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Everything posted by Rupert

  1. Really!!?? Those shots were from Queensland Australia, not Burgundy or anywhere else in France!! Are you telling me you are expanding your horizons? If so, I may ship you a bottle or two of California Cabernet. No wait!!! Forget about the California Cab!! As I recall you still owe me some Margaux!! Having said that, I can probably spare a bottle or two of Elijah Craig Kentucky Bourbon. ;) Michael
  2. Thanks! I will try to repay your interest with some interesting "Water Landings." But I still admit you are the best at getting a plane wet of anyone I've ever encountered whether flying on the web or in the real world! Your specialty is getting aircraft wet, Aharon's specialty is flying through the snow and ice in the middle of summer. I suppose I should find a signature specialty as well! Michael
  3. Good for you!! It's a bitch when life gets in the way of doing things we enjoy!!! One of the great ironies of life is when you're young you have all kinds of time and energy but no money to do anything. As you get older you have more money and can do some things, although work does get in the way. Finally, when at last you have the time, the money, and the knowledge to do what you dreamed of your body or the body of who you love has given out to the point where you spend most of that time, money, and energy just staying upright!!!! Thanks to everyone who even remembers who I am!! I hope to return being a more active and productive member again!! Michael
  4. Great as always Darryl! Are you taking after Aharon with the winter shots?? We've had only about 4 days under freezing so far this Fall and I'm already ready for Spring!! Rupert
  5. Hi Y'all, I've been kinda busy, don't even ask. But I will try to show up here from time to time. I'm also thrilled to several posts by names I remember! Now let's see if I still know how to post? Glad to be back!!!! Rupert
  6. HUH!!:confused::confused: Gerard, I understand how well Van likes to give his planes a bath, whether they are equipped to take one or not!;) In fact several of us have gone looking for his planes in the "bath" on more than one occasion. But I haven't a clue what you are asking Aharon about. BTW: Nice shots Aharon!! It's about 91*F here today. So I might be tempted to go to the pool for a "bath" myself! Having said that, I will leave my planes in the hanger while I do that! ;) Michael
  7. Frankly I find default ATC to be the most disapponting feature of any flight sim software I've tried. I've heard some folks say there is pretty good payware ATC available. But frankly, I've never thought it was important enough to try some.
  8. They look wonderful to me! I really like the head on shot showing the landing lights. ;) Michael
  9. What a well placed FREE AD!! I sincerely hope you'll at least pay something to people who operate this site!! A "Contributing Membership" would, IMO be the absolute minimum you should cough up!! Rupert
  10. I agree Scott!! I'm about to volunteer to Beta test it myself!;) Michael
  11. Wonderful! But from what I've seen from others, DON'T BRAG! Your turn may be next. And not to tempt fate, BACKUP NOW!! Rupert
  12. Do you have a way to get RW weather on the internet? Is so, plug the RW from where ever you are in manually. Is that too tough? during your flight, if you feel it's that important, go online and get RW weather for where you are or where you are going. Plug that in. Problem solved.
  13. Nice shots! I've always a fan of Puget sound, despite the weather. And I agree with Jan, that's very nice FS9! Michael
