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Are there no new simmers on FlightSim.com anymore?


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As I've said, I've been simming since pre FS004 days, and I've gone through most, if not all of Microsoft's sims.

I've regarded FSX as the Vista, or dog of sims. FSX:SE (Steam) is actually far better. I really tried to get into FSX, but FS2004 still gave/gives a far better range of add-ons that I prefer.

Unlike FSX, FS2004 works on virtually any PC, & we used FS2004 at our VA on a standard Celeron PC, with 4GB RAM with an integrated GPU, in a simulator that we built on a trailer, using freeware South African scenery. We also used FS2004 on our PC's at our youth upliftment VA academy on about 20 PC's. It gave a very immersive feel to our simming.


So, whhat sim is better? The simple answer is the one that gives you the most fun. Immersion, for me, gives me more pleasure than realism. The late Garry Smith (of The Ford Tri-Motor Project) always told us that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction.

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The late Garry Smith (of The Ford Tri-Motor Project) always told us that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction.


Great point.  I've been simming since my shrink put me onto it decades ago.  It was a great help dealing with the PTSD I suffered knowing I'd never be able to be a RW PIC again.  I've built several computers just for simming and I'm using three screens plus all the hardware to make a cockpit of my desk.  

The grandson, aged ten, of a lost friend of old is my newest 2nd pilot.  He's already damned good!  But then his dad who also simmed with me is a really good SCCA club racer now, so I'm not surprised.


P3D with lots of ORBX scenery is my all time favorite flight sim,  But I've tried them all. I really enjoyed recently flying the route of the Australian Rally.  Thatt put me back into the mode of flying almost every day.  Even if only for a few minutes. 

Thanks to Flightsim.com for all these wonderful years of support for us who sim!!

I don't plan to quit doing it until I have no choice.









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Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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On 2/12/2024 at 6:44 AM, Lazerson said:

 Forums like this and sim outhouse are unfortunately dated, although some more computer oriented people I know think of forums as the best way to get questions answered.


Forums most definitely are the best format for technical discussion of any depth as oppossed to simple "what key do I press to do whatever" type questions beloved of those who grew up expecting a quick answer with even the effort of googling for themselves being too much.

But even Discord has implemented a form of threads into its app as it was realised that modern social media formats are crap at what forums do best.



I think that you are right to say that this age related change in demographic of simmers/gamers has led to a ever shrinking cadre of Forum users so activity diminishes.

 AVSIM seems to be thriving still and I have thoughts on why that are probably best left.


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10 hours ago, Lonesome Cowboy Burt said:


Forums most definitely are the best format for technical discussion of any depth as oppossed to simple "what key do I press to do whatever" type questions beloved of those who grew up expecting a quick answer with even the effort of googling for themselves being too much.

But even Discord has implemented a form of threads into its app as it was realised that modern social media formats are crap at what forums do best.



I think that you are right to say that this age related change in demographic of simmers/gamers has led to a ever shrinking cadre of Forum users so activity diminishes.

 AVSIM seems to be thriving still and I have thoughts on why that are probably best left.


I've thought about being more active on Avsim. I agree that discord, especially after recent updates that make searching for specific information harder, is a horrible way to do support and technical discussions. It's unfortunate that so many people are trying to use it for that purpose, especially actual official game devs.

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I've used Nine for over a Decade, and never considered upgrading to anything else. It does what I want it to do, when I want to Sim. Having a good used Computer store close by is also a plus, since I lean towards older Laptops with W7 installed.

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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15 minutes ago, ViperPilot2 said:

I've used Nine for over a Decade, and never considered upgrading to anything else. It does what I want it to do, when I want to Sim. Having a good used Computer store close by is also a plus, since I lean towards older Laptops with W7 installed.

Good for you!  If it ain't broke you don't need to change it!  It's a lot like various tastes in cuisine,  We all have our own little kinks and favorites. 


For example I'm into simming using three view screens along with a joystick, yoke, throttle console, rudders etc. so I'm certainly not operating a portable set-up.  And I have to build my own

computers to get the features I want,  But that all works well for me.    

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Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Looks like Simouthouse is going to go through the same experience that went on here with the software change!  They are getting rid of vBulletin, which is the same
as was used here before!  Everybody hold on to your butts! ( )o( ) 🙄

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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27 minutes ago, mrzippy said:

Everybody hold on to your butts!

'Gonna be a looong and bumpy flight.


  • Haha 1

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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3 hours ago, mrzippy said:

Looks like Simouthouse is going to go through the same experience that went on here with the software change!  They are getting rid of vBulletin, which is the same
as was used here before!  Everybody hold on to your butts! ( )o( ) 🙄


Better peruse their Library and get everything you're looking for before the Changeover. Hard to say what'll get lost in the Shuffle...

  • Sad 1

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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