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Everything posted by davidc2

  1. How much fuel do you have showing when you start it up on the runway? I would fly as normal and see what happens :) I also think (notice, "think") it might have to do with your realism settings. Mine are set to easy (yes, this is how I like to fly,. grrr :D ) so I never had to put fuel in my planes.
  2. I would hold off on that, if you can When I reinstalled it pulled my settings from the cloud (lost my flight plans, grr), but my camera views stayed. Just me 2 cents :)
  3. That's why I did not upgrade as well. Could not justify the expense just for a couple more planes. Wish MS would have an "upgrade" option. Sigh :)
  4. I use the mod shiftzstates (flightsim.to) to help show me how fast the sim rate is actually going.
  5. Yesterday morning I was unable to get on Flightsim.com AT ALL. Eventually the site did come back up (heck, I'm posting on it now, lol), so perhaps some of the features of the site were/are still down. I suspect they will get the entire site up and running :)
  6. That is correct. However, the reinstalling is what TAKES the longest!! For me, even at high speeds, it takes 10-12 hours to reinstall. That is why I don't like to reinstall.
  7. Sounds like a plan. As for your mods, if you are still getting CTD, I would suggest disabling them, and see if you still get a CTD. If you don't then add one back, fly and see what happens. When an update comes out, MODS will do some strange things until the developer of the mod "fixes/updates" it.
  8. I also second the use of littlenavmap, it is very useful in making your own flight plans. I often use it to fly by landmarks, POI's in a particular city, then I just import it straight into MSFS from the program itself, fire MSFS up, and my plan is there waiting for me, with all my "special" way points already there.
  9. Not sure if this has been asked/answered, but is your Community Folder emply? Mods at times can play havoc with MSFS If everything else checks out, then I would revert your CPR back to un-overclocked and see what happens
  10. There was an update (I think it was yesterday??), or perhaps Tuesday?? Anyways, log out of the MS Store account, reboot, then log back in and see if that corrects things
  11. Turning it down did indeed make a big difference!
  12. That indeed a quick update, lol My rendering scale is at 85%, I can always drop it. Will doing that improve the VR speed?
  13. I've done that already, on the PC side everything is set to low/off. I do notice some lag whenever I start up VR and have to recenter my view, I press the appropriate keys (CTRL-SHIFT), but the box does not go away. I have to exit out of VR, then go back in.
  14. Thx for the video showing the stars and moon, guessing I need to do some more tweaking. The stars are blobs of light. I have watched Flightsim Guy's videos (and a lot others as well). I did do a flight over London at night, started out rough at 5 FPS taking off from London City, going to Heathrow, but I am guessing once everything was loaded I was back in the mid 20's for FPS
  15. Hi Steve, I was able to post one of me flying in VR at night, over New York City. I also posted a shot of my settings. Going to watch your video next! Edit-very nice!!!! It does look a lot like my experiences. Question-what do the stars look like? Mine are not sharp at all, neither is the moon. Flying with the monitors only they are nice and sharp. Or am I expecting too much??
  16. No, I am not even sure how to zoom in while in VR, lol. I am doing good to just use it (so far).
  17. Hi Steve, I finally figured out how to do a screenshot, and as you can see, the image on the screen is great! However, through VR it is fuzzy as ever.
  18. I am not sure, however, one of the places you could check is over at https://flightsim.to/ They have a lot of MODS there.
  19. Hi Steve, I will attempt to take one. I am having to redo my settings, one of my (many it seems) faults, is that I like to tinker with the settings, trying to squeeze out all that I can. Well, this time I think I squeezed too much and so I had to reset my settings on the Open XR software. Once I get that going again (to almost my satisfaction) I will see what things looks like (pun intended)
  20. Got myself the HP Reverb and for the most part (thanks to a LOT of help from individuals on this forum), it has been a LOT of fun! However, if I fly from KJFK to KEWR (New Jersey), everything in VR is blurry, lot of stuttering. Is this to be expected from night time flying over a major city? I am thinking that is the case due to the sheer number of lights the sim has to process (street lamps, etc). Or am I missing something obvious? I do have the latest drivers, using the Open XR software, watched about a dozen You Tube video's on what people are using for their settings, made adjustments etc. If I switch to daytime flying over the same area, the difference is night and day (no pun intended, lol) Suggestions?
  21. The sim is blurry through the VR, not on the monitors. I do have the latest drivers, did a clean install as well. Took another flight (now that I can load it, lol) and it was basically the same, still not sharp. I usually fly in Drone view and while it was not bad, I could tell that it was not as sharp as it was on the monitors. Did get a bit light headed though while looking around, that was actually fun. Just need some tweaking. Been watching You Tube videos. I did have the IPD adjust correctly as another poster commented. Any other suggestions I will gladly accept :)
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