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Everything posted by flytv1

  1. Hi Bob. Thank you for your work. Very nice job. For the people that want to install in the VC, what worked for me the MSFSX Analog / round gauges is his: Note: Save your panel.cfg file before you make changes. In VC mode use acft ID icon for Switch HUD toggle [VCockpit01] size_mm=512,512 %u2026.. //Replce %u201Cn_number_plaque..%u201D gauge18 may be different #, use the same nr for "gaHUD..%u201D //gauge18=n_number_plaque!n_number_plaque, 188,468,89,25 // Replace With gauge18=gaHUD!HUDbutton, 188,468,89,25
  2. If you go single you may want to consider 42 in or above.
  3. For Real World pilots the sim is used as a tool. In order to have a useful tool you must have sufficient throughput in the available hardware to present / simulate flight as clearly and as fluid as possible. If you cannot have a display that is readable, and updates of the instruments, and views, as possible you do not have a simulator. The present day the required power to present a good, crisp, useful VR environment is just not there. VR is still too demanding to be used in anything else other than some games that are less complex and or special demos specifically design to demo VR, and have no need for complex code. Flight simulation does not fit into that categories. I've tested a number of VR sets, and 3D monitors, over the years and did not find any that give you that smooth and clear updates required to give you the feel that is useful as a tool. I find that even 4K resolution is barely sufficiently clear, smooth, and crisp to have a credible instrument panel and maintain that real time, fluid sensation and clear view expected / needed. I have a fairly powerful system and using VR is just not presently acceptable. The present sims have sufficient controller assignments that allow you to switch views, look around, as long as you can get a good, basic, starting view location. VR, smoke / particles, reflections, head bobbing, eye blinking.. is no benefit to real RW pilots that want to use this as a tool. It is a good idea to have the VR hooks needed for some future development but not something that would take away from what is important and what the systems are able to handle presently.
  4. Hi Loki. I like the theoretical description but I hope that they are able to implement it in the real / simulated aircraft. Many times the implementation cannot keep up with the theory, due to many facts, most likely the throughput of the systems used. If they cannot get a smooth, fluid sensation, all the theory is not likely to help. I hope they can get it done. I am looking forward to it.
  5. Hi everyone. It is my hope that they do not make the same mistake they did with their previous versions, that is, to have and Artist in charge of the project. It is important that if one gets inside the cockpit, the users / pilots get the view that is available in a real airplane. For most users, including some pilots, this is a minor issue, but as a CFI this becomes an important point. During instructing, the view of the top of cowl and wing tips along with the proper instrument panel view, in any Cessna / high wing, must be as close to real as possible. It is much easier to do that in low wings but still important. All those points are used during VFR training. There must be at least one High performance, complex, acft like a C182 RG and a C172 with both Analog and Digital instruments. Include at least one acft in the LSA / light category which can be a lot more difficult to handle in Xwind conditions. The Flight dynamics must be as close to real in all phases of flight, as possible. I expect to get in and perform a L-8, Chandelle, Steep turn, Slow flight, Taxi / ground, Ground effect, and Xwind TOs and Landings to give you the overall visual feel of the real in flight sensation. Some example, for the C172, if you are in a bank of The Numbers, in particular in the Slow regime / Pattern, must be as accurate as possible, if I get in a real vs sim C172 I should be able to set / get a specific performance for the same settings as I do in a real acft. Make the aftermarket development as accessible as possible to allow users to make changes / develop their own models. This is what kept, and still keeps, the previous versions alive and without it it is likely to have a very short life cycle. It sounds like they have the external environment solved, but there must be a view where the pilot can view maybe emphasize, the ground reference points. which was better in FSX than in some existing / active simulators, but can still use some help. It is my hope that they select someone, either in the active team, or tester, that actually knows how the basic acft performs and listen to them. Keep away from useless effects, reflections, smoke, fire... that just use up CPU / GPU time. Without some of the above mentioned points it will just be another sim, and they already exist.
