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Posts posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. Electric is fine for certain types of planes like GA, but a larger plane? I wouldn't think so with battery technology right now. And to me, this whole electric driven thing has my sense of common sense and logic irritated because the work in to work out energy efficiency is out the proverbial window with the use of energy conversions from one source to the next. i.e., coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear to electricity, stored in a battery and used for the use in a drive train connected to an electrically feed engine.


    This is done on the premise that it "saves the environment." Nothing could be farther from the truth when a majority of all electricity in the U.S. is created via fossil fuels and at the same time Eco warriors want to shut down all of these electrical producing plants. Even nuclear which is by far the cleanest of them all and its spent fuel can be reprocessed, though costly. They do this in France. And so-called environmentally friendly wind turbines and solar is not. First, the amount of NOx and SOx and other crap generated through the manufacturing process to make wind and solar far out gain the benefits. Plus, you need a TON just to meet the demands of the consumer and into the future. They're actually trying to offset this with large battery backups in cities. HA!


    My proposition:


    First and foremost, I'm all of the above when it comes to electrical power. I'd use solar and wind in places where it works the best. Consequently, I'd build next generation nuclear plants that can also produce HTE (High Temperature Electrolysis) based hydrogen in areas with a mitigated threat of earthquakes or floods (think ocean). Like in Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, etc. I'd stay out of the New Madrid seismic zone... Nuclear can withstand hurricanes or tornadoes so that's really not a major issue.


    I'd make use of natural gas for chief electrical generation followed by other sources and make NG the principal energy source behind vehicles in a hybrid configuration. Whether land, air or water. I'll explain in the next paragraph and get to the point of this post. Also, natural gas produces less emissions and we (the U.S.) are the world's number one producer.



    As I described in my opening, the way electric vehicles are now takes one source of energy (primarily fossil fuels), converts it to another (electricity) and then uses that for work in energy in a vehicle. Then it takes a long time to charge. Why don't we use a small natural gas engine to turn a small generator in a hybrid configuration? Add fly wheels and now your efficacy went up. Plus, NG is already pretty clean than other fossil fuels so being used in a small engine that makes use of fly wheels is going to be MASSIVELY more cleaner and efficient! Freight trains are actually hybrids. They use giant diesel engines that turn a generator for an electric motor and it's the electric motor who's the main engine that turns the wheels. This is mostly for sure work out energy and probably fuel savings. Especially since once you surpass the coefficient of friction you can idle down.


    So, can you imagine? A hybrid vehicle like a car, truck, tractor, boat, or plane that uses some NG for a small engine that turns an electrical generator for self-sustaining electricity to a battery? A battery with enough potential energy for some serious horse power I might add. (add a bank of large capacitors and you're gonna see some serious sht - Doc Brown). There's no charging station required, no strain on the already fragile electrical grid, and it'll be a lot cleaner than a traditional gasoline or diesel engine. Did I mention the U.S. is the number one producer of NG? What you're pretty much doing here is maintaining the charge in a battery who already has the potential energy needed for the electrical powered drive train. And like I mentioned, add fly wheels and it'll be even more sublime.


    Yes, NG powered flight is possible. NASA has/had a plane that used NG. Though, not in a hybrid configuration as I would like to see it. The other great thing about the use of NG as your principal energy source is that propane (a close cousin of NG) can be created via oil through the fracturing process as well in absence of underground NG (methane) sources. So we have two viable sources of fuel in the market for vehicles.


    One day I'd like to take an old GM Hummer and convert it to a triple fuel capable hybrid: three small internal combustion engines of gasoline, diesel and NG/propane. These engines would turn (by user choice) a small electrical generator for the battery that drives the electric motor. I'm thinking of calling it the "Prepper Mobile" or "SHTF Vehicle." :D I mean, when a hurricane takes out Florida and there's no fuel (because for some reason gas stations don't use generators or solar for electrical backup), I still have my vehicle!



    Anyway, a black van just backed up into the driveway... I hope they see the newly drawn chalk outlines and understand my CIA-like personality and vaaaast knowledge in escape and evasion. :cool: HAHA https://c.tenor.com/kRahqDqUOYoAAAAd/hes-a-dangerous-bastard-turkish.gif


    This message brought to you by Benjamin Franklin and his electrical kite driven model T.




