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Everything posted by Mac6737

  1. Stinger, Yes, yes, your instructions were perfectly clear, and I had no trouble finding the setting. And yes, my Rolling Cache was On. I was just wondering what exactly I am deleting 8 gigs of. You needn't reply. I will do a bit more research and then decide whether to try it. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you, Stinger, but I hesitate to do stuff that I do not understand. I found my rolling cache file in Local Cache. It is a "CCC" file (whatever that is) and has over 8 gigs in it. What would I be deleting? What could go wrong? Also, please tell me why you suggest this. As I said, I removed the scenery I think is the culprit* from my Community folder. Why wouldn't that take me back to where I was before I installed it? Mac6737 * I think this, because the developer's description specifically mentioned improvements to the NYC bridges, and those were disastrously degraded after the install. But I neglected to mention in my OP that after the install, when I opened MSFS, there was a mandatory update, which self-installed.
  3. The default bridges were terrible, with the notorious black bars under the roadways. So I downloaded from the familiar site flightsim.to a supposed "fix" from a developer whose stuff has worked fine before. After the install, everything was even worse. The bridge superstructures were missing, as was the new World Trade tower, and many other familiar details. So I shut the sim own, and deleted the new DL from my Community folder and reopened. But the deletion had no apparent effect. Maybe the install did something to the default that mere deletion of the install cannot reverse. I would be happy to get back to where I was! Can I get back to the default without a total reinstall of FS2020? (I hope so.) Thanks all, Mac6737
  4. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone. A related irritant is that, when you push ESC to pause a flight, time continues to elapse. So let's say it's late afternoon in the sim; you pause it, hit ALT + ENTER, minimize and go on to dinner. Then when you some back and resume your flight, it's nighttime. True, as long as the weather tab is available, you can set the clock back. But it's weirdly perverse. Pausing it should mean pausing ALL of it.
  5. OK, I have posted before to complain that the sim almost always goes CTD whenever I try to open a saved flight (.flt file). But tonight, an amazing thing happened! I was able to open 2 saved scenarios in a row! Oh joy! (Could it be that Zendesk is listening?) However, in both cases, the pulldown menu at the top of the screen did not include the weather icon; and, when I went to the "settings" icon, "weather" was greyed out. Does this make sense? Seems to me, if the save function saves the flight parameters, they should be changeable, just as they were before you saved them. Any ideas? Or is just the lame "At the end of the day, it is what it is." Thanks, Mac6737
  6. Thanks, but it didn't. Increased ships and boats way up there. Still none of either in the sim. The other 2 setting were already as you recommend. As for other suggestions, I don't want to fly GA planes at 50 mph at low altitudes (where you can see the waves). And 30 mph has zero effect: it's still all calm as a millpond.
  7. 1. On my first flight back in August, I saw 2 ships near the Golden Gate Bridge. Since then, I have not seen a single ship or boat on the ocean. Where are they? 2. ATC sends me typed messages, but no voice. There must be a setting somewhere in Options, right? 3. The MSFS Trailer shows impressive wave action. How do you get this? (Or maybe you can't.) Thanks all, Mac6737
  8. Does this add-on compete with Orbx scenery add-ons or supplement them?
  9. I just noticed an add-on (the Natural World) available for P3D v. 5. I have P3D v. 4.5 installed. After spending a while on L-M's P3D website, I despaired of finding out what, if anything, existing customers are entitled to. If I want to install v. 5.1, do I have to pay full freight, just like a new customer? (If, so, forget about it!) Mac6737
  10. Thanks, loki. I guess I don't understand DirectX. You say MSFS uses DX11. Okay, but I don't have DX11, just 12. So how come the sim runs, mostly OK?
  11. I recently sent in a Zendesk request about my problem (from Day One): I CTD almost every time I try to load a saved flight. Among Zendesk's many boilerplate suggestions (most of them clearly irrelevant to my request) was to make sure I have the latest version of DirectX installed. I ran dxdiag and found that I have DirectX 12. That came with Win 10. I see from Google that there is a DirectX 13, but apparently not from Microsoft. I hesitate to DL software of unfamiliar provenance. Anybody have advice? -- Is DirectX 12 good enough for FS2020? Anybody know anything about DirectX 13? Could my problem have anything to do with DirectX anyway? Any other ideas? Mac6737
  12. (Well, OK, I did -- once or twice.) However, almost every time I try to load flight parameters I've saved (FLT files) -- CTD! Doesn't matter if it's a flight saved en route, or a takeoff. I am getting fewer CTDs for other reasons than I did a while back, so there's improvement going on. But if you can't save a flight, the sim is of limited utility to those of us unable to strap in for many hours without eating or sleeping. (No copilot!) Plus, wouldn't it be nice to save a takeoff in specified conditions and know you can go back to that situation some other time? We've been in this for going on 4 months. I have found other posts agreeing that this is a bug. Do the developers listen to us on these forums? Patience wearing thin. Mac6727
  13. Much of what Plainsman says makes sense. I have 2 more comments 1. No manual! Many problems that have plagued us have turned out to be, as he said, because some of us thought the stuff we knew from P3D/FSX was transferable. It isn't. E.g., see my earlier thread about failing to find add-on liveries -- because I was looking in the thumbnail gallery, like I do in P3D. I spent 2 months baffled by that misperception. 2. I don't think I am fairly described by any of your categories. And yet . . . . While I am suffering many fewer CTDs than I was in September, my CTD rate >90% when loading saved flight parameters. That is extremely limiting, obviously. Also, when I minimize a flight in Windows mode, FS2020 eventually shuts itself off. That wouldn't be a big deal, if only I were able to save flight parameters.
