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Everything posted by Macroburst

  1. Have a new Aeroplane Heaven flight to Malta now! Cheers.
  2. Liked the red winged Cessna in landing. Great trip David. Look forward to your progress.
  3. Looks like it's time to change out all those air filters! Good stuff David
  4. You're going to have to put in for an engine overhaul at this rate! Great photos David!
  5. Good dusk lighting. Successful conclusion I hope?
  6. Neat how you aligned up the access roads in you landing shot! Good stuff
  7. Wow! Kind of a unique shade- really like it. Good shots Aharon.
  8. Thanks all. Maybe not as easy to smoke the engine as the P-51, but close!!!
  9. Not the mountain, it's the river Sill.....:pilot:
  10. Now that most of us have more time for our sims, A2A's P-40 came at just the right time The cockpit is very well done - unfortunately the pilot is overcooked.... Manual? We don't need no stinkin manuals! Rotate! Smooth flight characteristics. Didn't quite make it to stall testing yet. Flight movements are well done even on my slow computer Seems like that manual might be useful! Where did I leave it? Not by the map! At just the right time out popped a runway! Really a generous donation at the right time from A2A. Fun plane and once I get that manual read, stall testing is awaiting! Stay safe. Cheers
  11. Light posts are higher than you're flying! Nice
  12. Saw one in an airshow. That undercarriage is crazy. Very low stall speed. Very unique experience. Great shot Gerard!
  13. Nice shots! Concur, engines are very sharp! Good stuff!
  14. I'm figuring Interpol is in a Leer following you. Never seen such a rapid rate of flights unfold.... :) Great shots David!
  15. Enjoyed the departure shot! Good thing fuel proceed are dropping!
  16. All the same, great shots! (Good eye, Larry!)
  17. Did you use GPS, nav aids or dead reckoning? IRW I've been told (US Air Force vet), that GPS is squirrely.
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