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The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO


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14 hours ago, ViperPilot2 said:

Looks like it's a pretty even mix so far...


FS2002 - 1

FS2004 (FS9) - 4

FSX - 3


No one using XP or 2020 (Melo says he uses 2020 occasionally). I was just curious; if I recall correctly, we have Repaint and Scenery creation capability to some degree amongst us which came in very handy this last event.




Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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15 hours ago, taoftedal said:

I think they were all listed in the Spotters' Guide ... if I can find it ... 🙃

Here it is:



It can also be found at the top of the Official thread.  I posted a .zip to the Official thread yesterday with both the Guide and the Leaderboard in .xlsx and .ods formats, so if I can't make the next event for any reason, someone else can adapt them for the next race.

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Looks like I've got FSX back, sort of.....................


Someone suggested I deleted FSX.cfg from a totally obscure place on my laptop (WHY is it in such a silly place M$?) and try a restart, so I did and it worked! 👍


But while it says 'Acceleration' along the top of the FSX home screen it doesn't seem to actually have Acceleration installed as neither the F-18 nor P-51, nor any of the Accel missions are present. And while they're actually in the 'Airplanes' folder a lot of my add-on aircraft don't appear in the aircraft list on the Free Flight menu, very weird. 


I've tried to re-install Accel from my 2nd disc, but as soon as I hit 'Yes' from the 'Are you sure you want this to make changes to your hard disc?' question I get a small window flash into vision on the scree, which then vanishes. It's there for less than 0.5 second and no way can I read it! 😬


Not sure what to do next, but I've got SOME sort of progress anyway.



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2 hours ago, Bossspecops said:

(WHY is it in such a silly place M$?)


Because MS, in their sublime idiocy, have decided on an "all your eggs in one basket" concept of file management.  Instead of logically having all files for a program/game in that install folder let's put everything - mods, save games, ini files, cfg files, images, videos, etc. - in one folder on the C drive, thus cluttering the drive containing the OS with hundreds of gig of files that do not need to be there.  And where a truly nasty malware could ignore the OS and just delete My Documents to thoroughly ruin your day.


I make extensive use of symbolic links to keep all files in subfolders of the software that uses them. (After firing up my old Vista system to a message that the 80gig C drive was out of free space ...because a game had eaten over 40gig of that drive for save files.)

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Surprised no one has invoked the age old cry of the Tech Sector...


"It's the User's fault, not the Software's."


If any one Segment embraces the concept of "Planned Obsolescence" it's the Tech Sector, followed closely by... the Bicycle Industry. They design new stuff that makes the old stuff obsolete just because it's old, forcing you to buy their new stuff. "Legacy" Joysticks, anyone?


It may sound counter intuitive or even loony, but it's why I stick with older Hardware and FS9. Don't have to play Pike Place Compatibility games or be held hostage by MS' dysfunction, their seven degrees of distrustful Security badgering or any other Techie Illogic Bombs they seem to build into Software these days.

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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Fly with Eli


One of the unfortunate side-effects of doing the Daily Update radio show was that it was rather limited in what I could report regarding my own flights in Australia.  For one, it was radio, so there were no pictures.  For another, the whole point was to talk about other people's flying, not my own.  A lot of times, especially when there wasn't all that much else going on on the race course, I, and Claus and I, overindulged in the commentary regarding our own aerial exploits, I felt.


Now that the Great Australian Air Gaggle has reached its official conclusion, these stories can be told.  Let me start with yesterday's flight:


01 March, 2024.  Cairns - Guam



The party has wound down.  I still have Iron Maiden echoing in my ears - what a fantastic show it was!  No sets, no costumes, some really basic lighting, no central sound system, real guitars plugged into real amps.  We weren't a large crowd - the fliers, their support crews, Claus and the Piper folks, off-duty airport staff headbangers, and folks from the Royal Flying Doctor Service, who we invited to thank for their support over the last month and a half.  Tom PenDragon's request/invitation/polite dictate came at a great time for the band, as they're currently preparing both their Future Past Tour and Bruce Dickinson's "The Mandrake Project" - Bruce brought along his touring band as well.  It was really more like a rehearsal than a concert, given the small audience and limited space.


