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Everything posted by tiger1962

  1. Try the Regedit method instead. I you can't find the secdrv entry in your registry, it's definitely not installed so it can't be the problem. Have you tried Horizon Simulations support?
  2. If you're right-clicking on the Command Prompt icon and selecting "Run as Administrator", then navigate to your "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers" directory in Command Prompt and follow Microsoft's instructions, it should work for you.
  3. Join the club, Robin! AVSIM has become too ridiculous for me... and I agree with you 100% about P3D, it won't die at all because of MSFS, it'll at last be used only by those who are supposed to be using it LOL! ;)
  4. Microsoft disabled the SafeDisc or SecureRom feature "secdrv.sys" back in 2015. They published a command prompt workaround to enable/disable it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3086255/ms15-097-description-of-the-security-update-for-the-graphics-component You should enable secdrv.sys to install from your disc, then disable it again afterwards.
  5. Agreed. Airlines around the world are shooting themselves in the foot with "pay-to-fly" recruitment of trainee pilots, which they introduced when the previously plentiful supply of experienced ex-military pilots all but dried up. Students leaving University with hefty loans these days aren't looking for further massive debt to join an industry which can no longer guarantee the returns it used to - airlines around the world are going bust every other week it seems.
  6. As long as no-one overshoots on 28 or lands short on 10! You're right, it is still in use - there's a plane on the apron.
  7. In that case, are you sure you have the FSX version and not the FS2004 version?
  8. This can happen (without the usual warnings) when there's an incompatible gauge in the panel, usually either 2D and/or VC, or even built-in to the model itself.
  9. I can see that you're a "glass half-full" kinda guy and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not predicting the imminent demise of gaming PC's, after all you can still buy vinyl records, but high-end gaming PC's might become harder to find and cost a lot more after the launch of the next generation consoles.
  10. Quite healthy yes, but not quite as healthy as the other platforms, as your newzoo.com article link to the 2019 stats points out: "Console will be the fastest-growing segment this year, growing +13.4% year on year to $47.9 billion in 2019. This is the second year running that growth in console games will outpace mobile gaming growth. Last year’s regulatory changes in China, as well as the absence of new global blockbusters, signaled slowed growth for mobile games. What’s more, rising anticipation toward the next generation of consoles will slow down the market during the second half of the year. Mobile gaming (smartphone and tablet), meanwhile, remains the largest segment in 2019, growing +10.2% year on year to $68.5 billion—45% of the global games market. Of this, $54.9 billion will come from smartphone games. PC gaming will be both the smallest and slowest-growing segment, increasing +4.0% year on year to $35.7 billion. Despite the segment being smaller in size, PC’s status as the bedrock of innovation in the games market remains evident to this day. Nearly all of the most popular game genres, including battle royale and MOBA, can trace their roots back to PC gaming’s modding community." Nice of them to acknowledge the historical contribution we PC gamers and simmers have made over the years! I sincerely hope, nay expect and if necessary, will demand that add-ons downloaded from Flightsim.com can be installed into any version of Microsoft Flight Simulator! As I understand it, freeware add-ons from independent sources will be available to PC users but not be limited to PC users. I'll still be here on the forums and uploading the occasional panel or repaint, come what may.
  11. Isn't that like comparing the Ford Ecosport to their Xfinity Mustang? Not that the XBox Project Scarlett is going to be ordinary an any way, except that you can be sure it'll run Microsoft Flight Simulator in 4K HDR straight out of the box with no tweaking, upgrades or updates necessary. Between us, my wife and I have 4 children from previous marriages, 7 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. NONE of them owns a PC, for gaming or anything else. In fact I'm the only one in our combined families that currently owns a PC of any kind. Sorry I haven't seen that announcement before. Wouldn't it mean that MS are in fact developing two separate flight sims?
  12. Some people have the utmost contempt for anything they don't understand.
  13. Stinger, the XBox and PC versions are one and the same, the sim will be run in the cloud and be accessible from either XBox console or Windows 10 PC. USB Hubs can be plugged in to XBox, USB 3.0 is recommended for speed. Joysticks are already compatible and other flightsim controllers will be compatible by the release date. Addon development for the new sim will be easier than ever, hopefully this will attract new developers as well as the existing developers.
  14. Hey Chuck! Us teenage dirtbags have feelings too ya know! I think MS is really thinking that the desktop PC for home users is reaching the end of the road. In my experience, Windows 10 isn't happy on a desktop PC, and even less happy about running old software like FS2004 and FSX. Times change and technology moves on, such is life.
  15. Loki - seriously mate, PLEASE watch the video in this link: https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/project-scarlett THIS is what XBox Game Studios Microsoft Flight Simulator will be released on: "Project Scarlett arriving Holiday 2020. Project Scarlett will set a new bar for console power, speed and performance, arriving Holiday 2020 alongside Halo Infinite. With a custom-designed AMD processor, high bandwidth GDDR6 memory and a next generation solid state drive (SSD), Project Scarlett will give developers the power they need to bring their creative visions to life. Thousands of games across four console generations will look and play best on Project Scarlett." The home desktop PC market is in rapid decline in favor of tablets and smartphones, and PC component costs are increasing just as rapidly as a result. The cost of the XBox Project Scarlett, with the ideal spec CPU, GPU, RAM and SSD built-in, will be a fraction of the cost of an equivalent desktop PC which would be capable of running Microsoft Flight Simulator at the full rate. My current PC will be the last I own, and I'm about as sentimental about it as I was about my DVD player and the VCR player before that.
  16. Hi Gary, to add to Pat's good advice - the Steam Edition uses it's own version of Simconnect, which means some add-ons which are for FSX only won't work with FSX:SE. Always check that an add-on is advertised as being compatible with FSX:SE for this reason - it's not just for the install location.
  17. That's the second wrong post in a week, maybe naming the forum FS2020 wouldn't be so confusing after all?
  18. To get AA working in full screen, set the Inspector compatibility option to Diablo III. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  19. If you're in full screen mode, try changing to windowed mode. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  20. Hi Col, try increasing AA to 8x Multisampling, and Anisotropic filtering to 16x. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  21. Mega Scenery Earth New Jersey may have changed some settings and/or files which will remain that way even though you've de-activated the scenery. You'll need to uninstall it to return those settings/files to the default. Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  22. Hi Col, You should be able to add nVidia Inspector to that same list. I use Microsoft Security Essentials on Win7 x64, here's where it's Exceptions list is:
  23. And I've just downgraded my connection for the next 18 months because I didn't need 100mbps! We haven't actually noticed any difference now that we're on a 50mbps service, and we have up to 8 devices connected at once - or maybe we've just been lucky so far...
  24. The error is NVAPI_ACCESS_DENIED, even though NVidia Inspector is running elevated (as admin). It could be that your Antivirus is blocking Inspector from making changes - can you add Inspector to your Antivirus Excluded Files list and try again?
  25. Yes indeed, and it'll be interesting to see if the Azure servers prevent or even cure the potential stuttering or buffering issue. If the cost is high, fewer people will use it and there won't be much of a problem - if it's a bargain, everyone will use it and complain about the stuttering or buffering issues! That's life. :p
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