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Everything posted by JSMR

  1. Sad to say I've needed to get a new PC and only option was to get one with W10. Copied and pasted a FS9 version into it and its working. Issue is that even when I make changes to the FS9 CFG - by copying it onto the desktop, making changes - then putting it back into the App/roaming/etc etc folder, despite it saving, it doesnt change anything in the sim. So....what am I doing wrong? Apart from not installing W7..lol
  2. One of the best scenery releases of the year was Winnipeg by Gregory Putz. In any sim. Nearly 900 downloads. FS9 won't die even if you tried to kill it. Oh, and the autopilots work in all the default aircraft. :D :p
  3. Hey nice log of this flight. Be nice if you had some more screenshots though.
  4. Thanks for the link. And you're right, I don't understand. I come from a country that isn't cowardly to need that and values responsibility far above selfish 'rights'. :)
  5. Nicely done. But put up more pictures of the ladies in the Braniff uniforms. Sexy times.
  6. You’re VA. I can’t resign and ‘go away’ if I don’t know what it is.
  7. Say again? Who’s whacking what? :p
  8. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?324117-To-everyone-Please-Read! I er....didnt get any of these PM's of 'sexual nature'. I'm not good looking enough? Not worthy? Too old? "I'm with it. I'm hip. TukaTukaTukaTukaTuka...."
  9. I call going to FSX from FS9 'going back' after using FSX on and off for a decade. Horrible version that should never have been released. Too many awesome add-ons, pay and free (still being released) to move from FS9. I'm with the majority on this one. MSFS will need 3-5 years before a decision is made if its worth it.
  10. JSMR

    Member Ranks

    I was told to do it via PM and title it 'Brown Paper Bag Donation'. I was then told I can go from a noob to Top Water Pistol instantly. I actually would be happy to pay even more to have the title 'King Dick'. In recognition of one of the great Kings of not so modern times.
  11. JSMR

    Member Ranks

    One of the mods private messaged me and said I can move up the scale of rank to Top Water Pistol if I make a 'website donation' but I cant find the bank account details. Any help appreciated.
  12. You should've clicked the link. Some of the hottest scenery BGL's I've seen in a long time. :p
  13. Yep amazing! And agree. I've completely missed out on these wonderful panels/planes etc. Actually all of Fraser McKay's panels are incredible. Right now also enjoying the Vickers Viscount available here : https://cbfsim.co.uk/CBFS_HOME.php I love the interactive checklists. Impressive work.
  14. Obscure unless you're from 'Austraya' I guess. Would love to have this one but I dont think it was ever painted. Only the latter livery in the green and yellow was which I have. I much prefer the more retro land cool looking blue and orange livery. The Mike Stone F27 with the Fraser panel is simply amazing. Not sure why I never got this earlier. I've wasted years of my life missing out on an amazing freeware add-on.
  15. Got it. everybody can stop looking. :p Strange it didn't come up when searching F27 panel. Anyway, all good.
  16. Particularly the one in this vid : I've searched high and low and can't find it anywhere. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  17. I don't find that realistic at all. The opposite. We dont pan our heads in real life and watch the vision flash past with our eyes following along. A small head movement and a flash of the eyes and I'm looking 45-90 degrees sideways and never saw the inbetween from directly ahead. Feels more natural then for me so simple use a 'snap' view from a 2D panel. Just WAY too much movement for my liking. And the 'real' footage from the real aircraft still isn't the same as what our eyes see. That was a camera, not his eyes. I'll kindly pass on VR.
  18. YEah installing FS9 again seems to bring some woes. I did that and despite my previous FS9 being in a custom area, the new install still overwrote some aspects of it which is strange, As far as naming, I think you could name it anything you like. I have FS9 for one and Classic for the other location. You could call it SexybabeFS9 and I'm sure it would work.
  19. Whoa love it love it love it! I’ve been flying the CalCalssic connies and I can’t get enough. Is this the Just Flight Version??
  20. To me it looks dumb and nothing like real life. Nothing to hate other then it’s unrealistic view. But whatever you like I suppose. I like chilled tequila but some hate it.
  21. I didnt think x-plane was ever any good to begin with, but I guess there are some out there that use it I suppose. I would've though P3D was a better comparison. Heard around the traps 2020 is a gloried google earth app in the shape of aeroplanes but what would I know? *shrugs shoulders and drinks more beer*
  22. The scenery release of the year easily. What a magnificent job, Greg!
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