    Can I just be king for six months?

  2. If you're referring to the Windows task bar and you have your Sim set to windowed mode, then it may be because the task bar is NOT locked. Right click the task bar and see my screen shots. Consequently, chose properties for more options.


    Yeah, it's Windows 7, but that same should be in 8-11 or there's another facility for that. I have Win 10 installed in a virtual machine so would have to check.



  3. Come on now. You honestly think someone out there can't play FSX on a commodore 64? Pfffft, technology...


    *kicks a 3.5" diskette down the sidewalk, meets Huck Finn and asks, "do you wanna paint a fence for 25 crypto?"*




  4. Sad to say!! Very few products, especially software, are tested or refined nearly as well as they should be before they're put on the market!!



    Yep. It's why companies issue update after update to fix this and that for a half baked product without any real R & D. Then to add insult to injury, not only do updates sometimes need "updates", but the code isn't signed. This opens the door to anyone to mod your router firmware for example and use YOUR router as a stepping stone for nefarious activity. The REAL half baked crap out there now is IoT. There really needs to be some type of consortium for security recommendations and technology interoperability and what not on IoT if such a consortium doesn't already exist like; RFC, the WiFi Alliance, IEEE, etc.1 Something of that nature at least. If there is, then code signing is straight out the window. And these IoT devices have been used for very large DDoS campaigns relatively recently. And a DDoS comes in many flavors as well. Layer 7 for example is a real PITA. Pull millions of resources at one time from a server or piece of hardware at the application level via a multitude of hacked IoT and you can shut down some serious stuff. Think SCADA et al... Hacking is both egress and ingress so to speak.


    Anyway... My two worthless copper pennies worth.




    Countries and their government representatives need an "update." LOL! The user to product trust relationship is out the window as well.




    Don't EVEN get me started on the dismal lack of customer support with products. It's like the serious lack of timbre in music now-a-days which really does solidify the fact music, as well as other media is
















    1 What if there was a consortium on marriage? Woman would have one called Amazons and men, Nomads. LOL

  5. To add about the right and left magnetos, I've read in jet powered aircraft with their left and right ignition systems, pilots will use the left ignition in both engines at the start of the day, and then the next crew will use the right ignition upon the next takeoff, and so on.


    BOTH are used in an emergency ONLY as far as I know. So if your engine conks out you'll flip to the BOTH option and pray to the Gods of flight the engine will turn over by utilizing both ignitions. Of course, flight level plays factor here as well. That's why if your in an active flame out emergency or what ever, the PIC (Pilot In Command) WILL dive that aircraft down quick to get to breathing altitude, i.e. a more oxygen enriched atmosphere. So hold on to your butts for that cigarette lighting maneuver.


    So here you learn that each engine has TWO ignition or magnetos. Right and left. I guess the basis behind this might be redundancy encase you can't restart the engine. You have two ignitions or magnetos to go on.


    And if memory serves, you flip the switch to the BOTH position on takeoff as per the checklist, I think. This is just a safety thing in case you need to start an engine right away on flame out while on takeoff (think bird strike). It's been a very long time since I went over those procedures, but if I remember that's what I did until FL180 I think it was.


    I'm not a professional or amateur pilot so I could be wrong. Just some scattered Info. I remember reading about years ago. Could have been on the airliners.net forum.


    If I had one share of Microsoft for every tidbit I come across on a day by day basis I'd own the damn company by now! LOL

  6. Yeah, I've used it from time to time. So much so Cyndi Lauper herself had to pay ME
    ... (Love the percussion in that song).
  7. I created a couple batch files to delete the FS9.cfg file and backup the whole lot in the AppData folder with just a double click. This way you don't have to navigate to the hidden AppData folder all the time. Consequently, you can just create a shortcut on the desktop to that hidden folder if you wanted. You just have to temporally turn on 'show hidden file names' in the Folder Options of the Windows Control Panel. The batch file, FS9_AppData_Backup.bat will create the folder backup on your desktop. These two batch files should work in Windows 7, not sure if they'll work in Windows above 7. I need to check this in 10 and latter 11. If the path in 10 and 11 is: \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS9, then these two batch files should work. I think the AppData folder is called something else in 10 and 11, or it's buried deeper or something.