But it was still great,  as was the catering.  I don't know if our reputation preceded us, but they certainly brought enough food and drink for a party lasting a week or more.  The service was exceptional as well, as there were nearly as many servers as there were partygoers.


I was tired from getting the last Daily Update out and from flying eight hours that day.  I made it through the podium ceremony, just barely, and then slipped out and went to my room.  I didn't even bother getting undressed; I simply flopped on the bed and don't remember my head hitting the pillow.


This morning, I woke to quiet - I was quite surprised that the party wasn't still going on.  I showered, dressed, grabbed the rest of the cockpit munchies that I'd been accumulating over the past several weeks, and went out to pre-flight Sara.



Everything's fine as far as the plane is concerned.  Winds are light and variable; there are a few cottonball cumulus in the air.  The active is 15.  But I realize that this is the last time that I'm going to be in Australia for a while.  It was the first time that I've spent any time here.  I'm going to miss the place.  My melancholy mood seems to be affecting my perception of things - has the lush greenery of northern Queensland faded overnight?  Is it my imagination?  Is it because I unVOZ'd?



This is Cairns after all.  How was I going to leave without those cute little puffballs turning angry and suddenly dumping a whole lot of wet onto my nice clean aircraft?



Cairns on climb-out, including the marina where I rented Stormborn.  The rain stopped as soon as my wheels left the ground.



Coming around on YBCS again.  Rain's back.



I'm going to have to check my records to find out how many hours were on the plane when I arrived in Perth.  When I picked her up in Lock Haven, she had only 15.  The Hobbs on the tach read 243.26 when I preflighted her this morning.  That's a lot of flying!



Climbing out through the clouds.



Up to my cruising altitude of 22,000'.  I have her leaned to 56° LOP.  She's showing 142 on the ASI and 221 over ground.  The EIS is giving me a 3,000-mile range - almost enough to reach my second waypoint, Tokyo.  We'll see.



I miss the clouds, because now I can really see how alone I am.  "Oh Lord, the sea is so big and my plane is so small..."



It's been mile upon mile, and the fatigue of babysitting an aircraft who's perfectly capable of flying herself is taking its toll.  I just noticed that the DME's come alive for Guam.  And the clouds are back, just in time for descent.



Breaking out of the clouds for my first glimpse of Guam.



Of course it's hazy...



The shadows are getting long, but I've got the airport in sight.  Given the rather hefty hill in my flightpath, I'm glad I'm not arriving later in the day.



Coming in low and hot.  Sara seems to like this kind of approach.



Now to find my tie-down spot...



Uh, I don't think this is it.  A second after this picture was taken, all three guys pointed up the ramp.



They want me here, right by the Pan Am terminal.  I'm not going to argue.


The airline turned one of the old barracks building into a hotel, so I took a room there.  It was a bit more basic than I like.  The meal service was also basic, but well prepared and generously served.


At 1829 miles, the Cairns-Guam leg of my return flight was the longest that I've planned.  Just before I started setting up for my descent, the fuel computer was predicting that I could have made Tokyo with a couple of gallons still in the tanks.  With the sun setting and only Iwo Jima as an alternate, I figured that it wasn't worth the risk.

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Sometimes the addition of a Digital Fuel Flow gauge that gives Burn, Time Remaining and NM Estimate works wonders for the Psyche, and allows you to adjust MP/RPM/Throttle to stretch your Flight time. Lots of Airplanes in the Library have it; Steven Grant's Beaver has one style, and Brian Gladden's Tri Pacer has another.


For the Type/Style of Flights we're doing, it might be something to think about adding to your Gauge collection! 🙂

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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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40 minutes ago, TomPenDragon said:

At 1829 miles, the Cairns-Guam leg of my return flight was the longest that I've planned.


