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Everything posted by PhrogPhlyer

  1. Oh yes, the Lun-class ekranoplan. It was operationally deployed as a warship. Technically not an aircraft (does not leave ground effect) these are very interesting aerodynamically!
  2. Of course for uniqueness, there's nothing like the VVA-14.
  3. Time to ask ground for a progressive taxi. Don't know who or what is lurking in there.
  4. Part of the endearing challenges it offers? Great run on this leg. Enjoy the race at Bathurst on Sunday. I'll bet the ramp will have quite a few planes when you arrive.
  5. Hope you still have this. A bit pricy to purchase one today.
  6. Have you considered uploading the changed cfg?
  7. Thoughts and prayers for a successful overhaul and recovery. My best friend just had a titanium hip replacement and is back in the left seat pushing a Lear-60 for a charter company. See you back here and in the air again soon. .
  8. There was a recent news story in the US where a 17 yr old left a hand written note in the pocket of a donated winter coat that was given to a 2nd grade child in need. The child sent a note back in thanks. The two notes were shown in the news article. The 17 yr old's printed scribble was no better the the 7 yr old's. Writing is becoming a lost art in many school districts, with a trend to not teach cursive writing. In another generation or so many Americans will not be able to read the actual US Constitution or Declaration of Independence. How quickly those may become passé and unimportant.
  9. I forgot about those! Made many a MARS call from Okinawa and Korea! Thank you to all the HAM operators out there. Such funny memories, always felt odd saying "I love you... Over."
  10. The most difficult part of being deployed "back in the day" was waiting for the next letter, which could be weeks or months. I stood in line for 8 hours at a pier in Buson Korea to use the ONE phone that was available. Difficult to way to find out one's father has ALS and not long to live. Today's generation can not conceive of such "delay" for information. When my Marine squadron was deployed aboard ship, I heard the phrase "There are no tears beyond the pier." Today, it must be, 'how long will we have internet, beyond the pier?'
  11. Back in the '80s many airports had "Fly a controller" programs. The few of these I did always ended with a visit to the tower and then a fun lunch. These went a long way into each side of this critical system understanding the needs of the other. I hope this is still going on.
  12. There's a lot of truth here. You should see the look on corporate pilot faces when someone taxies by in a "real" jet. Priceless.
  13. Have found a partial solution, using SAMM (Static Aircraft MDL Maker). It is limited in that it only converts FS9 aircraft to MDL (usable in FSX). I converted the FS9 Dragonfly ultralight to MDL and placed it using ADE. This appears to work well but wont convert any FSX only aircraft. So still looking for any static ultralight aircraft created for FSX/FS9. Thank you.
  14. I am looking for static ultralight aircraft to add to a small general aviation airport scene under development. The libraries are full of GA, Commercial Jets, Military Aircraft, Gliders and Balloons. But I have yet to find small ultralight static aircraft. Links to available aircraft would be appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Understatement of the year! I'm exhausted just reading your post. Hang in there, down there.
  16. Well done! I will admit to a controller saving my backside more than once.
  17. Not bad I guess for a twin engine variable sweep. My 60 year old single engine straight wing Vampire did just over .82 mach and an TAS of 575kt. Then again, I "may" have exceeded a few limitations.
  18. Next you'll complain that the only controller on this watch can't take his 30 coffee minute break... sheesh!
  19. Objects as part of a scene put together by others may not be usable as objects for you. The individual object's bgl needs to be recognized and added to your FSX addon scenery. ADE will recognize an object, and let you copy/resize/etc. But unless that specific object bgl (not the scene's bgl) is available and added to your addon scenery, it will not show.
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