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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. Should also say the clouds totally suck and there is considerable work that needs to be done to many of the ground textures. Some of the imagery can’t be fixed at all as there is no detail in the source image to bring back detail. You can’t bring back what was not there in the first place. I was also a pro photographer for many years. I’m aware of things many don’t see or understand the difference between good imagery and bad. Satellite imagery simply has restrictions and MSFS will never get around it all. Every time something is not right, I would notice it and it would annoy me.
  2. All MSFS screenshots and videos show a wide angle/stretched/distorted perspective. In FS9, albeit with add-on help, I can use any perspective and place the camera anywhere in the FS world. No limitations. There are areas of the world that are not as well covered, there will be significant differences in quality from the best MSFS areas to the worst.
  3. It also greatly increases the speed of FS launch time. This is the main reason people should do it. Some end up with your issue as well but everyone will have the slow launch problem. I can only tell people which I did when most were on Win 7. Kinda pointless now as most are on Win 10. In a few years maybe they'll remove one of the stickies here I totally disagree with because it's plain bad advice. The advice might've killed off a fair few FS9 users by that point but it's beyond my control. Check caphavoc's post above. This is very much worth trying. He just beat me to it. Oh, I started looking into the CFS's after your post. CFS2 should run on Win 7/10 without much of an issue it appears although I haven't attempted any installs myself.
  4. On the graphics point. I have a PC to run MSFS. I would buy another if I needed to run MSFS. For myself, it has nothing to do with being "stuck" with FS9. It's totally by choice. While some areas of MSFS may look great, many do not. I have a major issue with graphics inconsistency. I don't want to fly somewhere to find that suddenly everything turns to poo poo or I see faults and flaws or inconsistencies. This for me totally kills the flight, the immersion, the enjoyment, it's annoying. I don't need to own MSFS to understand the MSFS world will be full of these issues today, tomorrow and in years to come because that is the technology it is bound by. FS9 ground textures may be dated but they are consistent worldwide. I fly planes. I don't really care about the ground until I hit an airport and the good quality airports can look quite good as can the good quality aircraft in FS9. In every other respect beyond graphics, MSFS offers very little or next to nothing over FS9. In some areas, it's light years behind. The lack of camera options are certainly one that would drive me crazy. People very quickly flip to the new and they can have it. It's the same with many new games not just MSFS. It's the reason I totally ignore graphics today because it's all the other aspects of a game that determine how much fun it can be. I play many old games for this reason and it's not just FS9. There are different reasons I do not use FSX or X-Plane either. None of the reasons have to do with my "inability" to switch to another sim. I use FS9 because I simply believe it to be the best overall flight sim. To be honest, people won't be creating anything to match FS9 in the future so it will remain the best sim for many years to come. All those who wish to jump ship, I wish them the best, totally their choice and if they think the other sims have enough to hold their interest good for them.
  5. The issues you have can all be fixed. The loading FS9 issue is due to Win 7, nothing to do with FS9. Every Win 7 user should disable Games Explorer. The contact ground ATC crash there is also a reason but can't recall the solution. Regarding CFS/CFS2, I don't have an answer but will at some point as I intend to get them up and running myself. Let me know if you find no solution to running these and I will contact you when I get them going. Will be a while as they are not high on the priority list.
  6. Yes. Ditch it. Totally no good. Get the later 9.1 version and you will be set for life. lol
  7. Won't matter what drive you install it on. If you are missing anything, check the main game folders and see if the files are actually there.
  8. My very simple tribute to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
  9. Oh, I intend to promote it Dominic but 2022 isn't the year. I don't have time on my hands right now but that will change in the not too distant future. The screenshot was just to show some AI aircraft, nothing else. Not worthy of any special attention in a specific screenie forum.
  10. Sorry, changed my mind on the idea I had here. I don't have enough time to waste on the idea as it could drag on! Here's a screenshot anyhow just for something to look at. haha
  11. C'mon Kevin! Let's hear it one more time! Woohoo! Glory, Glory, FS9'ers Glory, Glory, FS9'ers Glory, Glory, FS9'ers As FS9 goes marching on on on!!!!!!
  12. The only part you left out is that you are not playing any more and taking your ball home! lol Anyone can search my posts. I hope someone does in the hope of finding something similar to your post above or several other posts you have made. They'll be searching almost 1,300 posts with no success. Please, I'm not going to call anyone stupid. However, at least twice in this thread it was mentioned to you that FS9 does not suffer from the memory limitation. Yes, with 2gb it may crash for a few people depending what they run. So what do those people do? They increase it to 4gb and "tada!" crashes are all gone! POOF! If you didn't know how to do the most fundamental things in FS9, I highly, highly doubt you had the capability of ever bringing it to it's best. My PC runs MSFS. I've posted the specs before to your group when requested. Please search if you are desperate to know. I don't need to try MSFS, I really don't. I play many games and can determine games I will not like without needing to play them first. I think most people can otherwise life would be nothing but testing games. Finally, you are welcome here any time you like. I honestly enjoy you dropping by! I don't own this forum. It's open to anyone and everyone. Please take a flight in MSFS. Hopefully it will take the stress away. I'm going to do a flight now in the best sim on this planet! Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004! Come sing with us! Glory, Glory, FS9'ers Glory, Glory, FS9'ers Glory, Glory, FS9'ers As FS9 goes marching on on on!!!!!!