    You can read the code in these two batch files by opening them in Notepad or Notepad ++.






    Here's a batch file that will automatically navigate you to the hidden AppData folder in question. Again, it will work in Windows 7. No idea about 8, 10 or 11. Or even Vista for that matter.




  8. I'm sorry, but this statement takes a whole library to describe its BS.


    United said it plans to train 5,000 pilots in its flight academy by 2030 and aims for half of those students to be women or people of color.


    What does gender or "color" have ANYTHING to do with qualifications? Seriously. Who the hell cares what your gender or "color" is! I obviously don't. If you have the qualifications and meet he company's criteria, then in my opinion you have the job.


    Making social issues a criteria for the hiring process means you're committed to hiring specific people no matter their capabilities. Which to me doesn't sound right in the interest of equal opportunity employment long laid down by the Department of Labor and Congress. Because it pretty much means this person has a guaranteed job over someone else. So you can quickly see the double edge sword behind this idea that has no logic or common sense behind it. And guess what? You shouldn't be focused on social issues for hiring criteria anyway when you're going to have a very hard time procuring hirees right now and possibly in the future. To those that don't now, airlines as well as air traffic control jobs are on the rise as baby boomers retire. Plus, there may be lots of people that actually like getting sleep... Never mind the wages...


    Anyway, gainful employment should be available to EVERYONE and not subjected to what amounts to be reverse racism and gender bias.


    /soap box off.


    Vive la Constitution!



    (This post not up for debate. So please do not quote it and expect such. We now bring you back to our regularly schedule broadcast already in progress.)

  9. [TABLE=align: center]

    [TR=bgcolor: #EFEFEF]





    FSX - FSX Scenery FSX Scenery--Area 51 / Groom Lake

    [ Download | View ]

    Name: area_51_2011.zip

    Size: 11,631,085 Date: 12-30-2014 Downloads: 1,531




    FSX Scenery--Area 51 / Groom Lake (AR51) Janet, Arizona (AZ), USA. Made from Google Earth image dated 8/22/2011. Added two gates, military cargo, a few GA parking spots. There are several combat and helo spots as well. Placed some military aircraft, but left some spots open. Even put three UFO's. Uses mostly stock and default buildings. One custom hide building with antennas, by TimmyL. Includes a static military library. By James Foutz.










    Hit this magical button shown in the screenshot below. Now make your copy/paste operation and your clipboard will carry with it all the required code.



    It's actually why I'll never support a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) mode on my site unless it can be turned on/off like on this forum software. Reason is because I can't stand copying articles over from a website only to carry with them their formatting when I paste to a post. Also, I consider it a security issue...


    A WYSIWYG on newer versions of vBulletin or Xenforo will bold the text and want not. Then to make matters worse, the forum software won't turn off the code formatting and I'm now typing in continuous bold, italic mode or what ever. I don't think this can be turned off and then back on per post like this website.



    Also, check out your account settings. Top right click settings. On the bottom left click on General Settings under "My Account".


    You can turn this WYSIWYG on permanently or not.





    I had no idea "Area-51" was in Arizona...



  10. I find it interesting it spat out some verbiage that Windows will TELL YOU if there's a solution. I can only imagine a dumb blonde joke right now...


    Anyway, what does Event Viewer say? Go to the Windows Start orb, in search begin entering: Event Viewer. Double click Windows Logs. Right click Application and save the file. Now zip that file. You'll have to share that file via a third-party file sharing website like Mega. Do the same thing for the System category. I just need to see Application and System. Not the whole gamut.


    Retrace your steps. What did you do prior to this error happening?


    Was there an anti-virus signature update prior to this issue?


    Install any software? Drivers? Hardware?


    Any software that got updated prior to the issue?

  11. You might have better luck with your inquiry here.


    This guy is offering his services. Being the very computer centric person I am, I see he's advertised on other flight Sim forums as well. https://www.google.com/search?q=Peterh.paintingpete%40gmail.com&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8


    E-mail seems new based on the haveibeenpwned results. Why? Because damn near everyone has had their email caught up in a database leak. https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Not listed at SFS either https://www.stopforumspam.com/search


    Where did you read about the steps? People who do this are often called "painters". I'm not that skilled with Photoshop or even Corel to do such work.


