you want to change the HSI or what ever, you'd have to change the primary instruments I'm afraid. I'd have to confirm this. I do have FSPanelStudio.


    One way to get that "look" is by creating a new window for the aircraft and adding your gauges you wish like FSX's mini panel. I've done this before. And there are simicons here in the library that you can use. So you'd place one in your cockpit and that will open the newly created window. In that window you'd have another simicon to close it and go back to the VC or 2D. If you look at the simicon gauge code in FSPanelStudio, you can see the number that corresponds to it. That number is used for the window ID.


    It's been awhile since I messed with FSPanelStudio.




    Make damn sure you backup your panel.cfgs as you go along. The software does this, but I don't trust the "machine". If for some reason you messed something up (rather than down...), and shadow copies are turned on (like a couples night out) in Windows, you can use a program called ShadowCopyView by Nirsoft. You an also explore files in a system restore point with SystemRestoreExploerer by "Nic".


    Anyway, now you know, and "knowing is half the battle. GI Jose Hernandez Gonzalez!"



  5. In a nutshell, there are a WHOLE host of variables that can contribute to your crash, or black screen in this case. So I'm with the poster above.


    Some ideas:


    Lots of installed crap.


    Anti-virus software.


    A driver misconfiguration, a DLL, a driver crash like the GPU driver.


    Video card settings.


    A Sim module or add-on.



    Having said that, ever read Event Viewer? Type event viewer in the search box of Windows...


    Question: Do other video games do the same thing?

  6. It may be a path issue. Windows 10 and probably 11 allows for around ~260 characters.


    It may be the dependency for the program to work, i.e., .Net.


    If you shorten the path name and it still doesn't work, uninstall the .Net dependency and reinstall. You'll have to find out what .Net version this program uses so that you can uninstall and reinstall that version.


    I utterly hate developers using .Net. It opens an eventual path to failure, you're depending on them, and opened up a possible malware/hack vector. Which means now the dependency needs a dependency known as an update. And updates sometimes need updates.


    Rule Of Updates: The probability of failure is expedited with persistent updates times the rate at which they occur.


    Rule Of Dependencies: The probability of failure is expedited times their usage and their updates.


  7. I think we (the people of today) wouldn't have gotten along with a lot of people in the past due to physiological differences. And this can be said of our time just going from one city to the next or even a country... It's probably why Norway can have this and that prison system versus that of the U.S. as an example. I mean, I highly doubt the gangs and what not we have in south central LA exist in Norway. Yeah, time as well as place can have stark physiological differences and why you would probably absolutely HATE a lot of people back then. Just as relatively recently as the 1960s or the 1860s... Never mind ancient Rome and what have you. I would love to send a Millennial to 1966...


    Try Revelation 13:18, where it says "For it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" though it obviously isn't in numerical form.


    Yep, it's there. And "threescore" is mentioned 93 times. "Fourscore" 36 times. "God" is mentioned 4,788 times. And since this is about time, that word is mentioned 819 times. :D



    All this just resulted in me badly needing a long nap. Wake me when it's over.



  8. Origen of Alexandria was a miserable old so and so wasn't he? He and I wouldn't have got along.



    I think we (the people of today) wouldn't have gotten along with a lot of people in the past due to physiological differences. And this can be said of our time just going from one city to the next or even a country... It's probably why Norway can have this and that prison system versus that of the U.S. as an example. I mean, I highly doubt the gangs and what not we have in south central LA exist in Norway. Yeah, time as well as place can have stark physiological differences and why you would probably absolutely HATE a lot of people back then. Just as relatively recently as the 1960s or the 1860s... Never mind ancient Rome and what have you. I would love to send a Millennial to 1966...

  9. Looks OK to me. (It's Mask Class Map, but surely that's a typo)


    Just make sure you're compiling to an active scenery folder, for testing you better make this folder topmost (in Scenery Library Editor).

    You should see FSX "rebuilding scenery library" on startup.


    And make sure you have no older (and maybe incorrect) BGL versions wandering around for this airport.



    I'm at v01.78.798, but that can't be the reason for the malfunction.




    Auto Gen (trees and plants) are removed, but I'm not getting an evenly flat surface in the new polygons.



    It appears he's using an active folder.


    OP, which active directory are you using anyway?

