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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. Win 10 does suck. There is no other way to put it. Win 8, my friend ran that. I was always reminded of it when he loaded up his aircraft screen and the preview was black with no aircraft showing. Some of his payware gauges didn't work on it either, can't remember which ones, it was a known issue by the developers with Win 8. You can't beat Win 7 and XP. Regarding hacks, I've read, without exaggeration, likely thousands of posts talking about how you MUST have Windows security. I can't recall every reading one single solitary post regarding a Win XP user being hacked in all these years after his OS no longer received Windows updates. They are just happy people and all their old software works!
  2. Lost me. Who are you referring too that plays FSX at 4fps?
  3. This is one of Win 10's great new features! lol
  4. AA is one of the things Win 10 killed in many games. Diablo III is the workaround for the time being.
  5. Yep, totally agree and you are totally correct. Security updates being required are beaten into people by MS. It’s worked for MS for years. Now they all run to Win 10 because they think they MUST have a secure system. If you live in the modern world, not off the land in an isolated area where there is no other mankind, buy stuff, use a phone, go out in public, you got MUCH, MUCH bigger potential security issues than your little old PC will give you.
  6. I play games I consider good, dead or not. It's the reason I play so many of these "obsolete" games. Give me game play, quality and features over graphics any day. It's why I use FS9 because imo it is still the best overall flight sim. Absolutely no other reason I am using it. It's why I'm here. FSX, that's good too but it really needs a CPU that doesn't exist yet. When one does, I may switch to FSX. I still have no faith in the new MSFS being an option. It's dropping because all the software and hardware manufacturers want to make maximum profit. It is best for all of them to have the world on one operating system. It is not best for the user. They are now doing this by forcing people to Win 10 via every avenue they can and making Win 10 the only option to run new software and hardware. To run old software and games, Win 10 will never be a good option. It is the best option for new stuff. If one sits here playing a 17 year old game, I cannot understand the support for Win 10. My Win 10 machine: i7 8700K 3.7GHz 32gig RAM Nvidia 1660Ti
  7. FS9 or PGA 2000 are equally dead. Support is when the game developer is still working on the game or providing help to users. If FS9 breaks tomorrow due to a Win 10 update, MS won't be there to fix it for you. I'll always be able to run my old games till I'm no longer here. I won't achieve this by usng Win 10. Regarding the OS market stats. MS has massively struggled to get the world off Win 7 since the launch of Win 10. They are still struggling and doing everything possible to force you off your old OS. Company I work for are on Win 7. They are not changing I can tell you that.
  8. Yes, based on the assumption that MS are there to make money and not provide charity. Someone will have to pay for the 10 year development, streaming etc. You think you will have the option to pay for MSFS once and never have to pay for it again like FS9 and FSX??? People are also thinking add-ons will be like the past with base game, then free and payware add-ons from 3rd party developers. Let's see what happens here. DLC's are big revenue for game developers today and I'm sure MS will be taking a piece of it. Question is how?
  9. So 20 year old games are obsolete and 17 year games are not? The point of all this and it appears to be completely missed, is that you have NO control over how long you can use FS9 for or all those add-ons you listed. MS will decide when FS9 is obsolete and make the decision for you if you are running Win 10. It might very well be tomorrow. Those on the other obsolete systems will be able to continue to use FS9 until they determine it's time to stop if ever as FS9 will work on Win 7 and Win XP forever. If you are on Win 10, you will likely at some point be forced to move on to MSFS if you want to or not. MSFS will be a money pit and you will have to keep filling MS's pockets in order to flight sim. You won't have the cheap or free options like you have had for 17 years with FS9 and the other operating systems.
  10. FS9 is 17 years old. Time to kill it off as well. I hope I don't read any complaints.
  11. Hi Col, I speak of the games that are broken for everyone. You will not find one successful working installation anywhere on the internet. The list of games is only growing. Here is an example I have shown twice now. It's PGA 2000. It did work perfectly on Win 10 until an update killed it. There has not been one report of someone NOT now having this issue. It is happening to everyone's installation. All animations in this game now look like the golfer. It's easy for people to sit on an old game forum like FS9 while the game is still functioning and say Win 10 is great. People playing PGA 2000 said the same. Opinions tend to change when Win 10 kills your fav game. Imagine if what you see below happened to your FS9 clouds? Suddenly all your nice white flluffy clouds looked like the golfer. Yes, something like this certainly could happen with the very next Win 10 update! Would people still play FS9? Nope, don't think anyone could put up with psychedelic clouds. The game would now be dead just like PGA 2000 is dead for people who played that game. Those on Win 7 or XP, they will be able to just keep playing on without any problems.