  13. Did you install it in the default location? That would likely be why.
  14. haha, you are a funny man. If only the others could have a little sense of humor. ;) I know you deleted posts in the FSX forum "Head in the Clouds" if you're reading. I'm sure you are. :p
  15. Not enough info but your PC is not too old and FS isn’t prone to crashing so the problem is elsewhere.
  16. If you launch MSFS, you can achieve all the above in another sim before your plane is on the runway and ready to fly in MSFS. lol
  17. WOAI is comprehensive but as mentioned by others, depends on exactly what you want. Side note: If anyone has any of the not currently listed WOAI and can pass them on that would be great. I don't have any of the AI they pulled off the site.
  18. Not sure exactly what you mean? All the default aircraft should be installed in your FS2004 and if there are any missing they can be obtained from the CD's. Just checking my own installation, I have a md_83 folder. This is an AI aircraft so it doesn't appear in the flyable aircraft list.
  19. I use Win XP as well and just like FS9, it will be lifelong. The software industry has gone backwards. There was a time developers took pride in their software and it resulted in some great games and programs. Today, profits have become the primary focus. It's typical of modern society. Values have changed and the world is worse for it. This doesn't mean you have to accept it as an individual. Win 10/11 are not operating systems for the people. They are operating systems to make Microsoft loads of $$$. MSFS is not for the people, it is to make Microsoft loads of $$$. We should never be in a situation where you purchase a game and after 2 years it is still not finished. People should not accept this let alone argue in favor of it but they do.
  20. My sim is better than yours means nothing. Talk is cheap. Do you know how you can really tell what is good and what is not? You look at attitudes! There are 4-5 of you MSFS guys that are really, really grumpy! Why? You can look back at any of my previous 1,282 posts and you will not find one where I get grumpy because someone likes something besides FS9. The reason for this is I am not frustrated, I am not waiting for the next update and the next update and the next update in hope I may one day actually be happy. My sim brings me nothing but joy! The entire planet can hate it but it would make no difference to me. I'll still smile every time I launch it and watch that magical menu open up! (errr...opens very quickly too!) Unlike yourself with FS9, I understand MSFS. When was the last time you used FS9? You make reference to memory. You're not even talking about the right sim! :rolleyes: And yes, my PC will run MSFS. To summarize everything, MSFS is a pile of bug ridden junk and a pretty picture game. FS9 is the best flight sim in the world! You just have to accept it. I know you could if you tried hard enough! I have faith. lol
  21. Exactly! I'm at the point there is nothing left to do with FS9 other than fly and explore all the texture add-ons etc. It means I can just enjoy all the aircraft, slowly learn to fly them while I sit back and change the look of FS9 every time I feel like a new look. There's enough planes to last my lifetime. One of the best aspects of FS9 is there is no frustration, no time tweaking or doing anything other than flying. That's how a flight sim should be! This "it'll be right in 10 years" doesn't cut it. OMG, some people are in for many years of frustration. Seriously, how people can sit there, be ready and wanting to fly, firing up their sim, only to find a 100GB update needs to be done first! Insane. lol One member I notice is complaining about it right now.
  22. Well there’s a good chance she could be a gamer so you’ll miss that boat. I’m older than you and appear to be more wise to the younger generations.
  23. If I could package your posts I'd put them in really fancy Christmas wrapping and send them to myself every Christmas. Ho Ho Ho
  24. Think you would struggle finding many under 50 here. There is still a misconception that gaming is for kids. Many flight sim users wipe that away by arguing they are "simulating" and it's totally different to gaming. No, it's the same thing. lol Keep at it. Flight sims and other games are all good for the mind, a challenge and fun as well. The gaming age average has gone up drastically over the years and it'll likely continue to go up. Now we just need to lose the silly stereotype of a gamer and be able to use the word "gamer" freely.
  25. I never suggest what anyone should enjoy. If MSFS does what you want have a blast with it. My argument is that if you take away the graphics, what's left has little appeal and users would almost certainly ALL be back to FSX/FS9. In other words, take out the eye candy and it is no match for the other flight sims. Even as far as the graphics go, I personally have many issues with them that I know I could not live with. FS9 graphics are actually preferable to me.
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