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Everything posted by ColR1948

  1. ColR1948

    Can't edit post

    I think it should be longer, I've made spelling mistakes and/or typed something that I realised wasn't right in posts and not noticed till a lot later. There was an occasion I made a mistake and a member made fun of me over it, trivial on there part I admit but I couldn't amend the error.
  2. They could put a few in the cargo holds as well if nobody brought any luggage with them, but they would probably charge extra for adding pressurisation to the hold and having a 'No Smoking' sign fitted.
  3. Ha Ha, I don't even have them flying in my sim. I have flown with them once, and once only.
  4. This is first class, I lost all my ai ship traffic after a hard drive crash a while ago, I keep meaning to get it going again and this popped up, thank you.
  5. Try now, it is the first one in the list: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=cl415&CatID=root&Go=Search Col.
  6. Hi Christian, not sure mate, I know there is a program called 'Model Converter' where you can change a few things, you could try and keep the wheels folded up and then change the contact points to lower the aircraft in to the water. I sometimes just lower the points on Amphibians so they sit in the water when in reality they have their wheels down, on takeoff they fold them up anyway if you can live with that. Just found this on Avsim, the top one floats only: https://library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=root&SearchTerm=canadair+cl415&Sort=Name&ScanMode=0
  7. Well done, you have done a splendid job on them. What program do you use for your repaints, I can't get my head round these technical ones so I use FsRepaint. Here are the ones I have done, using it: https://imageshack.com/a/qg7l/1 Col.
  8. Great shots, many a time the full screen picture is what you want to post but as you know it is too big so you cut it down, thus spoiling what you really want to show. Col.
  9. I like to let the AI fly the plane sometimes, but this aircraft doesn't like it lol.
  10. Damn! I didn't realise it was a Project Airbus, for some reason my FSX just won't handle them, I installed it then the sim locked up. I didn't realise at first after trying various things then it hit me, it was a Project Airbus, took it out of the sim and everything was OK again, what a shame, I would have loved this, sorry mate.
  11. Fantastic, I don't believe it, I searched and searched not long ago for a A2000 texture I Eventually found one but i gave up looking for A3000, I worked on both of them years ago but they were B757's. Thank you by the way, I'll definitely use this one. Col
  12. Great work Sascha, love them all and the cockpit stuff is fantastic too. 10/10 for that mate.
  13. I have tried a couple of times to do a repaint of Project Airbus aircraft and when I load them in to the sim it crashes, what is the trick, any help appreciated? Col.
  14. I added the prop textures from the FS2004 to the FSX models and now the props look OK.
  15. I downloaded the FS2004 model and the props are OK.
  16. It might be my setup but the props are black circles, any idea?
  17. For some reason my FSX crashed after loading this aircraft, took it out and no problem, put it back and crashed again, any ideas?
  18. Hi Dom, Do you mean use them as static not flying? Col.
  19. Where do you install these files and how do you get the AI to work in XP11?
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