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Everything posted by tiger1962

  1. Have you tried both windowed and full screen display modes? If you're using DX10 preview mode also try unchecking that option. Note that parked AI aircraft won't be labelled until they push back and start their engines. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  2. In Settings/Aircraft there should be a checkbox for Show Aircraft Labels. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks il88pp, it's been a long time since I installed WOAI! It's well worth checking the aircraft.cfg files with AIFP for errors too, there are quite a few... Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  4. There are ready-made FSX packages on the WOAI site anyway, there's no need to convert those. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  5. Some sceneries will 'look' for their textures in the main texture folder - if you copy the KONT textures and paste them into the main texture folder they might appear in the sim. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  6. Or it could be a corrupted .bgl scenery file or missing texture. Have you tried a re-download and install? Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  7. IIRC, you must register with your ISP email address, webmail addresses are blocked. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  8. No worries Keith, glad you've kept your FS2004 installed in case of frustrating situations like this - very wise ;)
  9. For members elsewhere in the world, we're having a heatwave here in Europe and this is what happens... :p
  10. Hi Peter, I'm running FSX on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 without nVidia Inspector and it works fine in DX9 and with DX10 Fixer on a 1920x1080 monitor. If your monitor still can't display the AS Airbus screens clearly you might need a higher resolution monitor.
  11. Further to Hossfly's good advice, some models have reflection built-in, and don't need an Alpha channel in the texture file at all. The first pic looks a model with built-in reflection AND an Alpha channel in the texture.
  12. The more add-ons you have installed of any kind, the slower the sim will start. De-activating scenery areas not required for your current flight will improve performance once the sim is running, but the sim scans through everything, de-activated or not, when launching.
  13. UTX and GEX are Ultimate Terrain for FSX and Ground Environment for FSX. Ultimate Terrain is vector graphics for accurate coastlines, streams, rivers, canals, lakes, dams, roads, rails, bridges, city parks, golf courses, industrial areas and docks. Ground Environment is ground textures for entire continents. I use them both with FreeMeshX and they all work perfectly together.
  14. I saw a Luftwaffe F-104 do a Mach 1 flypast at RAF Finningley airshow back in the '70's - it was the first and last time due to broken windows for miles around! The pilot made a textbook landing afterwards - altogether an unforgettable experience.
  15. The airframe inherent drag data for any FS2004 or FSX aircraft is in the .air file, in section "1101 Primary Aerodynamics". The third section down that list is titled "Drag (*2048) - Per Radian". The first entry in this section is the one you're looking for, "*Cdo Drag Coefficient - Zero Lift=35" (the number is for example only). To increase drag, change 35 to 40, for example, and see if that helps. Note that this will also reduce the cruise speed so you may have to increase the engine and prop power and thrust scalars in the aircraft.cfg to compensate - try changing scalar=1.00 to 1.20 for example, if this hasn't caused this situation to begin with! ;)
  16. Charlie, it's Amelia Earhart's L10E in the library here, l10eae01.zip. Pilotposer: the Cambridge gauge is a fuel regulator, the quote below is from the Amelia Earhart Electra 10E Special Wikipedia page: "Commentary by Ric Gillespie on the difference between the two telegrams (Forum, 2 February 2002): In the first telegram he doesn't address the initial climb and starts off recommending 3 hours at 4,000 feet carrying 1800 RPM and 28 inches of manifold pressure with a Cambridge setting of 073 which is supposed to yield 58 gph. Then, for the next three hours, he wants her to climb to 6,000 and back the props off to 1700 RPM and pull the power back to 26.5 inches with a Cambridge setting of 072 which will yield 49 gph. It's only after six hours into the flight that he has her at 8,000 feet leaving the props at 1700 RPM and pulling the power back further to 25 inches with the same 072 Cambridge setting for an estimated 43 gph. In the third telegram he appears to abandon this recommendation for a "stepped" six hour climb to 8,000 and instead recommend a continuous climb at a honkin' 2,050 RPM and 28.5 inches with a Cambridge setting of 078. He doesn't mention what the fuel consumption will be at these settings but it's probably on the order of 100 gph. The idea, apparently, is to get up to an efficient altitude as quickly as possible. Once there, he then recommends three hours at 1900 RPM and 28 inches with the Cambridge set at 073 for an expected 60 gph. The next three hours are 1800 RPM and 26.5 inches with the Cambridge at 072 for an expected 51 gph.
