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Posts posted by tgibson_new

  1. I have backdated scenery objects, no problem. But you cannot create animated aircraft for FS2004.


    But the OP was asking if one could open and view FS2004 models, and there the answer is yes.

  2. In my experience this problem of memory leaks caused by landclass files has been successfully fixed by doing one thing - putting these files into a scenery folder that has NO texture folder alongside it. So you create a new folder in the Addon Scenery folder, and just a scenery subfolder inside that - NO texture subfolder. I put all landclass files that come with airports, etc. into that scenery layer's folder and have had no problems with memory leaks again. You do have to look out for them, because they can indeed be mixed in with the other airport BGL files.


    Hope this helps,

  3. Sorry, I misspoke. My terrain.cfg file retains the roads, just removes the poles. But if you want all such objects removed then the cfg file setting is also a good option.
  4. Do you have some kind of terrain addon for the area? If so, the pole is probably from a default road that is being covered up by the terrain. If you can find the "reference point" for the road and exclude it using a tool like SBuilder that could remove the pole, but it's often extremely difficult to do. We ended up modifying the terrain.cfg file to eliminate roads sprouting those poles. On my scenery page if you want to try it.
  5. There is a program called AI Timeout Patcher (aitp10.zip) which can change waiting times. When you run the exe file it actually runs as an installer. Select the desired wait time from the drop down box. It will patch your AI DLL file as needed.


    Hope this helps,

  6. I don't use that trim wheel, I found it too hard to use. I instead set up the vertical rocker on the left side of the handle as trim up/down. Others have used one of the rockers on the right side of the unit itself.
  7. All the objects in the OB9 files are "geo-locked" - they will only show up in the region they were originally placed in. That is so because the placement information is in the same file as the object itself. Many of those objects are also in standard file libraries available online (kb_EZ_terminals, default_terminals_ss), which can be placed anywhere.
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