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  1. Hi Stuart On the lower portion of the throttle unit you have 3 areas that are not mouse hot spots , they are either left or right ends between the screws and the annunciator lights between the "1" and APU , click and hold down and drag the throttle to any new screen location then release the click . Cheers Karol
  2. Just peanuts , cheap as all hell ! Now this one worries me , I pull up at the bowser and say fill her up !!!!!!!! Pull out my wallet , its OK I have a couple of hundred dollars . Now what was the tank capacity ........ " A Boeing 747 can hold approximately 48,400 – 57,285 gallons of jet fuel depending on the model of aircraft (model series 100 – 400). This is 183,214 to 216,847 liters of fuel or about 180 to 213 tonnes. " Oooops ........................ Cheers Karol
  3. some more info. 44min walkaround video , both outside A-10 aircraft and inside cockpit , probably the best that you will ever see , a lot of detail info . link; At 34 to 36 minutes he details both Takeoff and Landing speed ranges . Cheers Karol
  4. Some info on the A-10 . This link, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II provides following data Performance Maximum speed: 381 knots (439 mph, 706 km/h) at sea level, clean[193] Cruise speed: 300 knots (340 mph, 560 km/h) Stall speed: 120 knots (138 mph, 220 km/h) [195] Never exceed speed: 450 knots (518 mph,[193] 833 km/h) at 5,000 ft (1,500 m) with 18 Mk 82 bombs[196] Combat radius: CAS mission: 250 nmi (288 mi, 460 km at 1.88 hour loiter at 5,000 ft (1,500 m), 10 min combat Anti-armor mission: 252 nmi (290 mi, 467 km), 40 nmi (45 mi, 75 km)) sea-level penetration and exit, 30 min combat Ferry range: 2,240 nmi (2,580 mi, 4,150 km) with 50 knot (55 mph, 90 km/h) headwinds, 20 minutes reserve Service ceiling: 45,000 ft (13,700 m) Rate of climb: 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s) Wing loading: 99 lb/ft2 (482 kg/m2) Thrust/weight: 0.36 *************************** Also , check this video ..... A-10 Landing tutorial short video includes speed and flap info , Cheers Karol
  5. You always have Mesh , it comes with the Flight Simulator . It creates the valleys and mountain terrain elevation features , the scenery is draped over the mesh. If you add an aftermarket mesh it usually (1) improves the accuracy of the terrain elevations (2) improves the resolution sharpness or detail so that smaller terrain features are modelled. As far as I know Photo real has a much greater impact on performance / frame rates than mesh ever will have. If you are after performance improvement it would be better to get rid of or de activate the Photo real scenery . Cheers Karol
  6. The following might be of interest to you. A few years ago I created a " Synthetic ILS " instrument that enables ILS style Precision landings at any of the Runways of the 24,491 Airports in the simulator database . You select (a) an Airport , (b) the Runway desired , © the Runway end direction desired , the instrument then generates an ILS aimpoint at 6% of that Runway length . The Synthetic ILS is presented in the usual Command bar display of ILS instruments . The instrument is available freeware here at the Flightsim library , a brief description of it is at post # 1 of this link , https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?312954-Synthetic-ILS-instrument-For-every-Runway-at-every-Airport/page7 at post # 8 a screen shot shows an example where a Synthetic ILS and a normal Radio NAVAID ILS are run side by side . This instrument provides much more information than the usual ILS , it includes a 16 page set of notes and several screenshot visual descriptions . Anyway have a look at the linked information , it might be of interest to you . Cheers Karol
  7. Hi ...... The Airport that you are after ( Groom Lake ) does exist in the Sim . It is Area 51 . it's ICAO is AR51 , In the Search function of Page 1 , click top left ICAO button and type in AR51 , remember that the alphabet characters must be SMALL case , NOT capitals . Rwy 32R is 23,000' long . The way I located it is , I loaded my aircraft at Nellis airbase KLSV , then opened Page 1 of the instrument , looked at the listing , nothing , then at " >2000 " I clicked to increase the search runway lengths from >2000 to >6400 , it was then that AR51 appeared , clicked on AR51 and got Distance and Bearing to it , plus all runways at Page 2 , selected the 32R runway and proceeded to Page 3 the ILS page and did a manual ILS on arrival . Cheers Karol
  8. Hi Rick Thank you . As a person who creates custom instruments for a custom panel to satisfy my own style of flying I can understand that others also have their own preferences . The main thing is that we enjoy our flying in the simulator however and whatever we choose to fly. With regards Karol
  9. Further to Previous post . Always create a backup insurance copy of instrument or Cab before making any changes . At the very end of the AUX NAV PANEL xml you will find this code , Change FROM , Change To , Notice that this (>K:AUTOPILOT_ON) is being removed . You will then need to test the function in flight to ensure it's what you are after . Please advise if that is satisfactory . Cheers Karol
  10. Hi Gregory Still testing the C-5 and Autopilot . So far the autopilot works wonderfully , still testing , but it appears to work perfectly . Have flown on AP changing both Headings and Altitudes frequently during the flight and it obeys all inputs . I examined your Dropbox code of the AP and it is correct , no changes need to be made to the autopilot code to get what you are after . The instrument that needs to be changed to get what you are after is in fact a separate instrument , it is the ALT Hold button which is to the Left of the autopilot on the panel . That's the one that I need to see in the Dropbox . EDIT ; I think it's called " AUX NAV PANEL " and it contains both the (HDG CRS ) and (ALT HOLD) buttons . Cheers Karol PS Please avoid making any changes to xml code unless you are experienced in instrument creation as the tiniest errors or spaces can screw things up and cause headaches . I've been doing that for just over 10 years and I'm still learning .
