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Everything posted by beroun

  1. beroun

    Tds ab350-900

    Thanks Bernie, did exactly as you suggested: copied the VC entry into the new panel.cfg (all gauges are in my gauge folder). All 2d panel windows entries that are TDS related were also added - that is TDS utility and TDS de-bug. I can now open all the doors but still no GS equipment around the aircraft. I wish TDS would include some instructions in "tds_a350-900_release_baseset_211227" download instead of all the warning notices, rules and restrictions. CAMSIM AB350 is straight forward. The GSE opens by simply pressing Shift and F. Perhaps I am missing something?
  2. beroun

    Tds ab350-900

    Thanks gents, should have mentioned in my initial post - this is the aircraft I was talking about: tds_a350-900_release_baseset_211227 And yes as Dogdish mentioned, it has B777 cockpit with the instruction that the animation/lights control gauges are written in the vcockpit section of the panel.cfg. Well there is a vcockpit section in the panel.cfg but the VC does not show when flying. Model issue maybe?
  3. beroun

    Tds ab350-900

    The new paints available for download made me to obtain TDS AB350-900. The panel has VC and model should include GSE animations. Neither seem to work. VC does not open, and animations, except door openings, do nothing? The read me talks a lot about warnings and violations but no detail instructions. Bit disappointing since the aircraft looks and flies nice. Or perhaps I am missing something! Any views appreciated. Thanks,
  4. beroun

    Tds ab350-900

    OUCH! This belongs to FS9, Sorry!
  5. beroun

    Tds ab350-900

    The new paints available for download made me to obtain TDS AB350-900. The panel has VC and model should include GSE animations. Neither seem to work. VC does not open, and animations, except door openings, do nothing? The read me talks a lot about warnings and violations but no detail instructions. Bit disappointing since the aircraft looks and flies nice. Or perhaps I am missing something! Any views appreciated. Thanks,
  6. Great paint job but GSE animation does not seem to work. Same in the TDS base model. Works fine in CAMSIM?
  7. beroun

    Scenery ID

    Thanks Tim will give it a shot. Cheers,
  8. beroun

    Scenery ID

    Finally got UT Europe from Flight1 - amazing!!! but have few areas where the scenery is blurry. Obviously, a conflict with my other sceneries (got hundreds of other ad-on airports +++) After UT installed, I tried to weed out the duplicated mash but still no luck in some areas. Probably add-on airports or some altitude adjustments I did in the past are conflicting? Is there any way I can ID which scenery is loaded at any given time in flight, so that I can see which add-on is acting up when the scenery is blurry? Thanks for any advice,
  9. Can offer an idea for a nice TR smoke effect I am using on my old jets. The gauges/effect come from AFG Caravelle, believe still available as a free download: AFG Caravelle VI-R (6R) Base Pack 2, v1.0 for FS2004 1/gaugexx=Digital!Turbine_EPR_controller_JT8D-7, 0,0,20,20 Goes to aircraft panel. This is needed to limit affect ony when TR is deployed. 2/ light.xx = 7, -4.000, -62.000, 0.000, fx_caravelle_eng_rev light.xx = 7, 6.000, -39.500, 2.000, fx_caravelle_eng_rev light.xx = 7, 6.000, 39.500, 2.000, fx_caravelle_eng_rev light.xx = 7, -4.000, 62.000, 0.000, fx_caravelle_eng_rev Above smoke is for Mike Stone (4 engine) Galaxy. Assuming you know how to position effects to fit TR at the aircraft.
  10. Thanks gents, Yes Colin, the airports show in "Any Search", so therefore no big deal, can always find the airport. (Example even if KBOS does not show under Mass, it shows in any search). Just trying to crack the FS mystery. And Chris, great points. If I crack it, will let you know.
  11. Hi In some US states when I select Go to Airport, the State/Province does not open in the search results. In My case it is in case of Massachusetts, Maryland and Pennsylvania. instead, the previously open state provinces show. See attached sample. When Mass is selected in State/Provinces the previously opened Maine provinces show instead? Any advice appreciated Many Thanks
  12. Sorry for wasting your time, but you suggested the alternative above. Thanks for your efforts, will no longer pursue this issue.
  13. Hi and many thanks, unfortunately, the main gauge (hud2B9,xml) still downloads as a blank xml (30kb). Tried to download it number of times and no luck, All other gauges (xmls) in gaHud29 folder download, OK? So, unless I crack it, it is a no-go for me. Perhaps you can email me the xml text??? peterbe1948@gmail.com Cheers
  14. Further to above, curious to know since when you are putting the gauge folders directly to aircraft folder : "1. Place the "gaHud29" folder into the aircraft you wish to have the Hud. For example if your aircraft is B747-400, after install it would read B747-400/gaHud29.". Also, why the main gauge xml hud2B9 downloads as blank xml - not functional? Perhaps my system deletes it? Please let me know if I am missing something.
  15. Thanks for your response, certainly will not use it. Have happy New Year and thanks for all your efforts. Surely all good intentions and hard work. Cheers
  16. Bit confused! the main gauge hud2b9 downloaded as a blank xml??? Instructions are hard to follow. Referring to forums for help? The instructions could be brief and comprehensive! It is pity, so much effort must have been put into this project. Example: gauge00=gaHud29!HUDtoggle.xml,, 92, 180,25,25 // you do not put .xml when assigning the gauge. No ICE gauge????? What does below mean?? [Window Titles] Window00=Boeing 767 Main Panel Window01=Boeing 767 Overhead Window02=Boeing 767 Pedestal Window03=Boeing 767 FMC Window04=hud2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [Window00] gauge00=gaHud29!HUDtoggle.xml,, 92, 180,25,25 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< gauge01=gaHud29!Timer, 0,0,10,10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [Window01] gauge33=dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 2,2,2,2,./Sound/B767/B767_sound.ini [Window04] gauge00=gaHud29!hud2B9, 20,20,200,166 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [Window06] gauge07=ICE!IceWarning, 480,275,57,14 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Would help to create a new window to be used for the Hud pop up. Would be less effort than all above! I have a vast experience in creating/assigning gauges but this one is a real winner (sorry for irony)
  17. Bit disappointing, shutting down my FS. The previous version was excellent, so probably some texture errors?
  18. 118 downloads

    FS2004 Fuel Gauges For Any Aircraft. Installation of any fuel gauge or set of fuel gauges either straight into the aircraft panel, or as a resizable and movable pop-up window (group of 2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 fuel gauges are grouped in the pop-up options). The fuel quantity pop-up window can be opened by installing a button in the panel. The gauges correspond with the aircraft.cfg [fuel] section tank designations - To accommodate different tank quantities the gauges are showing the tank loads in percentages, or "Empty, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 anf Full". By Peter Bendl.
  19. beroun

    S-Builder Error

    Thanks Tom. Have downloaded the file and placed it into both folders. Still no luck, I guess I need to change the file privileges. Bit reluctant to do it since when checking the full user access in the file properties I get all kinds of warning messages.
  20. beroun

    S-Builder Error

    Thanks Chris, Have done just about everything - see attached to no avail. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/comdlg32ocx-in-windows-10/d689c5ed-c9bb-469a-a46f-2808f2ae47cf Perhaps there is another solution?
  21. beroun

    S-Builder Error

    Hi, Recently getting the attached error trying to run the S-Builder. Any help appreciated. Many Thanks
  22. Does not seem to be ATC issue. Does it happen at the same airport, are others OK? If at the same airport, is it add-on airport? If it is add-on turn it back to default one and see if the problem persist. Any other add-on scenery around? To me this sounds like a scenery issue with non standard textures.
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