    Addendum: If your email is in a leaked database, well, that Info. is free for the taking on some hacker forum...


    Anyway, check out the painter subforum and that guy offering his services. LOL

  12. Tried but the driver download link for FSX doesn't seem to work. I'm guessing Microsoft asked Honeycomb to render the FSX driver link useless to get people to upgrade to FS2020. Typical corporate BS. They only have the download link for FS2020 drivers that works. Is there some other way I can get the FSX drivers?


    I am on the lookout for something that lets me properly program switches so up is on and down is off. Will this help with that? It just ticks me off how bad a job Microsoft did setting up button mapping. Its the one big gripes I've always had with FSX. It just baffles me that Microsoft decided to just shrug at the fact that some controls may have switches and set everything up as buttons even though real planes almost always use switches.



    I think the reason why the FSX link didn't work was because the the Web Dev for the Honeycomb website neglected to use HTTPS for the download link. It is instead HTTP which could cause a browser to freak out or some anti-virus or what ever. In this day and age there's a giant misconception that if it isn't served over HTTPS it's not safe or free from viruses or some other nonsense. Truth of the matter is, the only two chief things that HTTPS (TLS Transport Layer Security, falsely named SSL) offers is an end to end "encrypted" connection and website validity for a certain sense of "trust" that you're at such and such website by virtue of what the certificate was signed for from that Cert. issuer. Be it Lets Encrypt (be careful with that one), DigiCert, Comodo, Cloudflare, etc. You can see this Info. by clicking the padlock in the browser. Since this is a hyperlink you'll have to right click the link and copy/paste it. Now add HTTPS. Doing this I can strip down the URL to just


    I can now go to this link which will be a 403 (access denied), but I can see the certificate details without using the web console or SSL Labs. And doing this I see the Cert is issued to the subdomain of freeware.aerosoft.com from the certificate issuer Lets Encrypt. "freeware" is the subdomain part.


    Also, as of this writing the links for X-Plane and Prepar3d are not HTTPS links as well. Only the "FS2020" Flight Simulator link has a HTTPS link which is from a shopify CDN (Content Delivery Network) domain.


    Now, about the issue of levers, buttons and what not in the Sim. Remember what I said:


    You need software to interpret the commands from the controller so that Windows and then FSX can see what you're trying to do via input.



    With my CH Products yoke and pedals I was surprised FSX defaulted most functionality, but some things I changed or had to setup myself. In the Lear 45 for example, I had to set a button to fully deploy the thrust reversers. It won't do that if I throttle all the way done since I have that set to idle. So throttling all the way down takes me to idle. I like this setup because in the F-22 which I fly most of the time there isn't reverse thrust. Where's if I fly the Lear 45, as soon as I touch down I idle and hit the button for reverse thrust. Then hit the button again for no reverse thrust. The CH Products levers are mapped to gear and flaps. That I think was defaulted as soon as I launched FSX for the first time with the yoke attached.


    I shared a YouTube link. Why? Because it shows the Honeycomb software in action and what its capabilities are. So it appears button assignments are possible as they should be.


    The Microsoft corporate conspiracy is rightfully justified based on the track record of Microsoft and other big tech. But not in this case I'm afraid. This appears to be a web Dev issue not adding HTTPS to the download hyperlinks. Nothing more. At least that's what I think happened on your end and why you couldn't download the driver. Mind telling me what browser you are using or what ever it is you did to mitigate the issue? You may have opened up a vulnerability just to allow this link to download. So, if this is the case you might want to revert your settings. If this is anti-virus software, just know anti-virus software is a false sense of security and they are sending all of your telemetry back to home base. There are better ways for virus mitigation. Been meaning to make a post on that on my website and how I do things. I don't even use an anti-virus software. Been that way since circa 2015. Also, on the subject of corporate conspiracy theories, check out my post on my website about Edward Snowden (use the search facility provided). I briefly touch base on that subject.