  12. Of course they are forcing you, you even gave reasons! Further examples to your own: If you want a new PC, you MUST use Win 10 or the hardware won't work. If you want to use MSFS, you MUST use Win 10 or it won't run. I can't see how anybody who is on this specific forum can happily promote Win 10 or the way things are heading. You are playing a 15 year old game. You paid once for it and never had to pay a cent since. Another version came out (FSX) and you chose to stay with the old version. Many stayed with this version because they can still run it on their 10 or 15 year old PC's. With Win 10 and MSFS, you can be absolutely guaranteed you won't be doing any of the above again. Choices like the ones you had and made in the past to be here on this forum today using FS9, those choices will be gone. If MSFS is still around in 15 years, you will have to pay for MSFS many times in those 15 years. Not just once as FS9. If in 3 years MSFS changes and you don't like what they have done to it, you won't be able to stay with the old MSFS version like you did with FS9 ignoring FSX. You will have to keep playing what they give you or you will have to give up flight simming. When your hardware is too old and too slow to keep up with MSFS as it further develops, you will have to upgrade your PC or simply not use MSFS. You won't be able to keep holding on to your old system using an old MSFS version. It's the keep repeatedly paying or don't play model. No one will get to sit there and play a 15 year old version of their flight sim on their 15 year old PC as some do now with FS9 in the future. You will either keep up with the latest everything and keep paying or you will lose it all. This is the model Microsoft have brought us with Win 10. This is why Win 10 is free even today. It is bait. In time, you will pay for your copy of Win 10 many, many, many times over. Open up your wallet, let MS take as much as they want. This is what Win 10 is all about.
  13. Just looking at GOG's games, they might've removed the Win 10 warning now. What does this mean? Totally guessing here but I would say this: They will support the game and fix it when a Win 10 update breaks it. When it's not possible to fix it, they will remove it from their catalogue. The game will be gone forever. Win 10 is all about extinction and forcing people to move on, stay current and keep buying. You won't be "forced" to do any of that until you move to Win 10. You won't be "controlled."
  14. Hi Dominic, I am aware of GOG. I'm aware of all the workarounds and methods to fix old games. Win 10 simply is the worst system for old games. Even some of the GOG games you speak of are not fully made compatible and have issues related to newer systems although they will run. I can give you a host of games that will run on any OS but on Win 10 are completely dead. Even games that do still work on Win 10 might now have new issues like poor fps, stutters, etc. It is the most terrible system for running old stuff. For the first time in my life, I can no longer run everything I want from the one PC. As Win 10 continues to evolve, the list of dead old games will only grow. Even GOG warned you on every game page that if you ran Win 10, they could not guarantee the game would not break due to Windows updates. For new games, yes, Win 10 will be the way to go and likely the only option. eg MSFS.
  15. Haha...thanks Robin. You didn't touch on why the obsolete game would be better on the newest system rather than an obsolete system but I'll take what I can get! Long live Win 7. Be hard to get people off it despite attempts by yourself or Microsoft.
  16. Robin makes a Win 10 statement and then just like that..POOF...gone! Happens all the time. haha I'm still trying to get that control window open in FS Recorder and asking advice from the one who has 7 perfectly working installs of FS9. This is the 3rd time I've tried for help! I also don't understand why 7 perfectly working installs require compatibility modes and running as admin? Funnily enough, mine don't. I'm also struggling to understand why an obsolete system would not be best for an obsolete game? The internet says that Win 10 is not good for obsolete games. Silly internet! Please come back Robin. Please help me understand!
  17. Because Win 10 is junk and you can have 100 installs of FS9 with all or mostly self contained freeware aircraft and you likely won’t have problems. If you run complex aircraft, gauges, utilities, you will find Win 10 is not that great. Did you try FS Recorder and to bring up the control window with FS in full screen??? FS doesn’t run any better or smoother in Win 10. If that was the case for you, means your old PC wasn’t working well.
  18. Was thinking about using XP for FS9 but XP you have memory limitations. Win 7 is the best system for running FS9 or FSX today.
  19. Make sure you don't have AA turned on in FS9 if you have it turned on in your graphics card settings. If you're a 2D panel user, you will get a blurry panel with AA set outside of FS.
  20. Don't worry about it, the FS community has shown a great deal since MSFS was announced particularly on one site. Over there they are policing MS's NDA because of unofficial videos being released. Of course they do this AFTER they have watched them! lol Also suggestions testers should only be from the US. Yep, that would be smart. Might as well then just call it American Flight Simulator as nowhere else would get tested or work properly. haha
  21. You already asked this question??? The real time weather in FS9 no longer works. You can still have real time weather but need an external weather program for it like FSGRW. https://www.pilots.shop/cms/Ui/Pages/Products/MainPage.aspx?id=253b8b5c-0a91-4935-8d01-b3c70aee6034
  22. First chance to quote myself! MSFS Prediction Tally: Skywatcher12 - 1 FS Community - 0 :p;):D
  23. Col, you might want to check your firewall isn’t blocking it
  24. Yeah, 2 PC setup works well. XP is my fav OS so it’s fun to still be using it.
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