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Posts posted by davidc2

  1. Greetings all,


    Played every version of MS Fltsim from v1.0 all the way through to FSX. Built scenery etc. and was a total devotee until MS closed the Aces studio. Gave it up, sold the MS Force Feedback joystick and drew a line under Fltsims.


    Now it seems things have restarted with MS Fltsim 2020 and I am considering having another go since I now have a PC that will run it.


    Some questions:


    1. It looks wonderful - is it really that good?

    2. Need a joystick, are there any force feedback joysticks for FS 2020?

    3. How much do I actually need a FF joystick? The MS sidewinder was OK but not great and it needed a software wedge to make it work.

    4. If not a FF joystick what's a good alternative?


    Thanks for any advice,



    Welcome back! To answer your questions-


    1. It looks wonderful - is it really that good?-Visually it is stunning! I will say this, it is unlike any of the other flight sims you have tried. Many have stated (in various postings) In FSX (using it as an example), you could do this and that. Well, this is MSFS and unfortunately, you can't do everything you could in FSX (or others). That being said, the visuals are fantastic! I can fly over my house in Jacksonville and see my old red truck parked in the driveway. Granted that was 5-6 years ago, but being able to do that to me is cool!

    2. Need a joystick, are there any force feedback joysticks for FS 2020?-Not sure

    3. How much do I actually need a FF joystick? The MS sidewinder was OK but not great and it needed a software wedge to make it work.-No you don't. I use the Logitech Extreme 3d PRO, no extra software n

    4. If not a FF joystick what's a good alternative? Logitech Extreme 3d PRO works for me.

  2. Hi All


    Am I worrying unnecessarily and missing out big time by not installing 3rd party content, or is it inevitable that adding 3rd party content make the sim less stable / lead to more CTDs than before?


    All thought gratefully received! :-)






    Your question is a good one to ask. No, you should not be worrying unnecessarily, but a bit of caution might be called for.


    3rd party add on's add (no pun intended) a LOT of features to the sim! That being said, some may interreact with the sim and not play nice.


    Here is a site which a LOT of us use-https://flightsim.to/


    Once you explore the site, I recommend this be one of your first downloads-https://flightsim.to/file/1572/msfs-addons-linker


    This program will organize your add ons and allow you to turn on and off any that you add. It also allows you to place your add ons in ANY drive/directory of your choosing. I have my add ons on my D drive in a folder called MSFS add on That way, my Community folder does not get cluttered with the add ons.


    Will they cause the sim to crash? It could happen, but most likely it may cause some other weird things to happen. If you find that is the case, simply disable the add on via the Add on Linker :)


    When an update comes out, it is recommended that you turn off any 3rd party add on, there might be compatibility issues.


    As for reinstalling due to 3rd party add on's-I have not read about this happening and this has not been the case for me.


    And last-this is one of my favorite add on's-shiftzstats Yes, it brings back the shift-z command that I use to love in FSX, shows a bunch of information, is customizable and something I use on every flight.


  3. Tim,


    Hello - If you're still around could you please point me to a link so I can make a backup copy of my needed files of MSFS.It took me 2 full days to download the program.


    Right now I only keep backup files of my Community folder and WGS files folder for my bindings.


    Thanks in Aadvance - Mike


    C:\Users\[insert your name]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState


    This is your saved flight plans. Most everything else (if I am correct) is backed up online, so if you have to restore, your settings will come over.

  4. Been having a probloem with the sound and my HP Reverb VR. In short, no sound is coming through the headset!


    In WMR, When Mixed Reality Portal is running, switch to headset audio (it is on)


    No sound comes from any You Tube video, however, when I run the sim, the engine noises, etc, sounds come from my external speakers.


    Any help is greatly appreciated! (yes, in the past the sound did come through the headset)

  5. Well, I found out what was causing some of my major stutters-the 3rd party AC I was flying.


    The PA-28 Piper from Just Flight. Each and every time I would fly it, I would get (every 3 seconds), a .75 (what I call hard stutter).


    When I fly the stock AC (C172) I would still get the stutter, but it would be a

    "softer" one lasting only .25 seconds


    Still having problems which I am thinking is part of my CPU problem, but at least I know what AC to avoid (grr, one of my favorites) to get a better flying experience.

  6. Upgrade path not possible? I thought it was :confused:


    How about the steam gauges Cessna 152?

    It is very nice, specially with this add-on applied:





    There is an upgrade path, however, it is not your typical upgrade price, they are charging the full price, I can afford it, I am not doing it because of my principals


    Edit-thanks for the link, it is very close to what I am looking for!!! Having a blast flying it!!!

  7. What are some locations (towns, airports, landmarks, etc.) in the game that players tend to gravitate to? I know the busy airports are good hubs of activity but is there an airport or place stunt flyers have found to hang out practice and show off their skills? If not, what are some of the better airports to run into players?


    That is a very open question, one that does not have an easy answer.


    For a lot of us, we all have our special places that we go to-for me, it's Florida. However, I also love the big cities.


    Some love flying in open country (like the middle of France), others love mountains, or small out of the way airports.


    If you are looking for suggestions as to where you could fly, there is a thread in this forum called Where did you fly today (may not be exact, but similar). That is a good place to see where others have flown.

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