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Everything posted by Hyperdark

  1. Ah I see, when you said it you spend minutes adjusting them I couldnt relate that to just turning a dimmer, which takes seconds
  2. In the 172, steam gauge version there are 2 dimmers just to the left of the throttle, you may have to hide the yoke to see them depending on your set viewpoint.
  3. https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4418363/saitek-yoke-replacement-pots
  4. I Quite like leaving them authentic and just learning the functions, turning the tooltips thing on has helped with the switches etc. If you're on the fence about getting this and enjoy low slow flight, get it...its the best aeroplane addon I've bought for this sim it, I havnt flown anything else since getting it P.S. despite earlier information it is available direct from the gotfriends website and not restricted to the marketplace
  5. Are they linear pots or rotary?, if they are rotary pots did you take them apart to clean?
  6. Is out and I must say it Flys nice, I have yet to decipher the polish writing in the Cockpit but this may be my next go to Bush plane (ok a bit heavy on the fuel but its a sim so the price is right:) ) Together with the Beaver, Husky and the Milviz PC-6, I feel my Hangar is well stocked now
  7. My bold. Though this might not have ever been done by MSfor its simulators, its common on other games and has been almost from the onset of PC gaming
  8. Sorry dont know but you'll probably find help over on AVSIM https://www.avsim.com/
  9. Very strange, I have to be literally in the middle of nowhere (like low level in the middle of the Pacific) to not see nametags around me when I have them switched on. Has to be something not turned on in the settings Click on "flight conditions" and check multiplayer is set to "all players"
  10. If you mean nobody was around in Meigs, thats nots surprising really since they dug it up in 2003. I expect if you try again this evening after everyone has updated the sim with the mythical Meigs re-instated it will be a different story Another thimg to remember is how time of day and what server is selected play a part, if for example you choose west USA server at 09:00 UTC you wont see many others
  11. Hmm, have you checked that an update hasnt turned stuff off in the relavent section, I still see others online though I seem to remember more online during the early days P.S. I dont use those addons so no idea how they affect things
  12. a Beta is available for download for those registered on the support forum
  13. Thanks for posting that...took me down a path of watching a few old NASA videos of lifting bodies all great stuff from an era where we seemed to just do stuff without all the BS
  14. Lol, release time in London 4pm...coincidently i had a letter telling me they are going to turn my electricity supply off tomorow from 11am to 4pm, but Ive seen the work they are supposed to do in that time and I know it will take much longer, normaly I would have left it till I went to bed to download an update anyway but they are having a meigs community fly - in tomorrow evening I would have loved to atten...Bummer
  15. No takers? Anyone interested in a group flight of any kind?, I know there are a few groups using Discord, but Im not putting that on my PC again
  16. Albuquerque to Meteor crater (yes the actual crater), needs a certain technique getting into and out of the crater, great fun in your favourite stol aircraft :cool:
  17. Idea for an occasional group flight: 1: choose country/state/province for event 2: select an airfield for everyone to fly into and meetup within a certain timeframe 3: everyone then is left to choose their own departure airfield and aircraft type and plan to arrive at the destination within the alloted timeframe perhaps have an open Teamspeak channel to laugh at each others arrivals? any interest?
  18. I carry a good quality Lithium starter pack in my aircraft it weighs little and turns my little prehistoric 4 cylinder engine over just fine it also has a USB power point. Re: airworthiness, well that depends..it could be that you have a flat battery due to a charging problem which might be an airworthiness issue , but it could also be flat due to you leaving the master/on overnight (we;ve all done it), in which case there is likely no airworthiness issue and the starter pak could well get you out of a fix at a remote airstrip. (I do lot of fly-in and camp trips)
  19. Flying cars were a terrible idea 60 years ago, despite what the over-hyped venture capitalist funded creations rich Saudi princes are playing with might lead the easily wowed to think, they remain a terrible idea
  20. Yea its not a spoiler, thats probably what caused the confusion Inuss
  21. Yea these have been a problem since release and Asobo doesnt seem interested in fixing . I dont think there are any settings that can get rid of these problems without delving into config files. There is this, but it seems like a very expensive way to just get snow cleared on a couple of airports. secure.simmarket.com/taburet-snowy-runways-geneva-zurich-msfs.phtml or perhaps have a search at https://flightsim.to/
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