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Posts posted by shb7

  1. I've found that some planes don't have a "FixedOnPlane_Tail" view. They call it something else. Also the developer mode window to change aircraft doesn't always work. I keep clicking on a different plane and it won't turn yellow. So I have to restart the whole program. Very time consuming. Also I was thinking when asobo does an update, they might overwrite the camera.cfg files you modify, so it might be a good idea to save backup copies of them somewhere else.
  2. I have been here on this forum for 5 minutes and have just read such negativity, the Sim has been live for not even a week, ground breaking tech literally just seen the light of day....I have bugs, quite a few bugs, I'm not worried because they will be fixed.


    Who cares wether other Sims are this and that, MSFS is less than a week old publicly and already a much better foundation than anything previous.


    I feel privileged to be a part of something next gen, but I'll head back over to the Microsoft forums where they don't reek of such negative bad vibes, but believe and have optimism as to the potential this Sim has when things start to iron out.


    If the program worked, there wouldn't be bad vibes!

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