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Just wanted to add my two cents!


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So far, I feel somewhat pleased with the way the new site's software has turned out! HOWEVER, I really think the download section (replacing the library??) has turned out to be "the PITS!"


When I used to look for a new aircraft to download, the entries required were quite simple.....


FS2004? FSX?

Complete aircraft, textures, panels, utilities

Civilian, military?

Props, jets

include such words for search

exclude any of the following words

and the list goes on to give me a narrowed search area of what I am looking for!


Now, I see a search starting out with A's such as Airbus and it continues on.................................................................

no key word choice, no exclusionary words, just begin your search here


Maybe I just missed something along the way?? The site has been down long enough, that I had to search for aircraft elsewhere. The site I used was not as

simple and straightforward as our old library's search window, BUT, a whole lot better than the new systems aircraft offering listings!!




Rick 😎

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For the record due to inflation, future use of one's "two cents" now costs a quarter.


Just sayin'.


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"Don't believe everything you see on the internet." - Abe Lincoln HP Pavilion Desktop i5-8400@2.8ghz, 16gb RAM, 1TB M.2 SSD, GTX1650 4GB, 300 MBPS internet, 31.5" curved monitor, Logitech yoke-throttle, Flt Vel trim wheel, TFRP rudder pedals, G/M IR headset, Extreme 3D Pro joystick, Wheel Stand Pro S Dlx

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NEW format is complete and utter nonsense!!!


Old system would identify, Base model , AI etc.

Furthermore there are no links (in the texts) to the base models for the texture files; like before, or links to updates.

The pictures which accompanied the files and could be reviewed are now also of low quality or non existent.


Just like anything these days change is NOT necessarily for the BETTER,,,,, but just for the sake of CHANGE!!!!!


I have to agree with Jorgen. s. andersen.....

The file search system on the "old" site here was what set it out from AVSIM. So much superior.


100% AGREE!!!!!!!!!

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7 hours ago, shn-plane said:

100% agree......just confusing these days for finding the base pack and.... this new site design is just a mess....simply I cannot use it....


How much time have you really spent here looking thing over?

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I don't know if you guys know, but the file library software on the old site was custom written by my partner Rick. We designed it based on what features made Google the #1 search engine, and then tweaked things specifically for the needs of flightsim files. No one else had anything like it.


The thing is, it was specifically written to work with vBulletin, the now badly obsolete software the rest of the old site ran on. I don't think you realize how complex this all is, as vBulletin had to work with other things like MySQL (the database software), Apache (the web server software), etc. The problem was, vBulletin was no longer being upgraded, while the other software was. If you remember running old version of Windows on your PC how at some point you were pretty much forced to upgrade to a new version as software stopped working or stopped being supported. That's what we were running into so all the "If it works don't change it" guys really just don't understand the complexity of what we were dealing with.


I'm not really familiar with the new software any more than you are, but it will take some time to enhance it to be more flightsim specific. Please be patient and give the new owners some time to work on this.

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54 minutes ago, Nels_Anderson said:

I don't think you realize how complex this all is

That's why I'm a user, not a programmer. It's all magic to me. I'm glad there are those like you who bring the web to life for all of us. A hearty thank you to the whole team. I look forward to this site growing and being the premier site for the sim flying community.

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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1 hour ago, Nels_Anderson said:

I don't know if you guys know, but the file library software on the old site was custom written by my partner Rick. We designed it based on what features made Google the #1 search engine, and then tweaked things specifically for the needs of flightsim files. No one else had anything like it.


The thing is, it was specifically written to work with vBulletin, the now badly obsolete software the rest of the old site ran on. I don't think you realize how complex this all is, as vBulletin had to work with other things like MySQL (the database software), Apache (the web server software), etc. The problem was, vBulletin was no longer being upgraded, while the other software was. If you remember running old version of Windows on your PC how at some point you were pretty much forced to upgrade to a new version as software stopped working or stopped being supported. That's what we were running into so all the "If it works don't change it" guys really just don't understand the complexity of what we were dealing with.


I'm not really familiar with the new software any more than you are, but it will take some time to enhance it to be more flightsim specific. Please be patient and give the new owners some time to work on this.


Initially it was quite a shock. But was evident from the start the will to do good. I am still here and well; I'm getting more familiar with it by the day.. 🙂

But I do miss the old file library which had wonderful search capabilities! Sometimes I'd even keep some records of it ... 


Joao Paz

Alaskan Winds, L'Air Azur

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2 hours ago, Nels_Anderson said:



I'm not really familiar with the new software any more than you are, but it will take some time to enhance it to be more flightsim specific. Please be patient and give the new owners some time to work on this.