  6. Hi Reginald. I am assuming that you have XP11 / C172SP? First point, if you do not have Rudder pedals you will have a very difficult time handling XP on / close to the ground, wind or not. The instructions you were given are correct, the wording is slightly different but close enough to get you there. If you have XP11 you must be able to click / activate Customize under the Weather box / window, if not go to your XPlane Installer and Reinstall XP. While you are at it you should get 11.40.r1 / latest version, which has a number of changes to help with the ground handling. When you get to Weather settings, Left Click (LC) on the Wind layer, if you have one, you should not have it if it was a virgin install and then LC on the Delete layer at the bottom left. If you have any Turbulence / Thermals you can disable that also. Remove / disable any Addons / LUA scripts / that you may have and try it again. If you can afford buy a set of CH Pro pedals USB some are available for around $50.00 used, if you get a Gameport, you may find some at swap meets, you must get a Gameport to USB converter for another ~$20.00 and it will work also, check Ebay. In addition in your Joystick settings go to your Add response curve and create a dead zone in your Yaw axis, grab the Yellow dot, at around 30 ; 11 to help minimize the over control sensitivity.
  7. Hi. I do not know about XP10, but you can dload the XP11 demo and find the files below included. There may be other ways to get it? X-Plane_C90B_Pilot_Operating_Manual.pdf …Aircraft\Laminar Research\KingAir C90B X-Plane_Baron_Pilot_Operating_Manual.pdf …\Aircraft\Laminar Research\Baron B58
  8. There is a suspend helipad just North of KSNA, see C172HeliLndOutS.jpg pic for location, and I wanted to see if it's actually a hard surface by using the 172 to land on. It does look like it's hard surface and you can land to a full stop on it with the 172. Some help, it's at 245 ft. and you can set the wind at 220 @ 30kt and approach into the wind / pad from about 280 ft slow flight, with the Ridealong view. See some more details in the lower left. It would appear that it belongs on top of one of the buildings but I am not aware of one in that area. It's fun to test your skills, I hope the leave it alone.
  9. A crack in the armor. Add some wings to it and there will likely be buyers for it. It moves on Land and water at about 45 kt, and has an almost perfect pilot / captain, if it wasn’t for the crack in the middle and no eyes. I am sure they will fix the in the next version. Some one is having too much fun.
  10. Just in case some of you want to be able to access different views, using Jstick or Keyboard, without having to go to Menu. --[[This Script will Cycle through 3D, Chase and Ridealong. To use, copy this text to a file AnyName.lua and place it into your XP11... \Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts, Start XPlane, Go to Settings>Joystick or Keyboard and in FlyWithLua Views Cycle Views, assign a button or Key to Cycle views. Go back to XP and use the button / key to cycle through views. Tested with XP11.40 and Win10.]] local last_view_type = 0 --define the DataRef we want to use DataRef( "view_type", "sim/graphics/view/view_type" ) --view_type == 1017 = Chase --view_type == 1026 = 3D --view_type == 1023 = HUD? function Cycle_Views() --if view_type == 1026 = 3D switch to Chase on next Jstk press if (( view_type == 1026 ) and ( last_view_type ~= 1026 )) or(( view_type == 1023 ) and ( last_view_type ~= 1023 )) then command_once( "sim/view/chase" ) else --if Chase switch view/ridealong if ( view_type == 1017 ) and ( last_view_type ~= 1017 ) then command_once( "sim/view/ridealong" ) else --switch to 3D on next Jstk press command_once( "sim/view/3d_cockpit_cmnd_look" ) end end end -- create a Jstk command to execute Cycle_Views create_command("FlyWithLua/Views/Cycle Views", "Key to Cycle views", "Cycle_Views()", "", "") -- Here is something Fun. It actually moves.
  11. Yes, that looks about right. You will likely not see many / most of the objects, try to get at least Medium. For me anything less than 4K, Effects and Texture Max and 4XAA, and Field of view 90%, is not acceptable. Try that with a couple of circuits during Dusk around LAX, in the Zebo or C172 inside the Cpit, and let us know how you do. If you are happy with going around the empty scenery, and jaggies, that is perfectly fine. Stay with it.
  12. Hi Iain. That is great, I would like to know your settings. I have a system that is easily 2x as powerful as you have and I struggle to get around 25FPS in 4K mode with C172. How you define "looked like"? Did you actually turn on the FPS info line? I only use GA acft, but I've never seen seen anything in the 60s with any setting and or acft. Can you post your settings, Resolution, acft...?? It sounds like I could use some help? If you are not happy with 60FPS it is likely that you will never be happy. I would take 30 fluid any day.
  13. Hi Iain. The default settings are what they consider to be good for most users, and it may not apply to you. Your system will have a very difficult time running XP11. Try most slides to the left to start with, the worst offenders are Objects, try None to Medium, AA none -2, Reflections None, Shadows None, and your Resolution, try around 1080P max. In addition many of the acft models are more demanding, start with the C172. There are / is a Benchmark that you can run but that will give you no real answers / help, just a reference to where you are vs. others.
