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Everything posted by ColR1948

  1. Hi David, Funny you said that, when it was built and put in to service, Charles Lindbergh said it was a monstrosity lol. Col.
  2. The main reason I started this was to stop ai aircraft backtracking to the end of the runway and use a designated taxi path instead. I sometimes use EGCD Woodford instead of the more busy EGCC Manchester as it's not that far away, I more use it to test aircraft. Thinking about there are other airfields not that far from EGCC that I could use instead but I decided to alter EGCD and this is how the thread changed it's course by me asking about ADE lol. I know what you mean Brian, I have my ai flight plans in the AddonScenery like you shown me ages ago and they work fine instead of in the Scenery\World\Scenery folder. Col.
  3. Have to tried moving the view in the panel forward more Jan, I had that in one aircraft and after a bit of editing I got it right? Looking at the picture of it maybe moving it up as well might work but the cockpit does seem a long way back, how strange to have it there. Col.
  4. @Christian, you were right about the Orbx, another friend offered to help with the AFCAD, he got it to work but the only way it would was to move the AddonScnery above Orbx. Now in doing so the AFCAD worked but the scenery was messed up, ie buildings and trees on the taxiways, so it was back to how it was before, moving the AddonScenery below Orbx and deleting the new AFCAD. Col.
  5. I found a small pic of the converted S-42 to a houseboat:
  6. First flew in 1934, only 10 built, an interesting fact, in 1947, inventor Lemuel Stewart purchased the fuselage of S-42 NC-822M Brazilian Clipper from Pan Am for $750.00, converted it to a six-room houseboat, and kept it docked in a boat canal in Miami, Florida. Its ultimate fate is unknown.
  7. ha Ha love it Jan, I like a bit of banter mate. :)
  8. Forgive my ignorance on fighter aircraft, is on this page? https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/search/?q=Spitfire+54+sqn&cat= Col.
  9. @David, Speed being a joke here, I had to 2 x the sim I was falling asleep lol. seriously though, if the speed is correct and thinking of the year it was built I suppose it did well, here is the cfg speed section. [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed = 39 full_flaps_stall_speed = 39 cruise_speed = 70 max_indicated_speed = 130 max_mach = 0.2628
  10. No I deleted the one in the AddonScenery folder. On this subject I saw an airport scenery not long ago and it said it was Orbx compatible, so it shows there must be some conflicts when adding certain scenery files. Col.
  11. @f16 yes the folder is active, funny thng is I made a slight mod to an airfield and it did update in the rebuild but it didn't show in the sim. @Christian, you may be right about the Orbx, I once went on the Orbx forum and asked about a certain scenery, I was told by one of their reps how to change it, but then he said if I did I would lose all support from them in the future, so I left it. The funny thing is he told me how to change something as I thought that was support but it seems not lol. Col.
  12. I have Orbx scenery I wonder if that is why I can't change it, is it saved as a CVX somewhere? Col.
  13. To be honest I never noticed the rebuilding scenery. It did save those two files in the Addon Scenery/Scenery folder. Col.
  14. Stop posting Adam, you are too good lol. Seriously Adam, your screenies are fantastic, have you got a high end video card and PC to get that kind of quality? Col.
  15. apparently the message was I hadn't got the path set correct, I modified and an airfield and complied it, I started FSX and watched an ai but it didn't use the modified taxi path I just did, also this is what it saved in the Addon Scenery folder: Col.
  16. Hi Christian, I wasn't in FSX, I'll have a look now and see what the message is. Col.
  17. Hi Jorgen, I did the compile but I got a popup saying I needed something else, I forget what it said now as I'm not in the program, I'll take another look. Col.
  18. Wow Thanks Aaron, that was very informative and I'm sure a lot more will benefit from your post. As for posting this, I wasn't sure where to put it, no doubt a mod will move it to the correct section. Col.
  19. Hi Aaron, no duplicates, as I said some follow the correct path and some don't at the same airport, this is what makes me think it is some line in the aircraft.cfg but I may be wrong. I used to make and correct a lot of AFCADS in FS9 using the old afcad program, but when I try it in ADE for FSX it saves the correction as a project not as a BGL, I must be doing something wrong there as well lol. I dislike back-track airfields and I used to put a new taxi path to the end of the runway, also saves a lot of time for landing and takeoff aircraft. Col.
  20. Another oldie, the Vickers Vernon, entered service in 1921 - 1927, only 55 built, developed from the Vickers Vimmy. I would imagine not much fun to fly in cold wet windy weather lol.
  21. We all get spam and they go in the spam folder but just lately I've been getting these emails in my main folder with things like: "Hi Colin, it's Jenny, what's you address?" "Colin, It's me Mary, where are you?" "Hello Colin, Get in touch, we need to talk." All with a supplied email return address which I don't by the way I just delete them, but I wonder what is the idea? If for example anyone did reply, have they opened the door to a big scam or what? I was thinking if I had a PC with a fake email address I would get in touch and say something like: "Oh, I'm glad you got in touch, is it about the money I owe you, if so send me your bank details and I'll pay you straight away, sorry for the delay but I lost your email address." I wonder if they would reply lol?
  22. How many times do you see an ai aircraft back-track down the runway to turn at the end, then when it does instead of turning in the circle marked out with concrete it turns on the opposite side on the grass? Even if the concrete is on both sides it ignores it and still turns on the grass, then you see another aircraft behave as it should at the same airport. I used to think it was a bad design of the afcad but now I think there must be something in the aircraft, but what? It's no big deal but I would like to know as I'm sure a few others would too, is it a quick tweak of the config to rectify? Col.
  23. Hi Adam, Here in the UK, once you reach 100 years old you get a letter from the Queen, I wonder if they have the same thing in the Netherlands where Jan lives, if so he would have already got his lol. Col.
  24. I did a round the world flight years ago, when I got to Australia I had the moving map on another screen, I was flying in to Perth where my cousin lives. I was on Facebook then and I was telling him I was just flying over such and such, his daughter also saw the message and they thought I was on my way to see them. His daughter was saying she couldn't wait to see me again, another member of my family in England also thought I was there and was saying how lucky I was going to get some warm weather, because at the time it was freezing in England lol. Then I told them where I really was. :) |
  25. Find one with long range wing tanks if possible, something like this:
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