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Everything posted by azzaro

  1. You're off your nut. Er, I mean your nut is off. That was fun! Let's do more of these. :) -- Bob
  2. It was so warm here in southern Ontario last week I had to escape to cooler places. :confused: -- Bob
  3. Still pretty impressive. Just goes to show an artistic eye can get the best of any subject. -- Bob
  4. A far cry from the featureless plain of previous simulators. :pilot: Very cool. -- Bob
  5. Yep. I'm not a country boy by any means but that's too much city even for me. No wonder they need high speed trains. -- Bob
  6. Of course, it's right next to the silver Civic... D'oh! :confused: ;) -- Bob
  7. Yup. Just one screen. I tried two but the bezel in the middle, however thin, is not pleasant. -- Bob
  8. This moster of a city brought my frame rates down to the low teens. Detailed buidings to the horizon. I won't attempt to identify all the key landmarks and structures but there are plenty. Enjoy! -- Bob more in reply…
  9. This Canadian approves! :) :cool: -- Bob, eh
  10. Phreakin' phabulous phlight! :p Great, now I have spit all over my screen. :mad: -- Bob
  11. A little early for Kwanzaa :confused: but hey, any excuse for some great shots. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  12. The great thing about FS2020 is you can let your copilot do all the boring bits. Unless you really like taxiing – then, by all means, enjoy! :pilot: -- Bob
  13. So it's a slalom runway. What's so strange about that? :p -- Bob
  14. Thanks for giving us the full story. :) I hate abridged versions. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  15. Thanks. :) I've noticed that as well lately. I'll have to look back at my older captures and see if that's consistent or due to a recent update. -- Bob
  16. Starks Twin Oaks to Portland International via downtown. I hate to admit it but the Virus has become my new favorite plane. Probably the wrong time to profess one's love of a virus. -- Bob
  17. Probably over Rhinebeck. :confused: Not that you can see it through that soup. A cool shot Andy. -- Bob
  18. Oh! It's like that is it? The temperature gets a little colder and you head south like the geese. Well it was nice having you here while it lasted. See you next spring. :) Nice shots. -- Bob
  19. When it comes to showing off Istanbul, you're the boss for us. (damn strait) :rolleyes: -- Bob
  20. I was wondering why a Spitfire would be attacking a DC-3? :( Upon reflection I can see my mistake. And everything else apparently. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  21. I see you made it despite switching off your targeting computer. Well done! :) -- Bob p.s. These aren't the gates you're looking for.
  22. Fascinating place, historically, culturally and as you've shown, very scenic too. :) -- Bob Also. They make some great cheese. ;)
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