  14. I hope nobody has been losing sleep over this. I had always assumed that add-on liveries appear in the gallery of aircraft, like they do in FSX and P3D. Since I never saw anything but the defaults in that gallery, I figured that the add-ons were corrupted or that my install of FS2020 somehow failed to recognize them in the Community Folder. Recently, after downloading one more version of the MegaPack, I tried yet again, with only one livery. As usual, I saw only the default for the plane. And then . . . I finally noticed the menu on the left of the screen, including this item: "LIVERIES." That's where they've been hiding all along! Had anyone replied to this thread, I would owe them a beer. Mac6737
  15. Some people are less likely to be seduced; some of them, represented on this and other forums, have gone back to to Xplane/P3D/FSX. Plus, I can't say that it isn't a mess for "everybody." A couple months ago, I posted a nastygram complaining that I spent more time on CTDs than flying. But it got better soon after that. Why? I dunno, maybe they fixed something with an update. Releasing a sim that crashes all the damn time qualifies as a "mess," even if things get fixed in due course.
  16. NEWS FLASH! Ignore my original post! I've said before that this sim is a "hot mess." I erred. It is an amorphous steaming blob of digital gibberish dumped on our collective doorstep. The sensational graphics are the seductress that keeps us coming back for ever more abuse. Even the error messages are erroneous! After I got that error message yesterday, I spent the better part of an hour searching this and the FS support forum for answers, taking and editing a screenshot, and posting my question. When I finally had had enough, i clicked "Quit" on the error screen. Guess what!! The old graphic and "Press any key to continue" appeared. Did so. Then I was "welcomed back" to Xbox. (Didn't know I'd ever left.) Clicked on "Continue." Sim proceeded to install one gig of updates, after which I got the opening screen and was able to go flying. Thanks for your replies. Mac6737
  17. I realize there are old threads on this subject, but I have a question about the putative "fix." Leaving aside that it is about 20 horrendously complex steps, and involves signing out of apps that may or may not be installed, then re-downloading and reinstalling them all, at the end you're supposed to sign in to the Microsoft Store "with the account used to purchase MS Flight Simulator 2020." I don't believe I can do that. I received the sim as a birthday gift and I have of course redeemed the gift code. I have had the sim installed since August. I have never seen this message before and I don't believe I have exceeded my data cap (if I have one) because my Verizon FiOS has no limit; and, in any case, I've never reached it in any prior month. What's up with this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Mac6737
  18. It's been a couple weeks since I have had anything to say here about my total failure to access ANY add-on liveries. Maybe the passage of time will have changed things, or permitted the emergence of fresh ideas. I believe I have tried everything I have downloaded LiveriesMegaPackVersion11.3.zip, and have installed numerous individual liveries. I have downloaded and installed several liveries using the Liveries Manager utility. I have downloaded individual liveries from flightsim.to. I have downloaded individual liveries and followed the developer's personal advice on altering the cfg and json files. NOTHING WORKS! Yes, the liveries I have downloaded seem complete and properly installed in my Community folder. And the scenery add-ons in the Community folder work fine. Thanks all, Mac6737
  19. Thanks, Loki. Yeah, I had thought of that. But I have no reason to believe that the sim itself is damaged. And I'm scared of doing what they claim is a "repair." You have 8K+ posts. R U able to reassure me?
  20. Or check to make sure they are installed and functioning? The reason I ask: I have exhausted all suggestions in an earlier thread about addon liveries not showing up in the sim. Some folks say there have been problems created by Adobo, and that these have been fixed or worked around in one of the updates. As advised on this forum, I have joined Discord and used it to DL LiveriesMegaPackVersion11.3. The DL and install seem to have worked. The liveries I selected are in my Community folder, and they appear to be complete, but they don't show up in the sim. I have a hunch that one of the mandatory updates did not install. It downloaded, but when I started the sim, I never saw a progress bar, as I think I had seen on earlier updates. Perhaps this is my problem. Or perhaps not. Thanks all, Mac6737
  21. Thank you. Yep, I got the XI, not the 11.3. I left a request with Discord (unacknowledged so far), and I'll also return to the fray tomorrow. Mac6737 PS -- What's Python? Banter?
  22. Jack, I'm not snoozing. Just losing. I told you yesterday I was unable to register on Discord, because it falsely thinks my email has previously been registered, and its directions for such cases don't work. Plus, it seems they have no tech support. In any case, you seem to be saying that if I DL the MegaPack from Discord, it will work. Maybe so, but those liveries are unquestionably in my Community folder and they appear to be complete.
  23. Hi Jack, I made a mistake in my earlier email. At the msfsaddon site, I had accepted the suggestion to DL the manager, not the 600 liveries themselves. But it didn't matter. After I did the full DL and installed 4 liveries in my Community folder, they still wouldn't show up in the sim. Thanks for your efforts. It is clear to me that, for one reason or another, I cannot install liveries. Scenery, yes; liveries no. Mac6737 PS -- I called you "dogfish" because that's the handle you use on this forum. I can't imagine what's wrong with that, seeing as how I had no choice.
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