  14. Hey George, It's good to see you posting!! I really like your fictional airline!



  15. Right now I'm flying Around The World In Eighty Days on the Aerosoft forum. Sorry it's too late to start now as we're somewhat holding to Mr. Fogg's schedule. London to London. But I think even those not making the trip would enjoy reading about the adventures of others. Go to Aerosoft Community and click on Clubs. The Around The World will show right up. YOU REALLY MUST READ Lambert in Bi-Planes written by Windswept! He manages to sneak every old pun and stereotype in fiction into one trip around the world!;) Rupert
  16. I'm currently enjoying something I hadn't tried before. AeroSoft is doing a 80 Days Around The World fly-in that started on Oct 2nd. (Which is the date Phogg started his trip. People fly as, close as possible, to the PHOGG balloon trip route. We have specific legs we must complete during a specific number of day's time-frame. And we're keeping a log and spreadsheet of our trip. It's great fun and making me fly to places I'd not have thought to fly before. (I'm currently at Port Said (HEPS) waiting to start the next leg leg to Calcutta. I'm flying my HondaJet). But various people are flying all sorts of planes and a few even going by sea on ships and using & other transport such as trains as well!!?? The basic rule is:If there is a sim, pretty much any sim, you can travel by and make all the required legs in the 80 day time frame, it's pretty much all good! And there's no problem changing vehicles or even sims as long as you are simming the trip and staying on time. So we have people on P3D, FS9, FSX, X-Plane, Trains, etc.,etc. Some of the sims people are using I'd never heard of before!! I wish I'd known about this earlier!! I'd have really talked it up here!! I think everyone flying FSX would love the concept! Go to the AeroSoft site and under "Clubs" find the Around The World In 80 Days Club listings. I think you'll get a kick out of it. If you want to know how things are going read the DIARIES!! I especially enjoy the "Mr. Lambert in Biplanes diary!" That poster is known as "Windswept." Rupert
  17. Hey Khalid. I think you are truly thinking outside the box!!:cool:
  18. Not at all!! Ships are very handy taxis for moving Marines from place to place so we can continue to save the civilized world! Speaking of which. You should contact Phantom Tweak. He's a huge fan of carrier ops. Perhaps you can drive the taxi so he'll have a way around without running out of fuel in his F-18. ;) Michael
  19. +1! A 3.5 i5 should do a fair job. I agree before you buy a lot of software that won't work with another sim platform you do need to realize FSX, Steam, & P3D are all based on a more than decade old design. Unless of course you just want to make sure your son and you both are using the same thing I'd see what this newly introduced 64-bit software looks like. I also agree with someone's recommendation for his joy-stick. It's a nice one. Having said that, I use a yoke or a joystick depending on what I'm "flying" normally uses. But I just don't feel I'm involved without a set of rudder pedals! IMHO, regardless of what else you decide to get for yourself or him, include Rudder Pedals! RW probably 99%+ of everyone uses them! ;) Welcome and Enjoy! Michael
  20. Hey Wildman, I've flown in and out of 2S1 several times, before and after your post, but can't seem to find the saucer. Where might I look in relation to the airport? BTW: I was just reading on Wikipedia that is the first press use of the term flying saucers.:cool: Michael
  21. Ulster? Do you mean like EGAD Newton Airds? Or perhaps EGAC Belfast City? I've not been that far north, so I can't say how accurate this is. But this ORBX scenery does look pretty good to me. Hope this helps, Michael
  22. What they both said!! The less you're running the more FSX you can run!! Remember most CPUS have trouble keeping up with anything but the most basic FS in the first place!;) In fact when on "long flights" or high scenery or IFR flights, I even turn my internet completely off. It's a real P.I.T.A. to have something pop up and cause a "crash" near the end of a long or involved flight!!! :mad::mad::mad: Michael
  23. OK. Now I know what you want. You want the entire world to look as it looks from outer space (ie Google). That's a common issue I've run up against especially among Brits and Irishmen who live and die by their Ordinance Survey Map.. If it isn't exactly where it is on the OSM, it isn't correct! That's a yes and no answer. If it is "photoreal," it shows everything exactly where it is seen from outer space and your OSM. You are correct in that respect. However, "photoreal," being a shot from outer space has no depth definition. Yes your favorite boozer, your school, etc. are exactly in the spot they actually are as shown by the OSM. But they look like Gulliver had trod upon them during a walk through Liliput!!!! So if you choose to enter your boozer for a pint, you'll have to get down on your hands and knees and crawl in. Then have your lid while laying flat because your favorite pub is displayed as less than 2' tall!! Is that a good or a bad thing? It's your call. But before you spend a ton on one type of scenery or another, you need to decide what works best for you!! If depth perception isn't as important as location, "photoreal" is probably something you should consider. However, unless you fly at FL20 or higher, it will look as though you are flying over Liliput!.
  24. I haven't tried that VFR scenery. However, I was flying near Shannon a few minutes ago Real Weather & RT with ORBX EU Ireland. I also have Northern Ireland and all their UK products. This is EICN. Two shots of the Limerick area. A nearby refinery. Finally, two shots at Shannon. One of final, the other while taxiing. Hope this helps! Michael
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