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Everything posted by tgibson_new

  1. If you mean the Air Hauler program cannot find your FS2004 installation, you can fix the registry entry by using the Flight1 Registry Repair Tool program. http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library Hope this helps,
  2. Hi, They probably did that to allow AI aircraft to take off from mid-runway?
  3. It's happening to others: http://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/9611/problem-saved-flights
  4. My guess is that the True Airspeed gauge is actually displaying -6, but the gauge programmer never thought about a plane moving backwards in the air mass and didn't program for it.
  5. Perhaps you have two of these sceneries installed and one does not include textures?
  6. AFAIK your only choice to change the size of a 2D panel is to reduce the size of the panel bitmap and then move all the gauges to their new locations. Basically starting over.
  7. Hi, This is usually a problem with the static_cg_height line in the Contact Points section of the plane's aircraft.cfg file. This is the height FS places the plane when it loads it and in Slew mode. You can often test for this problem by going in and out of Slew mode (Y key). If it doesn't start out just a tiny bit above where it should be and settle quietly onto the water then that should be edited to make it so. Hope this helps,
  8. The engine locations are listed in the General Engine section of the plane's aircraft.cfg file. You can try editing those. Backup first.
  9. It was America West, but US Airways took it when they merged.
  10. If all the planes are from the same source then they probably all have them in the models. If it is your flyable aircraft too (i.e. all the lights), then you may have installed a halo.bmp replacement that you are not happy with.
  11. tgibson_new

    Light BMPs

    Are these files within any Program Files folder?
  12. That's true, sometimes custom animations will not appear in multiplayer as well.
  13. AFAIK, those are in the model (MDL) file and I don't know how you change those except by editing the model.
  14. I've seen this before. Sometimes it's because one of you entered multiplayer in slew mode, or you were using a plane with fixed gear and then switched aircraft, or elevation differences as described above. This can be minimized by using the same airport, and entering multiplayer in the plane you intend to fly, not in slew mode. If it does happen, both of you leave multiplayer and re-enter it.
  15. If you set the AI slider to 0, does this fix it? If so, it's probably a bad texture on one of the AI planes.
  16. Try unchecking the Avtive box for this airport's scenery in the Scenery Library, restart FS, and try the approach again. If you don't get the crash, the addon scenery is probably the problem.
  17. Hi, According to the TTools documentation, the AC# number must be less than 65536. It does not mention if there is a lower limit on the actual number of lines in the file. I have 876 aircraft in one file and it works fine.
  18. In the fs9.cfg file is a line starting with: SITUATION= and some stuff after the equals sign. Quit FS and remove all of that so it looks like the line above. Save and restart FS. This assumes you did not delete the default Cessna from your Aircraft folder.
  19. I assume you downloaded the entire plane, including model folders? If so, when you loaded the plane into FS did FS ask if it could remove incompatible items? If you said yes, it may have deleted the props. You can reverse that by deleting the line that FS created in the fs9.cfg file. Save the file and restart FS. It will then ask the question again when you load the plane. Choose that you do not want to remove incompatible items. If you already said no or you tried the procedure above and the props still don't appear, then they are never going to appear. You will need to find an Iberia livery for the FS2004 model. For example: https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/15939/fs2004-iberia-douglas-dc-3/ Hope this helps,
  20. If you are talking about the Real World weather download option built into FS9, there is no solution at the moment, because it appears it is happening to everyone and thus nothing you can do yourself. You'll just have to wait until it starts working again, if ever.
  21. There is an old freeware version, FSrealWX Lite, which works if you keep the download distance below 150 NM. It can be downloaded from places like freedownloadmanager. Do a web search for "download" and the program name.
  22. Thanks, Karol, I appreciate that. Manfred and I are working towards an FS2004 release of his Generic GCA which uses your Synthetic ILS. I'm sorry to hear that you are having computer problems and hope you are back up and running soon.
  23. One more thing. The ILS localizer needle does not work properly in FS2004 - it only moves to the right. The reason is that the command rnor does not work properly in FS2004. If you cannot read what I wrote, the command name it is r n o r, which is supposed to normalize radian values. So here's the fix, and it's surprisingly easy. 1. Open the zzDAT37.xml file in a text editor. 2. Do a search for rnor 3. Replace rnor with rddg dnor dgrd Keep the spaces around the words. Karol actually did this in a number of other locations, but looks like he missed this one. I found this out on this old thread, thanks Rob! https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/72598-xml-function-rnor-bug/ Hope this helps,
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