That's why I have a "wait and see" attitude.  But will continue to voice opinions (and we know what opinions are like) about the new site;  if we don't, you've no feedback. 


And as Thomas Wolfe wrote, "You can't go home again".  We will never have the old site again, but I hope you can to a degree recreate it.  It was home for many years.

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32 minutes ago, kc13 said:

Agree with most comments here. New system SUCKS. It is soooo bad, you couldn't make it worse. Gold Medal for terrible.

Another useless post unless you include what you would suggest to make it better.

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1 hour ago, JSkorna said:

Another useless post unless you include what you would suggest to make it better.

Well, Jim,  If anyone else has noticed, it's a bunch of funugy's  (Pronounced foo-new-gee's) making all of the complaints about the site.  Most are in the 1-2 posts domain!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Unfortunately some folks are on a hair trigger to complain about anything they can find, and fail to recognize that instant satisfaction is rarely a real world happening. They also probably haven't noticed (or perhaps don't care) that there have been tremendous improvements, including responding to a lot of the feedback by incorporating that feedback quickly into the new system, when it's not too time consuming. I have to conclude that most of the other stuff will show up sooner or later but, as Nels so accurately states above, this stuff is complex beyond what most folks would believe, so it seems to me that the folks running this site are, in effect, saying, "The difficult we'll do immediately, but the impossible will take a little longer," to borrow a phrase.😎👨‍✈️


  • Thanks 1


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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3 hours ago, lnuss said:

"The difficult we'll do immediately, but the impossible will take a little longer,"

Amen Larry!

Always Aviate, then Navigate, then Communicate. And never be low on Fuel, Altitude, Airspeed, or Ideas.

phrog x 2.jpg

Laptop, Intel Core i7 CPU 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz, 8GB RAM, 64-bit, NVIDIA GeoForce MX 130, Extra large coffee-black.

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5 hours ago, JSkorna said:

Another useless post unless you include what you would suggest to make it better.


The key point here is.. that guy/troll has only 2 posts in this forum!


So, request for admins:

Kick out trolls as soon as spotted 😉

Joao Paz

Alaskan Winds, L'Air Azur

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10 minutes ago, joaopaz said:

The key point here is.. that guy/troll has only 2 posts in this forum!


So, request for admins:

Kick out trolls as soon as spotted 😉

Yes, but even this is not as simple as you might think...


I believe you can see it too, if you hover over a poster's image it tells you some of their information and stats. Some people may not use the forums much, or may read more than they post. Someone with a join date 10+ years ago is not a troll who just popped in to cause trouble despite having only 2 posts.

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37 minutes ago, Nels_Anderson said:


I believe you can see it too, if you hover over a poster's image it tells you some of their information and stats. Some people may not use the forums much, or may read more than they post. Someone with a join date 10+ years ago is not a troll who just popped in to cause trouble despite having only 2 posts.

More of a "Lurker"  a person who lurks, in particular a user of an internet message board or chat room who does not participate.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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1 hour ago, Nels_Anderson said:

Yes, but even this is not as simple as you might think...


I believe you can see it too, if you hover over a poster's image it tells you some of their information and stats. Some people may not use the forums much, or may read more than they post. Someone with a join date 10+ years ago is not a troll who just popped in to cause trouble despite having only 2 posts.

Yes, I see it now...  I'm sure it isn't easy. 

So I'll take this moment to issue a big thanks to you for all these years of "public service", Nels 🙂



Joao Paz

Alaskan Winds, L'Air Azur

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I don't think anybody on here who has made comments to the negative are "lurkers" or people who just want to complain..................... The new developers have asked for comments/suggestions and that's what is being thrown their way! We are end users, we have been spoiled over the years with the "old system" and to tell the truth, that we were, SPOILED, otherwise we would be partaking

another site to get what we are used to! When I get the itch for something new and exciting, I want to reach out and to have a system help me find that "new and exciting!"  I don't want frustrations or the whim to go elsewhere to find it! Developers and Nels, we are patient and most have an open mind for the new system! If it's comments or suggestions you want, you will get them and don't think it's out of fits of anger or resistance! I like what I see for the most part, and I look forward to seeing the final product! We know what we like to remain here, and we will ask for what we see missing! To incorporate our wants, it might be "easier said than done," but that's us being "creatures of habit!"  We just don't want to hear, "You don't like it? What don't you like about it? You should have said something during the change, we might have been able to give you what you want or what you see is missing!


I applaud all that have made comments! Like our parents have taught us for so many years, "its not what you say, but, how you say it!" and that might be what's happening between the users and developers? Good job developers, please don't be thin skinned! You asked for comments and/or suggestions and you will get them!


Rick (Downwind)😎    //still content flying MY existing library, but, that can change at a "moments' notice!🙄

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