  11. OK . This comment that you made is what interests me , " ...... so that the Alt Hold does not turn off when AP Master is turned on. This would allow the Alt Hold to interact with AP Master ..... " That should not happen ! Did you do it in exactly this order ? 1. set an Altitude in the Altitude window at "D" ( for example 7000' ) . 2. set "#3" to HDG . 3. set AP master to ON at "#1" . 4. set ALT hold to ON at "#10" . ... and if you did what happens , does the value in the ALT window change ? and does the ALT hold turn to OFF ? If the above happens then the Autopilot is faulty . Could you provide download details of your C-5 , I could then load it and look at the AP xml and see if I can fix the code for you ( I only have FSX on my computer ) Cheers Karol
  12. Thanks for that screenshot . Please try the Hdg Hold on autopilot as shown below and advise if it works OK , Once your aircraft/autopilot settles down at the set , speed , altitude , and heading , then ; 1. change the Heading value and observe , then , 2. change the altitude value and observe . If that works and you want me to run through an ILS ,then please advise , - Airport name and ICAO ident - the Runway that has an ILS fitted . Cheers Karol
  13. The problem at the moment seems to be about the use of the Autopilot fitted to your C-5 , it would help if you could post a screenshot of your panel , or even better of that autopilot . Also could you check if your panel has a 'Radio Altitude' instrument . Realistically autopilot functions are NOT assigned to controllers (joystick) , although there is one exception and that is the 'autopilot master switch' is sometimes assigned to the joystick . The balance of autopilot settings and functions are done with the mouse . In the Sim the maximum ILS range is 20 to 25 nm . The APPROACH mode will guide you down the Glideslope to a Decision Height , usually about 200' above the runway , if you can see the runway you disconnect the autopilot , and go visual landing manually . If you cannot see the runway due to weather at 200' you conduct a Missed Approach , which means that you put on power and climb to a safe altitude and proceed to an alternate airport . You need the Radio Altitude to establish when you are at 200' . Cheers Karol
  14. I think you approach airspeed is too high , I suspect that 165 is for Max landing weight . Try doing an ILS at 140 , then next at 130 , then at 120 , then at 110 . I suspect that at 25% fuel and small payload your approach should be at about 125 kts . I had a similar approach airspeed problem . initially I conformed to the recommended approach speed of 160 kts for the F-111 as advised in the download . Then I used the F-18 HUD to chart ONSPEED approach speeds for a range of Fuel % figures that resulted in approach speeds of , 121 kts at 16% fuel up to 142 kts at 93% fuel Other possible checks that you can conduct to establish approach speeds are , 1. If you have an Angle of Attack readout , adjust throttle to maintain an AoA of 8 degrees all the way through your approach , and note your airspeed for the current weights . or, 2. Maintain exactly the same altitude and slowly reduce power until the Stall , note the airspeed at the moment of stall , then multiply that airspeed by 1.3 to determine the approach speed for that weight . Cheers Karol
  15. Hi Ronald You have downloaded a different instrument . I created the Synthetic ILS instrument . My instrument was used as a basis for two other instruments as follows , 1. A radio talk down ( GCA ) instrument . 2. An autoland instrument . Please read the documentation that came with your download and send an Email to the applicable author of your downloaded instrument . The author should be able to help you . Cheers Karol PS: I'm sure that you downloaded , SYNC_ILS_Approach_Automation/ILS MFD/bm_DAT37.xml Author = Bill McCellan Send Bill an Email You did click SHIFT 8 on your keyboard to call up the instrument ?
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