  17. I agree with Andy. For example, any of the VirtualCol aircraft will work in both sims, due to the XML .cab format gauges for both 2D and VC panels. 32-bit or 64-bit doesn't matter to XML .cab format gauges. I don't have any Milviz aircraft, but if their PC6 only uses XML .cab gauges, it'll work in FSX.
  18. Your floats are lower than your landing gear and this may be causing the crash. Here's your gear settings: point.0=1, 12.7, 0.000, -1.20, 9100, 0, 0.5187,75.0, 0.500, 1.2, 0.6, 5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 120.0, 200.0 point.1=1, -7.7, -5.2, -1.10, 9500, 1, 0.5187, 0.0, 0.500, 1.2, 0.6, 5.3, 5.3, 7.0, 120.0, 200.0 point.2=1, -7.7, 5.2, -1.10, 9500, 2, 0.5187, 0.0, 0.500, 1.2, 0.6, 5.3, 5.3, 7.0, 120.0, 200.0 Try setting the floats at the model's center line level, if it sits too low in the water you can lower them by 0.5 at a time till it looks right: point.9=4, 8.50, -9.5, 0.0, 18800, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 point.10=4, 8.50, 9.5, 0.0, 18800, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 point.11=4, -5.60, -9.5, 0.0, 18800, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 point.12=4, -5.60, 9.5, 0.0, 18800, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 If the gear is retractable, you'll need to retract it before landing on water.
  19. Silly, it's what the Coastguard helicopter crews do for rescue missions: Plight - a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
  20. The "landing" closest to the bar was purely coincidental; the charge sheet reads: "Typing while flying". :p
  21. There's an XBox Marketplace too. I've used the Steam Store and Steam Workshop myself and I agree it's much quicker and less hassle especially if you need to re-install for any reason - I think of it as the DLC installation method. My question is, is it possible to download files from a 3rd party online freeware library or payware store directly onto an XBox and install them into the game? If not, I doubt that Microsoft would allow add-ons from anywhere to be installed into the PC version when the XBox version would be limited to the XBox Marketplace only - their intention is that FS2020 will help them to conquer the console market with their new XBox after all.
  22. It might not have solved the problem, but Chuck's on the right track here - there are some missing entries in the aircraft.cfg file. I've noticed that there's a [direction_indicators] section, but there should be four other sections to go with it for a fully functional autopilot: [altimeters] altimeter.0=1 altimeter.1=1 [airspeed_indicators] airspeed_indicator.0=1 airspeed_indicator.1=1 [direction_indicators] //1 Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro, 3=Electro-Mag Slaved Compass, 4=Slaved to another //2 Indicator number of slaving indicator if Type = 4 direction_indicator.0=1,0 [attitude_indicators] //Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro attitude_indicator.0 = 1 attitude_indicator.1 = 2 [turn_indicators] //Type: 0=None, 1=Electric Gyro, 2= Vacuum Gyro turn_indicator.0=1,1 //Turn AND Bank Replace the existing [direction_indicators] section with all of the above sections and see if there's an improvement.
  23. I agree Mark, in particular the FSW business model - remember that? Also, Microsoft's latest statement mentions working with "3rd party Content Developers", what do they mean by "Content" exactly? If they meant scenery, aircraft, weather, AI and ATC, surely they'd have said so? In FSW, "Content" turned out to be Missions, and Dovetail released a Mission Creator pretty quickly, but were very reluctant to release an SDK for any other elements. I know nothing about XBox, so I've no idea how 3rd party add-ons created for the PC version could be installed into the XBox version, or vice-versa, except as DLC. Is it possible, is there an existing XBox game where this is happening already?
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