  10. I'm not sure if the produced BGL will flatten third party mesh. If you do have third party mesh, then perhaps this could be your issue?


    It would be a battle over BGL/scenery hierarchy for lack of the right term.


    The other possibility of error may lie in the SDK source files, or your particular Sim environment, i.e., all of its add-ons and what not. A temporary "safe mode" of sorts can be achieved with the fantastic program Scenery Config Editor found at SourceForge.


    I use this program to turn off huge add-ons so they don't render when I don't fly there to reduce the likelihood of a VAS crash to desktop. New York in this case is a perfect example. If I fly to NY I turn that add-on on and a lot of other add-ons off. If not, I'll get a CTD upon flying into the area. It's because the Sim loads EVERYTHING no matter if you fly there or not. Refer to my Sig. below from PMDG. Anyway...

  11. Just a shame there is no ground rain effects as well unless i went to P3D by looks of what you say, sadly cant afford that baby.



    It's just due to the FSX code. P3D took the code and changed it...


    P3D looks better and better over FS2020 if you ask me. It's just that pesky EULA though. I may say machine screw it and tap & die that sucker.

  12. We concluded that such societies wouldn't be able to record history by years but would have to use some arbitrary grouping of days. Increased precision in astronomy later in the society's development could cause a change of calendar but we thought that age and birthdays just wouldn't ever be a thing.


    Curios. Who's "we?"


    Here ya go. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday#Early_centuries



    The way humans think about stuff is tied so closely to our evolution and that of our environment that considering stuff from such a different perspective is interesting to say the least. Someone recently pointed out to me that as we have ten fingers (broadly, I know. And I have more than the average number of legs) so in the west we group numbers in tens. But if you count in binary with your fingers, suddenly you can count up to 1024 before having to use your toes...



    It's really an interesting one. Especially since I count exactly 668 times the word "seven" or "seventh" shows up in the in the King James pure Cambridge edition of the Bible. Also, the number word "forty" appears 158 times. No mention of the number "666" however. But the aforementioned "ten" in written word shows up 1,550 times... Now if we just had the complete canon...




    Speak for yourself. I think mine should be a global public holiday and religious festival.



    HA! I see your declared day of praise and raise you all my King's horses and men for battle in this day of our Lord two thousand and twenty two! ;)






  13. Two things are certain when mankind (I'm sorry, "people") manipulate DNA for all the born via the test tube:


    1) The need for "the three sea shells" in that era due to that era's plague of CoV-10 and people's need for rear end sanitation over food and water, etc.


    2) Time dilatation, i.e. gravity will have zero effect on the body's muscular system so everyone will be tall, skinny with huge eyes (like a freaking Anime character) because of the "pill" for food and evolution, er, test tube evolution... Refer to






    Worse yet, Bigfoot will STILL be an elusive creature! :D





  14. I can't answer your question, but I have to tell you that Discord is loaded with malware and varmints. And I'm not saying this for nothing. I'm saying it as a cybersecurity esoteric person...


    In a nutshell, Discord is pretty much hosting malware and they don't care.


    For me, I roll my own TeamSpeak server and use ZeroTier for access without port forwarding which would be a bad thing without a decent firewall like pfSense, Untangle, etc. You can use ZeroTier for VNC as well... I would NEVER port forward VNC -- EVER! (If you use VNC, eBay scans its websockets via your browser)...

  15. I can't answer the REX question, but if it's anything like the weather engine Active Sky 2016 [AS16 (which I use)], then it'll need to be online for constant in real time weather updates. However, AS16 has an offline feature as well. I don't use that mode, and it's been awhile, but I believe you set your from and to and it'll download all weather for those to points or your user inputted route and inject that weather into your Sim as you fly alone that route.


    I'm sure REX's website and/or user manual covers all this.


    I personally like AS16 because its weather cloud depiction can show up on my weather radar in a PMDG 737NGX or RealityXP weather gauge. That's important because not all weather injection software can do that. It's due to their code and how these gauges read the code. It's not a huge thing for me to see weather radar in the Sim as mundane and useless as it is software side, but it's a nice perk to see loads of red out there so I can fly though it in an F-22. If you fly "as real as it gets", then radar returns are predicated upon routing.

