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Posts posted by HornetAircraft

  1. I found the issue with the Aerosoft version. By using both HD ground and buildings, the HD ground killed my fps. I've disabled it and my fps are back. as for the version, I've opted for the Aerosoft version (newer) and i'm picking it up for 25% off with their sale! thanks for your help!
  2. Ok. I'll play around with the settings. I'll most likely buy the aerosoft version since its newer.


    And I had a friend who owned both versions but moved to P3D just recently and have gave me the keys to both to try. He was limited to FS9 even though he hated it, so once he had his chance he switched to P3D and never looked back. He let's me test his addons before buying them (cause we should support the dev's) to find issues like the one I'm facing. It would he a shame to spend almost 40 dollars on two airports to test and not be able to get a refund for the version I decide against. Odd logic yes but with a tight budget I cant afford to go spend money recklessly before knowing that a certain addon will work without problem. I've lent him some of my addons as well to test, and after the trial period hed go out and buy the product. It works out well for him, I, and the dev's. Some are kind enough to offer free versions, namely drazweski (spelled wrong) who do a great job of this. Wish other devs did the same.

  3. hello. I am testing both UK200s Heathrow and Aerosoft Heathrow 2014 to find which to purchase. however, both sceneries have very heavy FPS impacts. I have a powerful PC and can run FS9 upwards of 80fps but it stays at 60fps almost all the time. however when in heathrow, I noticed my FPS only hit 25-30 with the default cessna and fair weather. i've not had this at any other airport, and I can't seem to find the root cause of this immense loss of FPS. has anyone had this problem before?
  4. Hello all. though a staple of microsoft flight sim, I am looking to modernize Chicago, which includes creating a photoreal for the downtown area and erasing meigs field. am I able to use AFCAD to remove the airport, or how should I go about erasing Meigs from the sim?
  5. I used AFCAD to edit FlyTampa's KBUF to rename the gates to actual gates not military GA and after that AES Stopped working with that airport. maybe cause I renamed the gates. there was also FSDT Las Vegas. somebody built the new terminal, T3 I believe, and after updating AES gates disappeared there too. i'm not sure if AES changes something in the afcad file or something and changes something.
  6. hello everyone. i'm having a bit of trouble with AI contrails.


    part 1. I fly online using Vatsim, and the Swift pilot client, though it sucks, is the only client that supports the new voice codecs. however, 1. they don't show up on TCAS, the landing gear is always down, they don't have lights, and they don't have contrails.


    part 2. this leads me into the question. essentially the only way for me to see these aircraft is by finding their contrails. however, none of the AI have them. even at cruise they look like they just took off. the landing gear and flaps work, but no contrails. I tried the AI contrails plugin but with little success. i'm using WOAI aicraft. any help would be appreciated. thanks!

  7. there's a whole community of us FS9 simmers still floating around. we've got a facebook group and all. (facebook is easier to share high quality photos and easy discussions). I've got an FS9 youtube channel called Short Final, so we're becoming fewer, but we're still here!


    I try to make my screenshots look as real as possible, and I don't edit. what you see is what I saw!

  8. Hello! I am slowly learning the ropes of Photoreal and Autogen Scenery creation. this is my go with the help of a friend to get the autogen in. I used this to spice up the innsbruck approach which was quite bland with default scenery, even with Aerosoft Innsbruck. with this it finally feels like its actually dangerous and more scenic. i'll attach a link to a youtube video showing some different angles and a couple screenshots below.

    I may upload it to the library. not sure yet. will post a link if I do.




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