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Everything posted by andyjohnston

  1. As you mentioned in another thread, my Raptor is much more impressive ;)
  2. Not too much, it was a little jiggly on final, and I considered going around, but it worked out.
  3. I came looking for a Stearman, but doubted I'd find one compatible with P3Dv4. I was pleasantly surprised to find this aircraft, it's very well done.
  4. From there I headed north to one of my favourite places to land, Mountain Top. That looks like a good spot to end this trip. Thanks everyone for reading, and for your comments. I think I'll take something a little more heavy-duty to get home.
  5. Landed at Vancouver where they had me touch down on runway 26A, the little weird one on the left. I didn't stay long, was back in the air and flying when I looked at the fuel gauges. Oops, should've topped up in Vancouver. I headed out to the coast and landed in...somewhere...to refuel, didn't get a shot. Then I continued up north without paying a lot of attention to where I was or was going at first. Then I landed at Ketchikan.
  6. From Seattle I headed north towards Vancouver. Along the way, there were lot's of little airports, the kind I had been originally planning to hit. But there isn't much to see at them so it was mostly TNGs then continue along. Finally, I stopped to visit my old virtual stomping grounds at Point Roberts. Way back when, I created scenery for this area. A long time ago...sigh...
  7. Ooh, a nice, spiffy-looking Bonanza. Not bad, although it doesn't have a moving map like the previous plane did. I'm close enough to Seattle that I'll head there and figure out what to do next.
  8. Well, the best laid plans... Actually I hadn't made any plans, I was just winging it. :D :D :D Get it? Winging it? Never mind. I started to have problems shortly after. Things were failing all over, so I found a place I could divert to. It looked like I'd be okay, but the nose gear failed to extend. I landed fine, but I'll have to see what I can get to continue my journey.
  9. Landed in Klamath Falls, and then Chiloquin. Haven't really found any tiny places like I was hoping for.
  10. Then it was on to the great big city of Susanville. BTW - Lukla is on the other side of the planet.
  11. What a coincidence, not hitting too many small fields to start. Landing at Reno. Oh well, the weather is starting to lift a bit.
  12. Using a suggestion at the "other" site, I'm taking off from my current location in LA and heading north. Mostly I'll be using smaller strips to land. Too bad the weather isn't great, will make for some interesting landings. Taking off from KLAX First, Van Nuys. Then Fresno.
  13. To the right of the plane. The paved strip.
  14. Alright, it looks nothing like it did in previous versions, and even less like it actually does.
  15. With multiple failures. Taken just seconds before the plane stalled and dropped into the water.
  16. There is an error in the file. It is for the default 737, not the a321.
  17. I recently uploaded a file and made a mistake in the description. 737_damage.zip the file states it is for the default airbus, but it should say default 737. Is it possible to change the description? Should I make the change and re-upload?
  18. Hey all, I always thought the 747 with the decommission/damage textures was great, and wished the same existed for other aircraft. Since none seem to, I any trying to create a few textures like that on m own. The first one, for the default a321 is available now in the file library. It would be great if you could take a look! :)
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