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Posts posted by dogdish

  1. Tim, bought the 10Tb drive before the sim was released with the intention of creating scenery for off-line use. But as of now, I get the usual nonsense of "Please insert disk" when I try running without internet. I also created a 1Tb Rolling Cache.


    When I started making the cache, figured probably take about as long as formatting a drive. After a hour or two walked away and left it alone. About 30 hours later it was finally done. This was BEFORE Asobo added any indication of progress.


    cianpars, are you deleting just the scenery areas within the sim or deleting the whole cache file outside the sim?

  2. World Update 3 is in its final polish phase and is now locked in for release on Tuesday, February 16th. The team is putting the finishing touches on all aspects of this massive update, and we appreciate your continued patience.


    Thought it was suppose to release Feb 11...If it's not ready it's not ready


    Mine hung on one of the splash screens the other day so exited out to restart and noticed Windows updates were waiting. After that MSFS loaded OK.

  3. ...On more modern PC's, u might run into a problem with the 16:9 resolution, since in the days of FS2000 a 4:3 resolution was common.


    I run it on Windows 7 with a 1920x1080, 16:9 monitor. FS2000 supports 1280x720x32 resolution which is a 16:9 aspect ratio and looks great.

  4. ...I believe that FS will install certain files (all files?) to the C:\users\[username]\app data directory. Is this correct?


    By default, yes. However you can specify where Windows installs Apps BEFORE installing MSFS OR you can move it. There are plenty of articles on the web on how to do it, here's one...




    My main MSFS folder AND the Apps portion now reside on my D: drive


    I also have Prepar3d v5.1 which likes to put add-ons in the Documents folder. Since it can grow rather large, I also moved that to the D: drive.

  5. Seems a 16:9 is what is cropping the ends of what a ultrawide/superwide user sees. ed1 you can still always pan in or out to adjust your view.


    I'm deciding on a 21:9 or a 32:9 myself.


    Your second screenshot answers a question I had, whether the HUD gauges move to the edges of the screen. With a 32:9 you would have to really look over to the sides to see them unless they can be moved closer to the center.

  6. ...i tried installing different aircraft one after the other.......and each time, the very large number, which i assumed was the remaining memory, went down...


    I think you meant LOADING, not installing. Yes, I've noticed same. Sometimes the aircraft won't fully load when VAS gets low and will start having missing textures.

  7. Have not flown awhile because I've been caught up watching crazy world events unfold.


    Went to play MSFS 2020 and was greeted with update


    I'm using a X-Box 360 controller for Windows and went to apply some rudder with the Z Axis and rolled over and crashed. Seems the Z axis no longer works as a rudder control but now more like rudder trim. Rudder does not return to center when buttons are released.


    This is like Boeing quietly adding MCAS without telling pilots. Why did Asobo do this and what fixes it?

  8. Thanks Tiger, I'll try them out. Rather have 4 good ones than 10 bad ones :)


    Solving problem with mirroring with "little" trick and it is not suitable for all liveries. But I dont want to make too much B747 liveries, because when Asobo changed mapping, all liveries I will have to remaked....


    Sounds like Asobo STILL needs to fix this, but for now acceptable.

  9. How can people have a quality standard that would accept the name printed backwards.




    Always wondered why the default livery appears normal on both sides, even the lettering and add ons do not. The 787 also is the same.


    ...found liveries by one indivudual, mcambel, that do not have the mirroring issue.


    Where do you find Mcambel's liveries?

  10. hmmmm...reinstalled everything, and same problem.....is there a way to monitor vas memory while flying?....on task manager i noticed, i'm using around 2,600 mb's while flying, but i don't know if that's related to vas??


    FSUIPC has a built in VAS monitor that gives out chimes when VAS is getting low and also has a log file.

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