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Everything posted by beroun

  1. Many Thanks Andy, I addressed this in different posts. Yes, the FSRealWX is acting up and the wind direction is going haywire. I was even once cleared by ATC for take-off and some aircraft were landing against me in opposite direction! Weird, the FSRealWX always! worked perfect. Something happened about three months ago. Hope the chaps will fix it. Cheers Peter
  2. Glad I am not alone. It surely looks like the FSRealWX is acting up. I am sure that the chaps will fix it. Have enjoyed it for many years and thanks for the freeware.
  3. Thanks Gents, many thanks for your input. The takeoff runway offer from ATC was actually my fault since I had FSUIPC programmed to limit ground wind to 5kts. But even eliminating this limitation in FSUIPC ATC offers runways with tail wind even when now blowing from the back at 30kts or so. But I now contribute it to FSrealWX Pro I am using. This started about 3 months ago, in the past using FSrealWX Pro worked perfect with ATC offering correct head wind runway. For info not using FSrealWX Pro and just programing the User Defined Weather wind direction in default FS weather engine works OK. The ATC offers correct runway with headwinds, So the anomaly is apparently in FSrealWX Pro.
  4. Hi, mentioned this before but no solution, so again: Ready for TO standing on runway 8 (see picture) True airspeed indicator shows 6kts head wind (picture). To the contrary the wind indication shows 7kts tail wind??? (picture) Mysteriously ATC clears me to take off from runway 8 and announces tail!!! wind of 7kts???? (picture) This anomaly is now happening all the time in last 3 months (all airports, all aircraft). Did not change any settings or weather download engine!!! It NEVER happened to me before! the air speed indicator was always matching the wind indicator and ATC always correctly offered take off from the runway with the headwind! Any help appreciated. Thanks Peter
  5. beroun

    FSUIPC Wind

    Hi, got registered FSUIPC and have selected the Max wind speed up to 1000ft to 5 knots. Worked perfect for a while, but suddenly is stopped working without doing any changes in FSUIPC settings? Any clue? Many Thanks, Peter
  6. Hi, this is because the prop texture in the texture file is not correct. I noted this in many prop AI aircraft. My TFS_Dash8 has prop texture TFS_Dash8_Q400_prop.bmp. I believe it rotates OK. You can try to replace the prop texture from other AI aircraft, which rotates OK (Hans also suggested). Always save your originals!!
  7. Hi Andy, assuming you tried the aircraft.cfg tweaks to no avail. Sorry for trivia but Auto-throttle engagement would not work without the IAS hold (in some cockpits SPD) button selected. Just as a test, what I usually do, actually take-off with Auto-throttle: 1/ Select AP runway heading 2/ Select the AP altitude 10000, VSI select lets say 1500 FPM 3/ Select speed dial to 250kts 4/ At this point all AP functions disabled and lined up for take-off, engines running 5/ Autothrottle ON 6/ IAS hold (or SPD) on - aircraft starts to accelerate 7/ Rotate command - rotate to selected VSI 8/ AP engage, AP heading engage, AP altitude engage 9/ Gear up 10/ Flaps up At this point the speed stays at 250kts and aircraft climbs to the selected altitude maintaining the selected VSI. Then I change the AP heeding and altitude as directed by ATC. Increase AP speed dial after 10000ft. This always works for me. Occasionally after take-off the speed exceeds 250kts slightly but reduces to the mandated 250. P.
  8. Hi, few things which helped me to avoid this unwanted acceleration when AT engaged: in aircraft.cfg [autopilot] autothrottle_max_rpm= change it to at least 110 (lower doer not work well) [autopilot] max_throttle_rate= this is the speed of throttle move, if to slow the speed does not recover enough to slow down. 0.1 is usually a good number. [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain= apparently increasing this will also affect the AT, do not have this tested. Also in general, steeper take-off angle also helps to decelerate. Good Luck Peter
  9. You do not have to be a pro to use Traffic Tools. There are thorough explanations in download. I would suggest to learn it, it is highly rewarding. http://simviation.com//fs2004utilities1.htm
  10. Hi, It was LKLN download below: http://www.flightsim.cz/fsitem.php?act=exe&id=694 BUT, please note that I have lots of scenery enhancements in the area plus some other small ad-on airports around, so deleting LKLN might have just eased up the load on the sim. Best Regards Peter
  11. Hi, Just a follow up, all s well now after (as per Tom's suggestion) I deactivated the add-on airport. Deleting DDS textures did not help, zeroing AI did not help either. So the culprit was the add-on. Cheers Peter
  12. Just noted this post, If you want a really great flying aircraft resembling DC3 it is DC2 from Uiver. $20 worthwhile spent. Amazing aircraft to fly. Highly recommended. Download: http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=dc2flight1 Peter
  13. Thanks, found about 30 DDS textures, so have deleted all. Curious if the problem will persist. Regret it was only occasional, so cannot test a specific scenario. Will report further. Cheers Peter
  14. Hi all Many Thanks, I am convinced it is a texture problem. The airport is add-on, and I got some AI programmed there. Tried different alternatives with/without AI. Interestingly there is no problem approaching from a different heading.It does not seem to be complexity, got some really complex airports, which cause no problem. Is there any specific texture, I could ID and which could be causing this? Thanks again, Peter
  15. I thought Microsoft let all the FS team go after FSX and made statement that FSX will be the last sim? So bit confused about them designing something in 2020?
  16. Hi, on approach to airport, which I did zillion times, the screen suddenly got black, stayed black for a minute or so and then FS restarted. Must say I got lot of add-ons, this airport included, also many scenery enhancements and AI. BUT it never happened before! Any idea what could be causing this - perhaps some texture conflict? Any help appreciated. Thanks, Peter
  17. Hi Robin FSUIPC works great and fix control acceleration did the job. I also limited the landing wind below 1000ft to 5kts (chicken!), but finally managed to land in hurricane:) Cheers Peter
  18. Many Thanks Robin, have downloaded the paid version from the web you suggested. Did not fly yet but hope that the "Fix Control Acceleration" check will eliminate problem I have with Caravelle AP segmented adjustments. Also congrats to your 1000 post. Cheers Peter
  19. Hi Gents, need to download FSUIPC registered version to allow me to fix the control acceleration. Could you please let me know, which download I should use. Assuming one of the listed in below web. Many Thanks Peter https://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html
  20. Being ex European and living most of my life in the US, have neglected Australia. This download changed everything. Amazing refresh of the whole continent! Enjoy the flights there tremendously. Thanks You VOZ team.
  21. As with other installs. Did not use the VOZ installer directly to FS but installed it to a separate folder and transferred the files manually. Always do installs this way. Those who know how to do it, this is the secure way. Did few flights and the scenery is great, Darvin photoreal is terrific. Many Thanks to VOZ team and to Flight Sim making this available!
  22. Great paint job. Was in my office when the first one docked at JFK Gate 2 in T7. Spent 40 years with the Company. Thanks for the great memories!!!
  23. This scenery by mistake includes BGLs relating to LIMC - Malpensa airport in Italy. Downloading this distorts LIMC airport. The fix is to remove LIMC BGLs from the scenery folder.
  24. This aircraft has empty instrument panel? No instruments or working switches?
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