    Again, button mapping and interpretation is via the software to hardware connection, not the game. Well, lets say in "exotic" cases. So this wouldn't be a Microsoft issue. It's how the controller sends signals to the computer so that the software (FSX) reads the input via the middle man of the Honeycomb software. Make sense? FSUIPC is the same way. Its DLL is the middle man to signal interpretation from a yoke or controller for custom button settings and what not.



    Anyone know why Aerosoft is dishing out the Honeycomb driver software? Were they involved in product development or something?

  13. How about some Google Dork? Yes, that's a real term for these search commands.



    inurl: flightsim.com Baker Island


    inurl: flightsim.com Howland Island





    FSX "Baker Island"


    FSX "Howland Island"





    Useless tidbit:


    Iran used Google Dork to oust some CIA operators. That's how powerful the crap is. In fact, there's a website updated on a day by day bases with different search parameters to find all kids of juicy stuff. You can even search inside public AWS S3 buckets!

  14. I'm willing to bet (but not too much) that the backup is just the game and your current configuration set. Nothing more. Two reasons why I say this:


    1) My use of Steam (not for the Sim) seems to indicate backups for installed games and nothing more.


    2) I highly doubt they (Steam) would allow a mass of data to be uploaded to their severs. Lets face it, my install is around 55 GB. I've read others having an install two to three times that size!



    I backup my Sim on two Hitachi enterprise grade platter hard drives. One always being disconnected from the computer. I also archived the whole FSX folder using a 7Z archive (best compression I know of) and then burned that giant archive to a single 50 GB Blu-ray disk. That disk is placed in my $35 SentrySafe branded fireproof safe (NOT for physical access protection but for fire mitigation). I have three of these safes for my Social Security card, diplomas, car title and other important stuff right down to physical media backups of all sorts. I utilize the cloud and physical media. You can often times get these safes on eBay for around ~$35 and free shipping. No crime, I mean Prime required. And they make safes for electronics. Protip: Keep everything in plastic. Whether plastic sleeves for paper or sandwich bags. Because the contents in these safes can get moist during a fire. Use large static bags for EMF/solar flair protection if that even works...



    Check out FreeFileSync, S3 Browser and GSplit 3. You can create batch files to fire off for S3 Browser in Windows Task Scheduler...


    And BTW- Optical media is nice for bit integrity over flash and magnetic based storage. And they do make 100 GB sized Blu-ray disks. Just need the right burner. Mine is a Pioneer and the optical media is Sony. It'll also burn M-DISC. I have Wikipedia entire on a M-DISC using WikiTaxi. I've instructed family members to place that disk in my casket should I move on to the fourth dimension so to speak... :D It also has other things on the disk as there was room. I'm not worried about future decoding ability.


    (You're actually not allowed to do that, but what's the harm FFS?)

  15. A restore of the installation may not have deleted the FSX.cfg file. This file will contain certain settings, that from time to time can muck stuff up.


    I've created three batch files uploaded here. The file named Delete_fsx_cfg.bat will delete the FSX.cfg file. The file named Nav_To_FSX_Profile.bat will easily open the FSX profile in the AppData folder whether you have show hidden files on or not. The file named FSX_AppData_Backup.bat will create a backup of the FSX profile folder to your desktop.



    Absent of deleting the fsx.cfg file, have you checked the FSX settings in the game?

  16. Is it the sound you're hearing or just the engines? What does the N1 and N2 say? Are they not spinning up? If so, this could be and issue with an invisible fuel valve keyboard command for the fuel pump or something else. In which case if you're starting the engines manually, try the built-in automatic method instead. I think it's CTL + E. The Sim should be able to latch the fuel valves in the correct positions and what not to start the engines. The other thing here is that the use of the default throttle quadrant of the B747 could be an issue in a Bae if that quadrant (gauge) doesn't necessarily provide the needed functionality to start the engines. i.e fuel valves and what not. I mean, the code in the gauge may not activate the right internal code levers and what not.


    =Off topic=


    Something else here. If it's taking a whole month's worth of Sundays, best not be a month where day one is a Sunday. Otherwise that calendar month WILL contain a Friday the 13th and I wouldn't fly on that day... :D

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