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Posts posted by JSMR

  1. 3 hours ago, jgf said:


    So, seeing so many recommendations, tried FSGRW.  In six weeks got nothing but messages it "could not connect" and that  "you need to check your internet connection".  So am left with REX, which I've had for years but rarely used other than for its cloud textures;  it is slow enough, inefficient enough, and bloated enough, to be a MS product.  And you must watch it like a hawk because it will overwrite, rather than swap, files.  So for now I mainly just d/l weather themes and select at the start of a flight.


    I miss having variable weather but otherwise still enjoying FS2004.

    I would've had that fixed by means of the support forum in less than a week considering the price I paid for it. 
    It works great. It's the best available currently that works with live weather In my opinion. 

    It does do the odd thing or two better than AS but since I cant currently compare, its a moot point I suppose. 

  2. 5 hours ago, leuen said:


    You hit the point with that statement. Only, and that's the shame: no one is interested in vintage flying and Golden Wings anymore. No matter how many advantages and countless possibilities FS9 can offer to keep this era fyling. Nobody uses it.


    I'd disagree, as you only have to look at how many people were/are engaged in the calclassic scenery and aircraft that show that many were/are interested in the vintage. Yes I know you're specifically talking the Golden Wings and early period, but that's only because numbers for FS2004/FSX/P3D have all dwindled as most have headed to the arcade game style MSFS google maps idea. So less interested all round. I've been slowly working on my GW bit by bit as I have some plans for it in the future. VA's specifically for this era etc. 

    I keep saying it, FS2004 cant be beat for using it during every era imaginable. WIth quality scenery and aircraft. Hence why I'm not interested in changing any time soon or in the future. 

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Skywatcher12 said:

    FSGRW works and Active Sky is still an option for some. I'll personally be using Active Sky for life. The single best and most critical add-on for FS2004 imo apart from FSUIPC.

    Agree. I do like FSGRW and it works pretty well, and I few complaints using it. But I do miss using Active Sky. It just did things….better. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, JSkorna said:

    Cool! Do you even realize that most of what I said there came directly from Roger's post? Nope, didn't think so.

    Which you misunderstood. As usual. 

    Anyway, FSX and P3D couldn't match what FS2004 had/has. MSFS can't match what FSX/P3D has. So I don't see how MSFS will match was FS2004 has. We'll see. 


  5. But anyway….moving on….and to get back on track….


    ….when it comes to covering may areas and periods, like the 1920’s-30’s, 40’s, 50’s-60’s, 80’s to current, with quality aircraft representing those periods, along with a lot of relevant landclass (calclassic comes to mind), nothing comes close to FS2004. 


    and that’s all needs to be said. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, JSkorna said:

    Because Roger thinks that default FS9 has more airports and airfields with buildings that are realistic replicas of real life than in any other flight sim. I would say he is mis-informed. 



    You really need reading comprehension classes,

    I knew what you said in another thread would come in handy.  🙂

  7. On 6/19/2023 at 7:55 AM, beroun said:

    Hi there,


    Still hooked on FS2004, got 1300 aircraft over 600 flyables with variety of panels - some own mods included. I like to jump from one aircraft to another, jets, props, vintage - as mentioed got hundreds. This does not seem to be available in the new FSs. Tried FSX but went back to FS2004 after some glitches with frame rates (perhaps did not give it enought time). Now eyeballing FS2020 and all of a sudden 2024 comes in.


    I am more nto flying than scenery and trully my FS2004 scenery with many add-ons suffice.  So I am now contemplating what to do? My initial reaction is that my decades long effort to profound FS9 would be wasted? On the other hand the progress is sometimes important and I could still keep FS9 in my pocket. Additionally a new rig would be required and the feeling of being a novice with lot to learn could be an issue. Maybe I am stuck in a comfort zone?:) 


    So just sharing some thoughts going through my head.








    Hopefully this one comes along : 


    • Like 1
  8. What? Mr Zippy has been deleting posts?!!! That’s crazy! 
    i just told my mum and she was like.,.seriously? Why is My Whippy deleting posts???

