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Posts posted by tgibson_new

  1. Have you loaded the ADE/AFCAD file into one of those and checked that the runway is actually there?


    If it is, I would try saving the file in that program (after making a backup!) and see if the runway appears in the FSNav database. Even if the compile screws up something else, you can always replace it with the original file after it's in the database.

  2. I assume you mean the original QANTAS 707-138. Here's a picture of the original livery:




    There are two later liveries available as well.


    You can download them from the Historic Jet Group (HJG):




    Click on 707-120, scroll down to the 707-138, and download the Base Pack and the livery(s) of your choice.


    Hope this helps,

  3. Drawcall Batching really became common with the introduction of FSX; I don't know if it has any effect in FS9 (I've never seen anyone test that). So most people back in FS9 days dealt with LODs for frame rate improvement.


    While the main purpose of MCX is to convert models to other formats, Arno has added lots of other features that allow one to add or subtract LOD models, remove certain parts of objects, and merge objects together into a single object. So it's pretty flexible at this point.


    Finally, I don't think that MCX can change the bounding box of FS9 models (although I've never tried), and anyway I think it requires the separate MDL file that is then compiled directly into a library BGL file using a tool like Library Maker. MCX will always (?) recompile MDL files upon Export, and thus any tweaks would be lost. It can Export the MDL file from a library BGL file, though, for tweaking later.

  4. BTW, you can do some editing of objects using ModelConverterX, but only for personal use without the author's permission.


    The only other thing I could think of would be to make the bounding box bigger using MDL Tweaker, but if crash is turned on for that object you will run into it way before you actually hit it.

  5. I don't have the modified DLL file, but here is a previous post showing how the edits work:


    Changing Friction values in the FS2004 sim1.dll




    Since: Oct 26, 2006

    Posts: 4


    (Msg. 11) Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:08 am

    Post subject: Re: Changing Ground Friction Values...Can Someone Translate German? [Login to view extended thread Info.]

    Archived from groups: per prev. post (more info?)



    In my previous post details this fix I got the decoded values in the

    example tables wrong. This should be correct.


    Below is a post I did to another forum. It tries to explain about

    editing SIM1.dll


    I hope it helps.


    I think I have a solution.


    The behavior on rollout seems to be caused by a lack of friction for

    sideways movement, (skid friction).


    Note! I have only done limited testing on this. It seems to make cross

    wind landing rollout better, I think it helps with the tendency to

    rotate left or right on engine start in some big twins, not sure about

    this but it seems better. I may try increase the friction later. It may

    also fix the tendency to weathervane on high speed taxi in strong



    Based on some work I found on a German Web sit, See my post on Oct 23rd

    at 12:30, I have found the following fix.


    First you will need a HEX editor, I use XVI32, this is freeware

    available at



    The fix requires you to edit SIM1.DLL in “Flight Simulator 9/Modules”



    Make a copy of SIM1.DLL and put it in some other directory. If you

    leave it in the same directory FS9 won’t load.


    Open SIM1.DLL with XVI32. Scroll down to the line which has 48CBA in

    the left hand column.


    The values in that line are shown below. The interesting area is in

    red. I have shown the entries for Wheels on Concrete and Asphalt. There

    are others for grass etc.

    So, Change E17AE43F to AE47F13F. This does concrete.


    For Asphalt go to the line 48CBA and repeat the above.


    Save and exit XVI32



    Wheels, Concrete

    Original Microsoft Value

    48CBA 00009999A93FC78424880000007B14AE47C784248C000000E17AE43FC784

    My fix

    48CBA 00009999A93FC78424880000007B14AE47C784248C000000AE47F13FC784


    What this fix does is to change the skid friction from about 1.785 to

    about 1.875. The actual numbers in SIM1.DLL have a lot more decimal

    places than that.


    If you want to try different values the following may help.


    This is a bit techie so if you can’t sleep it may help.


    The numbers you are dealing with are called Single precision floating

    point, (32 bit). When displayed in Hexadecimal, (Hex), each pair of

    characters forms a single Hex character, (Byte, 8 bits). This is

    important when you use the Web site to translate Decimal to single.


    To translate the numbers between Decimal and Single Hex I use


    Decimal to Single Hex http://babbage.cs.qc.edu/IEEE-754/Decimal.html

    Single Hex to Decimal http://babbage.cs.qc.edu/IEEE-754/32bit.html


    Be where! In the above Web site the Bytes are reversed. So in XVI32,

    where you have E17AE43F, you must enter it as 3FE47AE1 on the web page.


    When you convert Decimal to Single Hex, if you got the result 3FF147AE

    you must put it in XVI32 as AE47F13F.


    Using my fix above as an example, I entered the original Microsoft

    value, (in reverse) 3FE47AE1 into the Single Hex converter. This gave

    the Decimal answer 1.7850000. I wanted to increase it a bit so I

    guessed at 1.885. I entered 1.885 into the Decimal to Single Hex

    converter and go the answer 3FF147AE. So remembering to reverse this, I

    entered AE47F13F into XVI32.


    That’s all there is to it.


    Just in case you are still awake, that’s the end of the lesson.


    There are various other things you can change using this technique. I

    have only shown how to edit the skid for Asphalt and Concrete, you can

    do other surfaces. Some people have played about with brake friction

    which was the subject of the German web site. Some say this is great

    and some not.