  16. This very website's library has a lot as well. I have made some of them myself and uploaded here...


    If you are like me and have loads and loads of AI air traffic, then get in the habit of "upgrading" each airport you fly from and to -- to accommodate all the parking needed. Eventually your world wide airports will all be upgraded. At least the one's you fly to most often. FSX's core has 24,222 airports. LOL!

  17. How do people living on planets with no axial tilt know when to celebrate their birthdays?


    This is not related to axial tilt, it's related to the period at which the planet moves around the sun. In our case of our solar system anyway.


    You have to remember that in other solar systems the period of a planet may be vastly different than our own. Especially true if there are more than one star (sun). Which sun do you use for the period at which you were born? For example, my body's mass has thus far been around the sun 41 times. In that time I've rebuilt my entire skeleton ten times among other things the body does that most people don't have a clue about.


    Now lets take it a step further.


    Determining your planet's and your sun's positions relative to each other and to the rest of the universe is something that comes very late in a society's development...


    Indeed. We are a very low IQ, immature organism. Other beings probably don't go by the very archaic orbital period to create "years" of time. Their system could be based in the quantum level. Heck, even on Earth we don't have to measure the orbital period to calculate what we determine to be a "year" anymore. We can use something that is pretty damn constant to give use a basis for time. It's called an atomic clock that uses Cesium. This clock is so important it's used for geolocation from GPS satellites. Your phone, tablet, car GPS, planes, ships and submarines all depend on it. My two clocks in my room right now use atomic time. They're constantly calibrated by listening to the radio signal at WWV in Fort Collins, Colorado on the frequency 60 kHz. You can hear the phone (audio) of this transmission on 5000, 10000, 15000, and 20000 kHz on a shortwave radio.









    All politics and relation to one's existence is relative to that of physiological time and place...




    Through the years:
















    And the list goes on and on...∞


  18. May not be gone for long. Just saw on the SOH site that the onwner has renew his domain for another year, so maybe just redoing his site.


    That's not necessarily an indicator on whether the site will be back up or not. Domains are like virtual real estate, you kinda want to hold on to certain properties. Even if they're not occupied...


    For example, Elon Musk once owned x.com, the precursor to today's PayPal. The domain was still owned by the company that runs PayPal, but Elon Musk wanted the domain back for "sentimental reasons." So bought it back from PayPal for an unspecified amount if I can remember right.


    If you go to x.com it just loads a txt document. Interesting enough, he uses GoDaddy... Yuck. LOL




    You also have the option of paying for a domain on a per year basis or by multiple years. So if he paid for ten years it'll renew every year until then. Even when the domain expires, you have I think a month to pay up to keep it. Not sure if that's an ICANN thing or not. It's been that way at NameSilo.

  19. You could run Windows 7 as you do now (the host) and Windows 10 or 11 in a virtual machine. I like VMware Workstation Player. Others like VirtualBox, but in my use of that software I had nothing but issues time and time again. I'd try it, have issues, uninstall and try it again a year latter.



    If, and ONLY IF you don't want updates EVER, check out Windows 10 AME. It's not for everyone, and building it yourself may be out of your pay grade.


    You could also strip Windows 10/11 down with NTLite and use some third-party tools at Github to help control the mess for a PC (Personal Computer) which it is not. It's a Personal Cow! You're the cash cow, and the OS is the manure.


    If you know what an ASN is (pull out your favorite search engine and look it up), I can tell you I recorded no less than twenty! (20) being used for telemetry in 10. I have yet to try my hand at 11. It's as if Microsoft turned the PC OS into a cousin of the asinine smart device. Heck! It's all right there in the EULA you agree to once you install the OS. No debate needed at all.


    Anyway, yeah, Windows 7 (or even better, XP) are fine OS's for these old Sims of FSX, FS2004 and before (Bustn' out rhymes). The latest and "greatest" FS2020 will of course require 10 on up. I may wait for an Xbox emulator some years latter for that. HAHAHA



  20. Yeah, that's why I added the "black van" comment. I've had ideas on engines running on air, and apparently so have others, or at least one guy.


    Thing about being an inventor, often times than not someone else already had the same idea, so if I can think it so can someone else. Believe me when I tell you this world deserves what it's about to get. It's just universal law of polarity and what not. The polarity of things is expressed right down to the atoms in your flesh that covers your skeleton. And like a star, it's born and dies like it should.


    Refer to Professor Falken...

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