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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. You're asking questions you have answered yourself. lol
  2. He hasn't responded and he has also mentioned he is using what is being discussed. It may very well be a potential cause of his issues. If he is made aware he can experiment. I have also provided a direct answer for him to check his reg settings to make sure they are pointing to his FS9.
  3. Your install procedure needs steps 1-3, that's it. 4-7 may cause people issues and they'll be blaming and looking everywhere else because they'll think they did everything correctly.
  4. Yes, I am also speaking for Win 10. I have Win 10 and there is no need for me to run FS9 in any of those modes.
  5. FS9 doesn't need compatibility modes or running as admin. I'm using neither. In cases such as yours, something is going on and if that is the only way you can run it, then that is the way you have to run it. However, it is best to run FS9 without compatibility modes or as admin. Running it this way can cause a million issues and if people get in the habit of doing this for all of their old software, it can even open up security vulnerabilities within a program. You should always run without compatibility modes and not as admin unless there is a specific need to do so. Windows is already designed, and will run legacy software best and in the safest way without these settings applied. The options are there only if they are required. They are not there so if you have a program made for Win XP, you automatically go and apply a Win XP compatibility mode.
  6. Same for FS9. Run the registry repair tool first to make sure your registry entries are correct so FS Recorder can find your FS9.
  7. It's got a long way to go, expensive and a very small user base. Personally, I'll be surprised if they bother with it. I know they have made mention of VR but is there anything they have simply said no too? It's all being looked at or in the pipeline. lol
  8. Yep, the reasons are same for me. I also love Flight Keeper which does so much for my FS9 experience. I'd lose it with MSFS and I'm sure MSFS won't have Flight Keeper features. May get it anyway just for a quick play if user feedback is great but right now I'm betting more on the side of MSFS being a disaster. lol
  9. Tim, we are on the same wavelength. Let's keep it simple and just look at one particular feature and nothing else, Live AI. Is this the best way to handle the AI aspect for a flight simulator on PC? Seriously??? lol Imo, NO.
  10. The marketing leads you to believe MSFS is all about the PC and the Xbox is a side act. I really don't believe this is the case. People are buying absolutely everything MS are selling right now without giving anything a second thought. I do think the launch of this game when everyone can get their hands on it will be incredibly fascinating.
  11. Because I am not convinced they are building the best PC flight sim they could build. They are working within restrictions. I haven't changed my view since the announcement of MSFS and still have not seen anything to change my mind. I can see reason why MSFS may not be as open to 3rd party development as in past sims. Let's see what happens. And of course they are going to say they want to get the sim as perfect as possible before release. What would you expect them to say?
  12. MSFS is also possibly not going to be as open to development as past FS versions. Really need to wait and see.
  13. Then it'll be just like AVSIM! A Board of Directors determining what information FS users should have access too! lol
  14. Take a read of the comments from the link, lots and lots of problems with it atm. Can't wait to see what the new MSFS will be like if they can't manage to fix a couple of minor things without screwing everything up. lol
  15. This is more exciting than the new sim for me! lol I hope they do more with it in the future than look to obtain usage data. I doubt it but I'll live in hope.
  16. No one knows at this stage. There certainly will be new add-ons. Officially, the very first one has been announced, the PMDG 737.
  17. No, nothing to do with jpeg compression, they are just blurry. First screenshot shows you clearly the clouds in the foreground left and the little patch of clouds on the right. I can see it in all of those pics but the first pic should be obvious to everyone. Yes, the promo stuff looks fine but what you don't see is all the flaws when you will actually be using the sim and say flying low and slow from one airstrip to another. That will almost certainly tell a very different tale. Then will come performance. System needed and how all this scenery will draw. From what has been shown so far popping, stutters and although I haven't seen it in the promo stuff yet, blurries I am certain will also be an issue. Like I said, wait till release, till people are actually running it and then you will start seeing real evaluation of the product. Then of course are things like lack of seasons and all the other features that won't be there from FS2004 or FSX. Then on top of that, let's see costs, storage requirements, bandwidth requirements. I know I sound highly negative but I game a lot! Despite what people say, FS is just a game and things won't be any different for MSFS as they are for any other game. It uses hardware the same, it lives in the same market and times. What's clear, there are many things of concern and as of yet MS have released nothing to remove these concerns which in itself is a typical modern day tact and worrying. I'd be happy to flip to a new sim as well but I don't think MSFS is it.
  18. What won't be in it has been mentioned. Those clouds looks terrible, blurry as heck. I really want to see the effect of no seasons. I'd love to see 5th pic down in the PC Gamer link showing the scene at different times of day and year for example. You don't get to see anything like this because they are hiding these things. No one has mentioned the water yet. From what i have seen it's nothing new from past sims. People are buying everything MS are selling based on nothing but the photo scenery carefully shown to present at it's best.
  19. FS 2002 was released just after the attacks. Microsoft removed the Twin Towers just before release to not offend. The article below will answer your original question as well: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/09/17/world_trade_centre/
  20. I'm betting not. All the expectation is still over nothing more than some pretty pictures. What we do know are some of the fundamental necessities expected of a flight sim are already confirmed as stripped. I think when MSFS is finally released all the forums will light up like a Christmas tree but there won't be much Christmas spirit! lol I'm so happy with FS9, already can see I'll be using it another decade at least and I'm totally fine with that.
  21. I just hope you will understand why you cannot have 7 MSFS installs when the time comes. While people are out there exploiting, there will be some of those who are doing things for free to support your interests who will inevitably walk away.
  22. Not seeing beyond this is why things are where they are.
  23. Let the fun begin. Modern gaming! Want an add-on plane for MSFS? How about a PMDG 737? Only $139.99! lol At what point will people be prepared to say, "We won't accept that!"
  24. They work fine together. I installed FSX first on mine, followed by FS2004. No issues.
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