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Everything posted by ColR1948

  1. I used to run AH a few years ago but after a HD crash it got deleted. Anyway installed it again and just started a career with a new company, is there a way to change the currency from dollars $ to Pounds £, I looked in the settings but couldn't see anything, if it needs an editor to open the files like MS access then I'm out of luck, I don't have it lol? Col.
  2. Here it is with the wings clear of the reg number, thanks again String Bean.
  3. You know, once I saw it I remember doing this before but it was years ago, I completely forgot. Well done Bean, you nailed it, I never thought of looking there, any way it got rid of the number and the aircraft looks a lot better now, thank you mate. Col.
  4. Hi Paul, The wing textures are not in a separate folder, everything is in one folder, body, wings, tail etc. I was using paint.net as the editor and I'll be honest I am not familiar with editing alpha channels. I would like to know why this is happening not just because of this particular instance but for future reference as well, plus it might help someone else. Col.
  5. OK thanks, well I can rule 2 of those out, no panel or common texture folder, so I'll look more closely in the aircraft.cfg and see if I can find something. Col.
  6. When you say the aircraft menu are you talking about the screen that you can select an aircraft to fly? If so the ai won't show on there, only flyable aircraft. The reason is the air file for an ai is slightly different, it has a line in it that changes if it is view-able or not. There is a program called aired that you can edit the file but before you do any of that make a back copy first, if you are new to flight sim I would suggest just getting used to the normal running of it first. I'm not putting you down but a single mistake without backing things up can cause all kinds of problems and it you might end up deleting FSX altogether to start again and that can be a pain. Col.
  7. Traffic Toolbox is good but you can only follow so far then it throws you back to base. STVB you can follow the full journey plus listen to the ATC if you wish that is. AI TrackerX is very similar, again you can follow the full journey and listen to ATC plus it has other features, but to be honest I had a job with getting some to work properly, might just have been me lol so I just followed using it. Went back to STVB, very stable program.
  8. I downloaded it, works great, thank you. hope you don't mind but I got the coordinates in case anyone wants to add them to an ai flight plan: S04* 01.7180 E39* 35.8682 Elevation 195.9
  9. I rise above things like that lol. Nice shots Dave.
  10. Fantastic as usual Ted, I will be downloading, 748 is one of my favs too. Have you ever thought of going over the pond and do some British/European airlines, I know there are plenty knocking about but your paints are exceptional? If you already have point us to them as I may have missed them or already got them without realising lol. Col.
  11. @ George [quote=Oh amazing! I currently work at sea on survey ships as navigation officer but i'd to work on the apron Wow! I love ships, I would have loved to do what you do my friend, have you ever put ships in the sim, I have a few times but the sea in the sim isn't very real? I've had Ship sims but find them a bit limited, I used to play Subsim (Silent Hunter 2,3,4 & 5 plus) few years ago, the sea in those is very good. I contributed to the conversion of SH2 to Pacific Aces, if you scroll down to the bottom you will see my sig Col7777 that was me lol. http://www.subsim.com/ssr/pacific_aces_review.htm
  12. Hi Big G, yes I've done it in real life lol, I worked at Manchester EGCC for just over 33 years.
  13. There is another I once tried called 'AI Tracker X' it worked good plus it had a few options but for some reason it started to misbehave, so I went back to STB.
  14. If I had all my ex girlfriends in a dungeon I would need a very big dungeon to hold them all, I'm not bragging mind, just sayin lol. :)
  15. I have both on my PC, I'm used to FSX and tweaking certain things like the aircraft.cfg and programming the ai. I can't get my head round some of the things in XP, I'm blaming my age lol, Also the ground traffic I turned off in XP, it drove me crazy seeing vehicles going through buildings etc, I even turned them off in FSX for the same reason. I think most of the aircraft models are very good in XP, lots of detail, in FSX you can swap some things from one aircraft to another but in XP I found that a bit difficult, it probably can be done but I haven't found a way yet lol.
  16. Super Traffic View board: http://www.supertrafficboard.com/
  17. I wonder what else Jan has tucked away lol?
  18. Hi George, as my mate Tim above says, I've used FSX sounds and visa-versa on aircraft. All my ai sounds are mix and match from various aircraft and even added some that are not even aircraft but they sound good lol. I used to fall asleep when flying a single prop, I use headphones and the constant noise sent me to sleep, I used to wake up with the aircraft crashed or flaying way past where I was going lol.
  19. When I posted the B747-8F the second pic down is at East Midlands but the shot was taken looking the other way, is there actually wind turbines in the background there in real life? Col.
  20. Wow! I bet that brought back a few nice memories Jan, I've done that sometimes then think, 'I must give that one a try again.' Col.
  21. Thanks for the comments, I'm surprised because I think it could be better, I did it quick lol. Col.
  22. You can also do separate folders within the 'Aircraft' folder too for different types of aircraft. As already said by flytv1 adding scenery is very easy, I always unzip it to my desktop then drag it to the Custom Scenery folder. What version of XP have you got, if it is XP11 (Some) aircraft for XP10 will work but others won't unless they get upgraded, any earlier version aircraft I wouldn't bother trying.
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