    I think with all of these “fixes”, it depends on the model you are



    If you try any of this I would be interested to know how you get on.


    Some info on locations of things you can change:


    Tab. 1 Wheels

    1) CONCRETE default Offset

    a) Roll Friction 1.199 48cbc (recommended : 1.00 to 1.1 )

    b) Skid Friction 1.785 48cd2

    c) Brakeing coeff. 1.799 48ce8


    2) GRASS

    a) Roll Friction 1.409 48cfe

    b) Skid Friction 1.785 48d14

    c) Braking Coeff. 1.58 48d2a




    4) ASPHALT

    a) Roll Friction 1.199 48dc4

    b) Skid Friction 1.785 48dd8

    c) Braking Coeff. 1.799 48df0




    24) TARMAC

    a) Roll Friction. 1.199 492a

    b) Skid Friction. 1.785 492c0

    c) Braking Coeff. 1.799 492d6


    And this is an example for the actual code for table 1, Wheels,



    code:48CB8 840000009999993FC78424880000007B --> 1.199 Roll Friction

    48CC8 14AE47C784248C000000E17AE43FC784 --> 1.785 Skid Friction

    48CD8 249000000066666666C7842494000000

    48CE8 6666E63FC78424980000007B14AE47C7 --> 1.799 Braking coefficient

  6. Hi,


    AFAIK you just make engine changes in the aircraft.cfg (and AIR?) files. The engines will not change their appearance.


    There was an FS9 BT-67 posted by David Kolas on AVSIM for a short time, but since it was Manfred Jahn's FSX model converted without permission it was removed.

  7. Here you go:


    //0 Class

    //1 Longitudinal Position (feet)

    //2 Lateral Position (feet)

    //3 Vertical Position (feet)

    //4 Impact Damage Threshold (Feet Per Minute)

    //5 Brake Map (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)

    //6 Wheel Radius (feet)

    //7 Steer Angle (degrees)

    //8 Static Compression (feet) (0 if rigid)

    //9 Max/Static Compression Ratio

    //10 Damping Ratio (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)

    //11 Extension Time (seconds)

    //12 Retraction Time (seconds)

    //13 Sound Type

    //14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS)

    //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)



    point.0=1, 40.00, 0.00, -8.40, 1181.1, 0, 1.442, 55.92, 0.6, 2.5, 0.9, 4.0, 4.0, 0, 220.0, 250.0

    point.1=1, -7.75, -8.58, -8.60, 1574.8, 1, 1.442, 0.00, 1.0, 2.5, 0.9, 6.9, 6.9, 2, 220.0, 250.0

    point.2=1, -7.75, 8.58, -8.60, 1574.8, 2, 1.442, 0.00, 1.0, 2.5, 0.9, 7.1, 7.1, 3, 220.0, 250.0


    point.3=2, -14.17, -47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0

    point.4=2, -14.17, 47.33, 0.00, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6, 0.0, 0.0

    point.5=2, -54.00, 0.00, 2.83, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 0.0, 0.0

    point.6=2, 42.67, 0.00, -3.75, 787.4, 0, 0.000, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4, 0.0, 0.0


    max_number_of_points = 21


    static_pitch=0.04 //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)

    static_cg_height=7.67 //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground

    gear_system_type=1 //Hydraulic

  8. Hi,


    First create a little icon BMP. I took one of the existing icon textures (from an addon panel, but it could be from anywhere), erased the current icon symbol, and put AP on it instead. I named mine icon_AP.bmp


    Next create the XML gauge code. Here is what I used, I named it Icon_AP.xml:


    Display/Hide Autopilot
    777 (>K:PANEL_ID_TOGGLE)


    You can use Notepad to create it, but it should end in .xml instead of .txt. It gets placed into a folder (which can contain many XML gauges), along with its BMP file. You can also put it into a CAB file, but that's not required. My XML and BMP files went into a folder called DC6pnl, located in the main Gauges folder (the folder can also be placed into the plane's panel folder if not used for any other planes).


    Next you add the icon gauge to the panel.cfg file. I added mine to the main panel (Window00 in my case) in this line:


    gauge75=DC6pnl!Icon_AP, 361,1065,21,21


    Your gauge number, XY location (first two numbers) and size (last two numbers) will be different.



    Finally, when I was adding my subpanel into this panel.cfg file, I made sure that it contained this line:





    Now when I click the icon the AP panel pops up (or goes away).


    Hope this helps,

  9. Hi,


    Tom Gibson here.


    This is way over my head, and I only have the free online version of Excel which doesn't display the map.


    I have posted the link to this message in my forum, so hopefully those more knowledgeable about celestial navigation will take over.



  10. If your instruments are routinely displaying true headings instead of magnetic, I don't know of a setting in FS9 that will change that (there is a setting for true vs indicated airspeed, but that is not this).


    The usual reason for this problem is an addon scenery that (for some reason unknown to me) causes FS to stop reading the default magdec.bgl file, which provides all of the magnetic headings in the world. This file is found by default in the Scenery/BASE/scenery folder.


    If this is true, removing that addon scenery should fix it.


    A workaround to avoid that is to place a copy of the magdec.bgl file into it's own scenery folder (i.e. Addon Scenery/Keep On Top/scenery), and add the Keep on Top folder as a scenery layer in the Scenery Library. This layer should be kept at the top of the listing at all times.


    Then the headings should go back to magnetic.


    Hope this helps,

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