Nice descriptions and great pictures!  🙂


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9 minutes ago, ViperPilot2 said:

Sometimes the addition of a Digital Fuel Flow gauge that gives Burn, Time Remaining and NM Estimate works wonders for the Psyche, and allows you to adjust MP/RPM/Throttle to stretch your Flight time. Lots of Airplanes in the Library have it; Steven Grant's Beaver has one style, and Brian Gladden's Tri Pacer has another.


For the Type/Style of Flights we're doing, it might be something to think about adding to your Gauge collection! 🙂


The old RKG Fuelstat gauge is my favorite, comes in round, square, or rectangular versions, for piston or turbine engines.  Can be switched between Imperial or metric, has optional window to display IAS and GS.




Buttons select Fuel Flow, Fuel Remaining, Fuel Used, Time To Empty, or Range on Remaining Fuel.  Install on panel or as a popup.



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1 minute ago, jgf said:


The old RKG Fuelstat gauge is my favorite, comes in round, square, or rectangular versions, for piston or turbine engines.  Can be switched between Imperial or metric, has optional window to display IAS and GS.




Buttons select Fuel Flow, Fuel Remaining, Fuel Used, Time To Empty, or Range on Remaining Fuel.  Install on panel or as a popup.




I remember that one fondly too, and installed it on many of my aircraft. Not sure if it works in FSX though, but maybe there's an equivalent if not. 

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Been doing a little research (in Route 66 BuckT used 2020 and in the Bendix DDave used FS9) ... unless I'm missing something looking at the Spotters' Guide we had ...


FS9 - 8; FSX - 3; FS2002 - 1; P3D - 1



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1 hour ago, ViperPilot2 said:

If any one Segment embraces the concept of "Planned Obsolescence" it's the Tech Sector


Updating a computer is chasing your tail.  Permit me to be analogous-

You have a car you like, it looks good, handles well, is reasonably economical, and you like it;  but you think "if it only had another 50hp it would be a great little car".  And you hear that next year's model will have a more powerful engine, so you trade in the current car on a new one with more power.  And in a couple of months you notice the new car isn't any faster, doesn't accelerate any more quickly, doesn't brake better or handle any better ....but it gets worse fuel mileage;  it's still a nice car though, and you like it.  Another couple of years and you hear the new car model has a high tech turbo engine with 100hp more, so you run trade in your car for the new model .....and notice it isn't any faster, performs no better, and gets atrocious fuel mileage;  but it's still a nice car.  What has happened?   Every time they add a more powerful engine they add more weight to the car, so the performance never improves, just the mileage gets worse.


It is the same with computers.  Every time we get faster cpus, more and faster RAM, larger and faster storage - every blasted programmer out there thinks he must now update his software to take advantage of all this extra power.  Our computers get no faster in real world operations, they just use more power to accomplish the same tasks (1800W power supply anyone? ...that's the same as a large electric space heater, how long before a new gaming rig will come with a 220V plug like a stove).  The only way to get ahead is to stay a generation behind in software.

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1 hour ago, Bossspecops said:


I remember that one fondly too, and installed it on many of my aircraft. Not sure if it works in FSX though, but maybe there's an equivalent if not. 


The other Gauge I mentioned is very much like this one except for the Refuel/Center Tank option...


If anyone's good at 'rewriting' Gauge Code, it would be nice if someone could update this Gauge to FS9/FSX Specs; I really like the Refueling feature. It's good for ModMIL birds like Fighters and Bombers when you need In-flight Refueling capability... 😋

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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I'm back in the FS game, thanks to an brill idea from Melo, who suggested I copy the contents of the install DVDs to a spare HDD partition and work from them, I've now got FSX and Acceleration re-installed and it all works. I'm copying over my archived scenery and aircraft etc now, and i should be OK to fly tomorrow.


Got to get back to Sydney, collect 'Austral Rose' and start off on the long trek back to UK.

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1 hour ago, Bossspecops said:

I've now got FSX and Acceleration re-installed and it all works.


Glad you're back with us.

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Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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1 hour ago, Bossspecops said:



I'm back in the FS game, thanks to an brill idea from Melo, who suggested I copy the contents of the install DVDs to a spare HDD partition and work from them, I've now got FSX and Acceleration re-installed and it all works. I'm copying over my archived scenery and aircraft etc now, and i should be OK to fly tomorrow.


