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Everything posted by azzaro

  1. Is there nothing IKEA doesn't make? :rolleyes: Seriously, excellent work. -- Bob
  2. You had me at Connie. :) -- Bob
  3. Beautiful. I love to fly over an early morning mist. Just as long as it doesn't get thicker. I'm strictly VFR you know. -- Bob
  4. The pictures are simply amazing :eek: and what you chose to do with your bag is your business. ;) -- Bob
  5. Of course Jan. Your reputation is impeccable. Knowing of your revulsion to fish I can't imagine you anywhere neat water. Strange that you chose to live in a country which is at or below sea level, hmmm? :cool: I also like lighthouses. In fact I married a light housekeeper. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  6. ...moderate and very responsible speed. :o My hot dogging days are well behind me. I'll leave the daredevil behavior to our most esteemed colleague in Amsterdam. ;) -- Bob
  7. If my phrase book is correct I think you said "My hovercraft is full of eels!" :confused: That can't be right? :p -- Bob (encore)
  8. Still one of the most elegant planes ever to fly. looks great in the new sim. Nice to see you're getting you money's worth out of Luminar too. :cool: -- Bob
  9. Excellent collection of shots. :) You should be honored to get praise from His Highness. He is the undisputed master of water landings! :eek: Sometimes even in planes designed for that purpose. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  10. Hmmm. I didn't realize the French spit differently. :rolleyes: Ya learn something new every day. -- Bob
  11. My fair lady would say the rain in Spain stays mainly on the planes. :rolleyes: It was grand vueling your pictures. :) -- Bob
  12. Landing on sand seems unlikely? :confused: It's not like Jan to go against the grain. :rolleyes: Yes, we're having fun again! -- Bob
  13. Waddya complaining aboot? You got a great breakfast with plenty of bacon, Tim's coffee and maple syrup, eh! A lovely set Jan. It's no wonder you like Canada, we have so much fresh water to land in. -- Bob ;)
  14. Flying BOAT! Good choice Jan. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  15. I'd say good to see you're back, but I've already seen your back. (yikes). I will say you return should liven up this forum. Things have been a little dull without your always interesting adventures. :) -- Bob
  16. Yer darned tooting. When I mess up a title I feel a right tit. (and my wife is none too pleased about it too) :rolleyes: -- BOb
  17. Thanks! :) I was looking for that. I'm sure everyone in Heck is missing me by now. :p -- Bob
  18. I spoke to the Great One recently. He is dealing with the aftermath of a minor surgery but otherwise fine. He should be back to his unique brand of flying soon. :rolleyes: Get your wetsuits ready. :p -- Bob
  19. I think it's the sequel to "A bridge too far." — "A bridge not far enough!" :) As for the crazy pilot Mr. Zippy, I guess the yoke's on you. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  20. Well, they say the grass is always greener under the other slide. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  21. http://jacobsmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Alfred-E.-Neuman_What-Me-Worry2.jpg
  22. A quick visit to Dubai and an excuse to try the new float version 172. -- Bob
  23. In the immortal words of one B. Bunny, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18rTcnfEhZk
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