    I said, no…mrzippy. She said mrzippy is deleting mr whippy? 

    i said…forget it. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Ha, yeah know the feeling. So many developers wanting full price for a 10-20 year old product. Flight1 the main culprits. 

    Evidently FS2004 still makes money (don’t tell Jim.sshhhh :p)


    Haven’t seen a decent 310 though. Sorry. 



  10. Well, logged back in after a few years, saddened to see every server room empty. Hung around for while then found myself in the Fast and Furious server with 8 guys defending Bruay like the old days! 4 a team. Wow, most fun I've had for while. Maybe not to the amount of users like the old days, but still, better than just me lol. 

    Picked up where I left off - dropping 20lb bombs on Foucaucourt getting blasted by AA. As usual. 😄


    Good fun!

  11. 25 minutes ago, JSkorna said:

    Who and the heck said anything about right or wrong or whether to stick to P3D or not? You really need reading comprehension classes, then a business class or two because it's obvious that you don't know what you are talking about, for sure. You are WAY better off sticking to your tons of fun FS2004 and let developers make their own decisions.

    But the developers have already made their choice. They all left fsx and P3D to move to MSFS. 

    But you say….they didn’t? 
    Even though…..they did? 

    But you say they don’t stay with fs2004 since it’s a bad business decision?
    And you say they stay developing add-ons for fsx because it makes money? 

    But 98%+ developers all left p3d (no mention of fsx) to move to MSFS because they say p3d makes them no money. 

    But you say….


    you do know what you’re saying right? 


    *headscratch emoji 

  12. 10 hours ago, JSkorna said:

    Because they still make money from selling software for those platforms; the MAIN PURPOSE of ANY business.



    So all those developers (nearly all) who left P3D the last few years because of no sales to switch over to MSFS ….were wrong? 

    You’re saying all the major developers - despite saying it’s a terrible business decision to stay developing for P3D - are staying on P3D because it’s a better business decision? 

    Despite they all saying that moving over to MSFS because no one was buying for P3D? 

    But you say they stay with P3D because it’s a better business decision? 


    *headscratch emoji 


  13. 18 minutes ago, JSkorna said:

    But it's ok to complain when a company stops supporting a legacy program after umpteen years. People can have as much fun as they want, but the main purpose of a business is to MAKE MONEY, something a few people don't realize here. 

    So why do they still support FSX and P3D? 🤔



  14. 12 hours ago, JSkorna said:


    Well, they realized that much of the flight sim community had moved on from 20 years ago and new and updated programs needed to be developed for new and updated flight sims. Not everyone lives in the past.

    So they’re only making it available for MSFS?  The only new and updated ‘simulator’? (Many I know don’t regard it as a true flight simulator like many other sims, fs2004 etc.)


    If only all other former FS2004 developers would give their add-ons away for free. I’ve emailed many over the last year or so and none want to as they say they’re still making making money on FS2004 products. Go figure…

  15. 2 hours ago, 3Green said:

    I'm still using AS65 using metar and upper wind data from NOAA, so I'll be good until NOAA shuts down.


    I was a AS65 user many many years ago. I always thought it was the best WX program in FS2004. I miss it. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Baron Fritz said:


    "Unfortunately due to mandatory required network efficiency updates and cost management, older products prior to AS2016 have been retired and online access to these products have had to be disabled.


    Trying to figure out what that means. 


    Recent and current-generation products including AS16, ASCA, ASP4, ASP3D, ASXP and ASXP12 will continue with full network availability.

    These all do what exactly? These guys always had a zillion different wx/cloud programs for some reason. 



    "Unfortunately due to mandatory required network efficiency updates and cost management, older products prior to AS2016 have been retired and online access to these products have had to be disabled.

    Well no wonder with so many programs seemingly doing the same thing. 🤔

  17. Oh thanks. I did find a solution I think to the problem. I haven’t download that one you mentioned yet. 
    Changing the inlet area = from 4.40 to 1.40 seems to be the fix, 


    I timed from take off to FL370 at MTOW 28 mins which I think is fairly accurate from what I read. Cruise at Mach 0.80 also seems to have correct fuel flow. 


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