Got to get back to Sydney, collect 'Austral Rose' and start off on the long trek back to UK.


Set a Restore Point ASAP!

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Morning (mine) guys.
Bosss, you deserve another medal for all your pc hassles. We all breathed a sigh of relief to hear your victorious shout "Success"! (Same as my anguish mid-comp with 'Can't start Windows Vista ...' message appeared, when I had to rollback to a restore point (luckily the old PC had them set up), FS2002 doesn't display as well as it did, can't get fullscreen. Drat, could play with it to try and get back to 'the good ol' days', but that would go against my personality and philosophy of laziness!)
TPD, lovely flight story and pics Cairns to Guam, thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it over my morning brewed coffee and honey toast. btw, I know you were stretched and tired re getting to the party and reporting, but I fully expected Elias to be there with a live radio programme, and as for the band, there was nothing on this FBO site, no pic of their big jet, no pic of the band performing (or is that an episode still to come?), don't forget, you could always publish some pics of the party via the Chachapoya Chronicle, after all, you DO own that newspaper.
jgf, agree totally, and not one generation behind, multiple (says he, on FS2002, all that I need for now, and it runs nicely 'out of the box' on my neighbours throwaway laptop Celeron with Vista Home Edition), is applying the KISS principle, plus saves you $, time, and much anguish. Of course, we apply the other principle 'never give up, never surrender' [to the darstardly machine], we have the power, literally, just turn it off and go to the booze/pub for awhile!!!

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1 hour ago, MAD1 said:

Morning (mine) guys.
Bosss, you deserve another medal for all your pc hassles. We all breathed a sigh of relief to hear your victorious shout "Success"! (Same as my anguish mid-comp with 'Can't start Windows Vista ...' message appeared, when I had to rollback to a restore point (luckily the old PC had them set up), FS2002 doesn't display as well as it did, can't get fullscreen. Drat, could play with it to try and get back to 'the good ol' days', but that would go against my personality and philosophy of laziness!)
TPD, lovely flight story and pics Cairns to Guam, thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading it over my morning brewed coffee and honey toast. btw, I know you were stretched and tired re getting to the party and reporting, but I fully expected Elias to be there with a live radio programme, and as for the band, there was nothing on this FBO site, no pic of their big jet, no pic of the band performing (or is that an episode still to come?), don't forget, you could always publish some pics of the party via the Chachapoya Chronicle, after all, you DO own that newspaper.
jgf, agree totally, and not one generation behind, multiple (says he, on FS2002, all that I need for now, and it runs nicely 'out of the box' on my neighbours throwaway laptop Celeron with Vista Home Edition), is applying the KISS principle, plus saves you $, time, and much anguish. Of course, we apply the other principle 'never give up, never surrender' [to the darstardly machine], we have the power, literally, just turn it off and go to the booze/pub for awhile!!!


Ain't a thing wrong with 2002. Started taking Simming seriously using it, and learned the Alaska Bush Pilot life with it.


Only reason I switched to Nine was because of certain Airplanes I wanted in the Sim, all Payware. Some were exactly what I was looking for, and some were real dogs. The Payware part didn't bother me 'cause I got them all on Sale for dirt, dirt cheap. Unfortunately, they've disappeared from most Sellers and the ones that do sell them want full price for 'em.


Ummm... NO.


Stick with Eight, my friend; we'll help you any at we can.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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For you Aerostar fans...



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"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Thanks for all the congrats, it's very nice being able to fly again. I still can't get the Oz scenery to work as yet, but I only need it to get down to Sydney from Cairns, and I guess I could fly WAY off-shore. 🙂


I'll be doing that later today, and should head off homewards tomorrow. It's a LONG way................. 



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Hey Kit, Congratulations for getting your simworld working again.  Are you still going to complete the circumnavigation?  If you are, will you be island-hopping across the Pacific, or going Japan - Aleutians (the one I'm taking - a lot colder, but I've got 55 knots of wind dead astern)?

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