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Everything posted by andyjohnston

  1. To be continued? Well, ok. Go here: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?321411-Continuing
  2. It wasn't really my intension to continue after the end of the last story, but ok, since someone asked. From LL10 got myself into a little Mooney Acclaim with a glass cockpit. I've never really gotten used to using those, but I flew myself a few miles to the east to New Meigs to refuel, then headed eastward to get back home.
  3. Not a mystery, landed at LL10. From there I...well, that's another story.
  4. From Salt Lake City we proceeded to Denver, then on to Kansas City before finally beginning descent at Chicago. From there I was directed to fly towards Dupage and turn south. I was led to a little aviation community where I made a pretty awful landing I was kicked off the aircraft and told I could find my own way home.
  5. Next stop was Salt lake City, home of... ummm... is there anything there?
  6. I told her we'd be better off using a different aircraft, but why listen to me? I'm just the pilot. In Boise, I'll be getting some repair work done before we can go on. She's not real pleased. Too bad.
  7. I tried to tell her she'd be more comfortable in a modern aircraft. Her response was for me to get my butt in the cockpit and when she wanted my opinion she'd ask for it (she was a little less polite.) We were only in Portland a few minutes before she was back with instructions for me to head for Seattle. Many pilots would jump at the chance to fly a bird like this on someone else's dime, but the truth was that I'm not all that familiar with it, and would have preferred a plane I knew. In Seattle she told me to stay ready, she didn't want to go looking for me. So I've been waiting a few hours now. I did get a chance to rest my eyes.
  8. But she has hired me to fly her around for a bit, no questions asked, including this leg from San Francisco up to Portland.
  9. I've seen this so often, I wonder why it happens.
  10. My co-pilot and I had to be very careful so as not to give it so much power as to become uncontrollable, but eventually we lined up with the runway. We powered right up to 100,000 feet, but then dropped down to a lower altitude to make the flight to Titusville in Florida.
  11. Coming in over the mountains of South America Ready to land at SAWH, where I've been told a top secret aircraft is waiting for me to ferry it back up north. Holy Cow! Could that be...I think it is!
  12. Passing the locks of the canal to land in Panama City.
  13. I was in San Diego when I got word they still needed me down in South America. At least I won't have to go in some little puddle jumper. How come I always seem to end up flying at night? Hmmm...
  14. Flew to Seattle Tried to approach the field Wasn't in a good position. Had to go around. On final
  15. Was flying not far from my home when I discovered this to be the condition my aircraft was in. The rudder is jammed pretty good to the right and won't center. I'm flying across the continent to the Boeing Factory to get it repaired.
  16. Turns out coincidences do happen. It had been my plan to stop at home to refuel and rest, and it was when I was only a while out that the text came it. They had reneged on payment. No problem, after having just gone twice around the world in addition to what I was doing here, I'm going home to sleep in my bed.
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