  14. Just curious, can you be more specific? I find that, even 15 years later, there are more airports around the World, better scenery and better development tools for the MS based sims. Just about everything for XPlane is Payware / Not free, and some of the product that comes out from commercial vendors is of terrible quality. I have many sims, and developed for most, and XP is still one of the most difficult to develop for and keep things current / working. If money is no object and you are willing to put up with a lot of frustration then, and only then, I would go the XP way. I hope things change in the future but at this point they still do not have a light GA flight model that is credible, they keep trying to improve on something that they said 15 years ago that it was perfect.
  15. Hi. No problem with Win 10 and the Pro USB.
  16. flytv1

    default clouds

    Hi. Try to use / set Objects to Medium, Reflections minimal and Visuals and Textures to High or less, 2xSSA or less. Try a 1080P resolution. If you only get around 20FPS you are likely not able to run at higher res. / settings.
  17. Hi. Try to use the X-Plane 11 Installer, assuming you are not using another version than the latest, and fix your installation, it is not likely that you can get the file from other users.
  18. Hi Iain. Too many variables to get a specific answer but what you described as recommended system will not work for you in XP11.30++ Minimum system 1 monitor 4K res., with 4xAA and everything else at Medium that will get you about 25-28FPS is CPU around I5-9 4.3-4.5 GHZ, 16GB of RAM around 1600+ and a 1070 with 1TB SSD, or Optane. You will likely see some posts that claim much better performance but typically they do not specify the settings.
  19. Hi CR and everyone. A word of caution here, if the Scenery is something other than an Airport chances are that you have to move / change the priority, otherwise it may not work / show up. Do you have a list / source for the Free GA singles complex like the C182-172RG? I basically gave up on those in the XP that is one of the reasons I mostly use MSFSX.
  20. Hi. If you can get 2080 at a reasonable price go with that. If Vulkan gets implemented you may not need it all but if the 1080 is not a good buy, just get the 2080. That system should run just about any sim pretty well, may still not be able to max everything out but should be close, not necessarily because of the system more of the software implementation in the XP. The most important thing for you when you assemble it is the cooling, make sure you get good heat transfer. I've seen some systems run in the 90C which too close for comfort. I try to keep everything below 70C under max load, not easy especially with the Video cards.
  21. Hi. I found out that you have to make sure that the version of 737 has to match the XP version, downloaded at the same time or they may not work. What version of XP11 you have, is it a PC, Mac...? Post specific steps / procedure. I don't really use the heavies much but last time I tried the FMC for about 20 seconds worked OK.
  22. Hi. Yes, it's easy to add Scenery, you place it in the Custom Scenery folder, run the app once and then go back and edit "scenery_packs.ini" and set the priory sequence, and Aircraft just add it to.. \Aircraft\Laminar Research or Extra. One thing to keep in mind XP is now going through a lot of changes and most of the older acft. that are not designed specifically for a particular / latest version may not work in the latest version. The Scenery will mostly work with the new updated versions. After you get used to it adding Scenery and acft in XP is an way simpler that in MSFS.
  23. Hi. LUA is a simple text based language that can be used to create small programs / Scripts easily. XP has Datarefs / Commands / Phrases that you / LUA can access and use to make up / modify many of the things that user does not like / wants to change in XP. It is a very useful thing to use / have. NO system, that I know of at this time, can run XP11 maxed out smoothly, but your system you describe should give you a performance that is acceptable. If the Vulkan materializes things will likely get better, assuming the artists there don't go on and add a lot more of the useless features like reflections, smoke, dirt on the glass, steam, water droplets.... On the other hand LM, or MSFSX will run on the system with no problem.
  24. Hi John and Arne. I do agree that there are some days where the XP11 represents the somewhat real looking fog / haze, but there are many days, even in places like CA where you can easily see over 70 SM away, and if you have a sim where you want to see this it should be available. I can come over the mountains from Big Bear and see Catalina, over 70 SM away, so well where I feel that I can reach over and touch it. That view should be available if if I want it. The reason for the hazy look in the XP is not to represent the real life view is to maximize the FPS due to the poor code / choices of video engine and other useless features that they decided to include. The artists in that team have taken over and gone overboard and the tech people that should fix the flight model / dynamics look like they are non existent. With the coming of Vulkan they may have the clear visibility required and maybe the FPS but there is NO chance that the flight models will ever improve.
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