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Posts posted by JSMR

  1. On 9/10/2023 at 12:15 PM, defaid said:


    It's been a while since I used RC. I'm too happy to up the sim rate if I'm pressed for time, and RC doesn't like it.



    Yes the meatwater package improves it dramatically. I did a nice flight yesterday in my 727-100 flying for Retro United. ATC directed me nicely onto 28L. So much more interesting to use then default. I like it. 

  2. 5 hours ago, leuen said:



    It's funny: when once I asked here to share an unavaible model, there was a huge uproar over copyrights etc. Now a texture conversion that was previously considered illegal should no longer be taboo. Very strange. So let's see:


    ORBX, GLOBAL TEXTURE (Converted for FS2004) V.5.4 (mediafire.com)

    I contacted the ORBX guys when I first heard about it many years ago. They told me it had nothing to do with them. It wasn’t their product and even it it was, it wouldn’t work in FS9. 

    And that was enough for me to download it and use it. 



  3. Loving the ease use with this simulator. Loaded with every tweak and add-on known to man, it runs like a dream. 

    But here's something to look forward to




    Chris is a genius. The 747 classic he's developing is a work of art. Please send your support to him for this awesome add-on - free - that he's developing. 

    Years of joy to look forward to with FS2004. The old girl has some life yet! 






  4. 26 minutes ago, ScottishMike said:


    The degree of props required for us to have that “Suspension of Disbelief” and subsequent immersion varies from person to person.

    Lets all get back to playing the sim game we enjoy.


    Exactly. And why I'm happy to not change to anything else.  I enjoy it, it does everything I want, and thats good enough. 
    Use what you want. 😎


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, JSkorna said:

    Put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig.

    Sounds like FSX > onwards to 2020. 
    Hopefully 2024 has at least half the features FS2004 has...

    • Like 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, lnuss said:

    For some folks, it could actually be that they want to help folks having trouble, and they still remember lots of helpful things about previous (for them) sims. Perhaps some of them use multiple sims and want info if it becomes available. There may be other perfectly valid (for each individual) reasons, whether they makes sense to you or not.

    That’s not what he meant. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, Nels_Anderson said:

    I can't help but wonder why you guys feel the need to continually defend you choice of sims. If FS2004 works for you, that's great, but it's almost like you have an inferiority complex over your decision.

    Since it’s the most complete sim available, it’s more a superiority complex knowing there’s nothing better. 😏

    And when someone can compare FS9 with MSFS, you know Microsoft didn’t achieve that much with it. 


    Maybe it’s just that we jump in early before someone comes in to unconvincingly convince us it’s not. Hello Jim. 😘


    Anyway, there’s still much to enjoy with it. I’ve barely touched what’s possible with FS9. Rock on. 🤘🏽😎

    • Like 1
  8. Yeah sounds good. 
    Multi leg would work for most. 

    Maybe we could all nominate the aircraft being used before hand?
    Perhaps show the download link (if still available from a previous download) of it so there’s no funny business going on with cfg tweaks etc etc?

    Also a default weather chosen to make it fair and equal?


    • Like 1
  9. Sounds fun! Let me find a cool P-51. The hot rod of the skies. 😎
    Online / offline? 

    I want to to the UK to Australia race from the 20's or early 30's era as well. But lets start small.  😄

    Eventually....my plan is to fly the Oakland - Hawaii - Fiji - Brisbane route in the Southern Cross. If my wife will let me sit there for 30+ hours at a time. 🤔🤪

    • Like 1
  10. 20 hours ago, NikeHerk67 said:


    RADAR CONTACT is also another great add-on, which is much more realistic that the stock ATC that it comes with.






    Finally got it wto work. DLL issue. 

    Anyway, thoughts on finally trying RC4.3 for the first time. Only 1 flight for review. 
    Good and bad. 

    Thoughts : 


    Voices horribly robotic. Worse then default. Have just downloaded the meatwater packages so hopefully that improves the voices. 

    Cleared to lineup and wait on the runway. A jet was departing so RC directed me right into the path of a taking off jet. And a small aircraft was on a 1 mile final and had to go around when I eventually taxied onto the runway. Default atc wouldn't have allowed either of that. 
    So by directing you and AI, RC seemingly does a poor job. Strange. 


    TOD was given 40+ miles before it was needed. Although it did say when ready I believe. I didn't descend until I had to, and once good thing is ATC didn't give me constant messages to descend. 


    It gives height restrictions on climb, but also clears you WELL before you reach them unlike default which is always last minute.  I think I can put in restrictions which would be reasonably realistic but it would be nice to have it randomly stop you in climb for traffic etc before continuing. 

    Only 1 flight but I'll give it some more time and see if it improves somewhat. 


  11. 1 hour ago, JSkorna said:

    You really don't know how foolish you sound right now. Have fun hijacking posts while I go fly a real flightsim.

    That’s a quote a 13 yr old would say. Maybe stick to the kids forums, Jim. 

    Anyway, on with the show! 
    There’s SO much freeware available to enhance FS9. And while this isn’t technically about freeware, it’s always a good place to start. 





    Ground Textures

    Airport / Runway / Taxiway textures 


    Then add in the tons of awesome freeware aircraft and airports of all eras, and it doesn’t get any better then FS9. The last (and best) of the flight simulators by Microsoft. 


    Glory, Glory to FS9'ers

    Glory, Glory to FS9'ers

    Glory, Glory  to FS9'ers

    As FS9 goes marching ON ON ON!!!!!





    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, leuen said:

    There was a site with links to many sceneries covering the hole world :



    Obvisouly the author backed the wrong horse as a lot of those links where connected to the library of this site here. With the new FlightSim.com all these links became obsolete. If he had choose an other reliable site, this remarkable scenery search site would still work and still be very helpful. Unfortunately the author couldn't know that before. So many years of work have been nullified. It's a real shame!







    I know. Shame indeed. I can't believe there wasn't a simple solution to sites such as that one before the forum switch. Such a great site with now many bad links to here. The search function doesnt always find it either. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/24/2023 at 9:28 AM, HoratioWondersocks said:

    Hello Again

    I am afraid I am somewhat baffled as to what you are asking for.I



    i can’t remember either to be honest. While it works ok, perhaps it was extra options only available if you register it? Such as historic weather or flight planner etc. 


    i recall it was something like that and evidently I couldn’t access that unless purchasing version 3. 
    yes, none of that sense so I left it alone. 

  14. 7 hours ago, HoratioWondersocks said:

    Hello Hello


    I have checked the the site and Pro and lite versions are still available (Free )but no longer supported.

    But as I said before you MUST create an account before the Pro version becomes available for download.

    The Lite version is available and no need to create an account for that .

    You will find them in the ARCHIVE section.

    Cheers Again


    I had asked previously on the forum about registering the Pro version. 
    i was told by the developer I needed to buy 3.0 first and then I’ll get the key to the Pro version. 

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