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Everything posted by Hyperdark

  1. One thing to remember when unzipping addon files is they often bury the folder 2 levels in, so you endup with something like addon folder name/addon folder name/files, which wont work if you just copy that into the community folder, you need to go down one level to be at addon folder name/files and copypy-paste that into community
  2. I read your post Sid, you are on the wrong track. Just look in the root directory of the folder the sim is in probably C:\MSFS unless you put it somewhere else. there you will find a folder named community, addons go in there, its a far simpler process than any previous Flight sims from MS
  3. Hello Sid, all MSFS addons go in the community folder, this explains where to find it... https://support.justflight.com/support/solutions/articles/17000113722-where-is-the-community-folder-msfs2020
  4. Discord is a very different format to a traditional forum, more a chat room. I have tried it and whilst its VOIP functions are impressive and its very easy to use I simply dont enjoy the type of interactions that prevail or its lack of security, (its not easy to completely remove from ones PC either, leaves all sorts user specific logs and files behind after uninstalling) Regarding the PC-6 Its such a shame the Steam gauge panel hasn't materialised apart from the MSFS limitations that it shares with other turboprops its a fantastic small stol-utility aircraft I seem to remember there was another version being made by a developer in Ukraine that has been sidelined for obvious reasons, I hope the guy is OK
  5. Thanks yes I did know and that is the website I visited. Like I said there is no news there, but was hoping someone with access to their Discord and/or Facebook pages might have some newer info
  6. I really enjoy this aircraft apart from having to fly behind a Glass panel, Milviz have given various estimates for the stage 2 update that includes a conventional 'steam gauge' panel over the past year, the latest one I read being by the end of this month which is tomorrow. I've checked the Website/forum but there's no mention. I dont do facebook or discord, has anyone read any news from them?
  7. Sorry Bud, it seems like MSFS is using incorrect symbology, they aint VOR/NDBs at all, when I look at a chart they come up as airfields how weird
  8. Had a nice early evening flight into the Gap, even found some Hangar space for me to spend the night... :D
  9. Thanks for posting this Stephane, Ill be visiting Tonight
  10. Which aircraft?...pretty much everything I fly which is light GA, mainly Bush aircraft like the Cubs, Kitfox etc and sometimes stuff like the Carenado 337. They are all unreadable to me, seems to me its partly due to the awfull 'eye adaption' implementation as most of the aircraft I fly have the com[as just above the coaming and so the effect comes into play and darkens the interior as you look in that direction.
  11. Nobody else has this problem?, maybe everyone just stopped using a compass?
  12. What's an autopilot?;) how is the compass on aircraft you fly in MSFS?, is it readable
  13. I mainly fly low and slow prop singles and would like to be able to reference the compass, problem is in all the aircraft I fly the compass is simply unreadable even if I zoom in its always dark and indistinct. Is it just my setup or is this just how it is? P.S. Thanks for letting me in:)
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